
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)

Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Science

Status : Employed

School/Department : 地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室

Discipline : Geochemistry chemistry

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Current position: 英文主页 >> Teaching Research

Personal Profile




长期从事非传统稳定同位素分析新技术以及新方法的研究,并利用非传统稳定同位素对显生宙古海洋的性质进行了探讨,同时涉及成矿过程及表生过程中同位素分馏机理的研究。迄今为止,已发表SCI论文84篇,SCI他引3800余次,其中包括Nature GeoscienceNature CommunicationsPNAS, GeologyEarth and Planetary Science lettersGeochimica et Cosmochemica ActaEarth Science Review等重要期刊。主持多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、973项目子课题以及国家重点研发计划子课题的研究工作。



1.       非传统稳定同位素(MoCuZnCaGa等)分析方法研究;

2.       成矿及表生过程中非传统稳定同位素分馏机理研究;

3.       显生宙重大绝灭期古海洋性质及演化研究;





1.       Lian Zhou, GAO Shan, CHRIS Hawkesworth, COREY Archer, XIE ShuCheng. Preliminary Mo isotope data of Phanerozoic clastic sediments from the northern margin of the Yangtze block and its implication for paleoenvironmental conditions, Chinese Science Bulletin. 2008. 53(21): 2630-2638

2.       Lian Zhou, SU Jie, HUANG JunHua, YAN Jiaxing, XIE XiNong, GAO Shan, DAI MengNing Tonger. A new paleoenvironmental index for anoxic events—Mo isotopes in black shales from Upper Yangtze marine sediments, SCIENCE CHINA (D), 2011, 54:1024-1033

3.       Lian Zhou, Paul B. Wignall, Jie Su, Qinglai Feng, Shucheng Xie, Laishi Zhao, Junhua Huang. U/Mo ratios and δ98/95Mo as local and global redox proxies during mass extinction events, Chemical Geology, 2012, 324–325: 99–107

4.       Lian Zhou, Thomas J. Algeo, Jun Shen, ZhiFang Hu, Hongmei Gong, Shucheng Xie, JunHua Huang, Shan Gao. Changes in marine productivity and redox conditions during the Late Ordovician Hirnantian glaciationOrdovician Hirnantian glaciation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015. 420 223–234.

5.       Lian Zhou, Thomas J. Algeo, Lanping Feng, Rixiang Zhu, Yongxin Pan, Shan Gao, Laishi Zhao, YuanbaoWu. Relationship of pyroclastic volcanism and lake-water acidification to Jehol Biota mass mortality events (Early Cretaceous, northeastern China). Chemical Geology. 2016, 428: 59-76.

6.       Wang, Q., Zhou, L*., Algeo, T. J., Soltanian, M. R., Liu, J. H., Feng, L. P., Liu, J. C., Peng, S. H. The geochemical behavior of molybdenum in the modern Yangtze Estuary and East China Sea shelf. Journal of Hydrology, 2021. 595: 125997.

7.       Liu, J. H., Lian Zhou*, Wang Q., Feng L. P., Shen, J., Herrmann, A. D., Algeo, T. J.. Copper isotope evidence of particulate shuttle dynamics in the Late Pennsylvanian North American Midcontinent Sea, with implications for glacio-eustatic magnitude. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2021. 297: 1-23.

8.       Wang, Q., Zhou, L*., Feng, L. P., Liu, J. C., Liu, J. H., Algeo, T. J., Yang, L., Use of a Cu-selective resin for Cu preconcentration from seawater prior to its isotopic analysis by MC-ICP-MS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 2020, 35, 2732-2739.

9.       Qian Wang, Lian Zhou*, Susan H. Little, Jin-hua Liu, Lan-ping Feng, Shuoyun TongThe geochemical behavior of Cu and its isotopes in the Yangtze RiverScience of the Total Environment. 2020, 728, 38428.

10.    Liu, J. H., Zhou, L*., Algeo, T. J., Wang, X. C., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Chen, M. L. Molybdenum isotopic behavior during intense weathering of basalt on Hainan Island, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2020. 287, 180-204.

11.    Lan-ping Feng, Lian Zhou*, Wen-feng Hu, Wen Zhang, Bai-chan Li, Yong-sheng Liu, Zhao-chu Hu and Lu Yang. A simple single-stage extraction method for Mo separation from geological samples for isotopic analysis by MC-ICP-MS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 2020, 35, 145.

12.    Lan-ping Feng, Wen-feng Hu, Yu Jiao, Lian Zhou*, Wen Zhang, Zhao-chu Hu and Yongsheng Liu. High-precision stable zirconium isotope ratio measurements by double spike thermal ionization mass spectrometry. J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 2020, 35, 736

13.    Lan-ping Feng, Lian Zhou*, Jinhua Liu, Zhao-chu Hu and Yong-sheng Liu. Determination of Gallium Isotopic Compositions in Reference Materials, 2019, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 2019.43(4):701-714

14.    QingHua Hou, Lian Zhou*, Shan Gao, Ting Zhang, Lanping Feng and Lu Yang. Use of Ga for mass bias correction for the accurate determination of copper isotope ratio in SRM 3114 Cu standard and geological samples by MC-ICPMS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 2016. 31:280-287

15.    Yong Wang, Lian Zhou*, Shan Gao, Jian-Wei Li, Zhi-Fang Hu, Lu Yang, Zhao-Chu Hu. Variation of molybdenum isotopes in molybdenite from porphyry and vein Mo deposits in the Gangdese metallogenic belt, Tibetan Plateau and its implications. Mineralium Deposita, 2016. 51:201–210

16.    Zhang, Ting, Lian Zhou*, Yang Lu, Wang Qiang, Feng Lanping, Liu Yongsheng.. High precision measurements of gallium isotopic compositions in geological materials by MC-ICP-MSJ. Anal. At. Spectrom.. 2016. 31(8): 1673-1679

17.    Lanping Feng, Lian Zhou*, Lu Yang, Wen Zhang, Qian Wang, Tong Shuoyuna and Zhaochu Hu. A rapid and simple single-stage method for Ca separation from geological and biological samples for isotopic analysis by MC-ICP-MS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2018. DOI: 10.1039/c7ja00370f

18.    Lan-ping Feng, Lian Zhou*, Lu Yang, Donald J. Depaolo, Suo-Yun Tong, Thomas L. Owens, Shan Gao. Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Sixteen USGS Reference Materials. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 2017. 41(1): 93-106.

19.    Lanping Feng, Lian Zhou*, Shan Gao, Suoyun Tong, Zhaochu Hu and Lu Yang. Optimization of double spike technique using peak jump collection by Monte Carlo method: an example for the determination of Ca isotope ratios.  J. Anal. At. Spectrom.. 2015. 30 (12): 2403-2411.




Email: zhcug@163.com