Doctoral Supervisor
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Y. Zhou, X. Chen, M. Wu, W. H. Cao. Modeling and coordinated optimization method featuring coupling relationship among subsystems for improving safety and efficiency of drilling process. Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 99: 106899.
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Pre One : Y. Zhou, X. Chen, H. B. Zhao, M. Wu, W. H. Cao, Y. C. Zhang, H. B. Liu. A novel rate of penetration prediction model with identified condition for the complex geological drilling process. Journal of Process Control, 2021, 100: 30-40.
Next One : Y. Zhou, X. Chen, E. F. Fukushima, M. Wu, W. H. Cao, T. Terano. An online hybrid prediction model for mud pit volume in the complex geological drilling process. Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 111: 104793.