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Q. X. Meng, X. Z. Lai, Z. Yan, C. Y. Su, M. Wu. Motion planning and adaptive neural tracking control of an uncertain two-link rigid-flexible manipulator with vibration amplitude constraint. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022, 33 (8): 3814-3828.
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Pre One : Q. X. Meng, X. Z. Lai, Z. Yan, M. Wu. Tip position control and vibration suppression of a planar two-link rigid-flexible underactuated manipulator. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52 (7): 6771-6783.
Next One : D. H. Lv, W. H. Cao, W. K. Hu, C. Gan, M. Wu. Denoising of piecewise constant signal based on total variation. Neural Computing & Applications, 2022, 34 (19): 16341-16349.