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X. C. Shangguan, Y. He, C. K. Zhang, L. Jin, L. Jiang, M. Wu, J. W. Spencer. Switching system-based load frequency control for multi-area power system resilient to denial-of-service attacks. Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 107: 104678.
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Pre One : X. C. Shangguan, C. K. Zhang, Y. He, L. Jin, L. Jiang, J. W. Spencer, M. Wu. Robust load frequency control for power system considering transmission delay and sampling period. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17 (8): 5292-5303.
Next One : Q. X. Meng, X. Z. Lai, Z. Yan, Y. W. Wang, M. Wu. Position control with zero residual vibration for two degrees-of-freedom flexible systems based on motion trajectory optimization. Information Sciences, 2021, 575: 698-713.