Wen Guang

Associate professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Date of Birth : 1989-11-02

Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)

Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions

Status : Employed

School/Department : 资源学院

Date of Employment : 2017-10-31

Discipline : mineral resource prospecting and exploration Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology

Business Address : 主楼719

Contact Information : 电子邮箱:guangwen@cug.edu.cn

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以第一作者或通讯作者在《Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta》、《Mineralium Deposita》、《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》、《American Minerologist》等SCI刊物发表10余篇论文。

担任《地球科学》和《Jounal of Earth Science》期刊青年编委,为《Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta》、《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》、《American Minerologist》、《Ore Geology Reviews》、《Journal of Earth Science》、《岩石学报》等国内外期刊审稿人。













国家级项目:科技部973项目课题“矽卡岩型富铁矿成矿机制及控制因素”, 参与人










Wen Guang,Li Jianwei,Albert H. Hofstra,Daniel E. Harlov,Xin-Fu Zhao,Heather A. Lowers, Alan E. Koenig,2024, Trace element fractionation in magnetite as a function of Fe depletion from ore fluids at the Baijian Fe-(Co) skarn deposit, eastern China: Implications for Co mineralization in Fe skarns. American Mineroligist , 109 (10): 1657–1669 (T1).

Wen Guang,Qiu Jun,Albert H. Hofstra,Daniel E. Harlov,Ren Zhe, Li Jianwei,2024, Revealing the role of crystal chemistry in REE fractionation in skarn garnets: Insights from lattice-strain theory.  Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179:18 (T1).

Wen Guang,Deng Xiaodong, Zhou Runjie, Duan Zhuang, Cui Bingzhi,  Li Jianwei,2024, Geology, geochronology and stable isotope studies at the Baijian Fe-(Co) skarn deposit, eastern China, with implications for ore genesis and regional Fe skarn metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews 166, 105935 (T2). 

Wen Guang,Li Jianwei,Albert H. Hofstra,Alan E. Koenig,Cui Bingzhi, 2020, Textures and compositions of clinopyroxene in an Fe skarn with implications for ore-fluid evolution and mineral-fluid REE partitioning. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 290, 104-123 (T1, Nature Index).

Wen Guang,Zhou Runjie,Li Jianwei, Chang Jia, Hu Hao, Yan Dairong, Wei Ketao, Jin Shanggang, 2020,  Skarn metallogeny through zircon record: An example from the Daye Cu-Au-Fe-Mo district, eastern China. Lithos 378-379, 105807(T2).

Wen GuangLi JianweiAlbert H. HofstraAlan E. KoenigHeather A. LowersDavid Adams, 2017, Hydrothermal reequilibration of igneous magnetite in altered granitic plutons and its implications for magnetite classification schemes: Insights from the Handan-Xingtai iron district, North China Craton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 213, 255-270 (T1, Nature Index).

Wen GuangBi ShijianLi Jianwei, 2017, Role of evaporitic sulfates in iron skarn mineralization: a fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope study from the Xishimen deposit, Handan-Xingtai district, North China Craton. Mineralium Deposita 52, 495-514 (T2).

Zhou Bao, Wen Guang (通讯作者), Zhou Run-Jie et al., 2025, Whole rock and zircon geochemistry of the Tieshan pluton in Daye region,  Eastern China: Implication for petrogenesis and  Fe-Cu-Au-(Co) mineralization. Journal of Geochemical Exploration (T2).

Qiu Jun, Zhou Run-Jie, Shang Shi-Chao, Wang Jia-Ning, Wen Guang (通讯作者), 2024, Garnet U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the Lazhushan Fe skarn deposit, Edong District, eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 167, 106000 (T2). 

Zhou Runjie, Wen Guang (通讯作者), Li jian-Wei et al., 2022,  Apatite chemistry as a petrogenetic–metallogenic indicator for skarnore‑related granitoids: an example from the Daye Fe–Cu–(Au–Mo–W) district, Eastern China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177: 23 (T1).

Zhou Run‑Jie, Wen Guang(通讯作者), Li Jian‑Wei, et al., 2022, Petrogenesis and metal fertility of Yinzu pluton in the Daye district, easternChina: Insights from whole-rock and mineral (zircon, apatite andamphibolite) geochemistry. Lithos, 432-433 106898 (T2).