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8. Leimin Wang,Yi Shen,Quan Yin,Guodong Zhang. Adaptive synchronization of memristor-based neural networks with time-varying delays,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 26,no. 9,pp. 2033-2042,Sep. 2015. ESI高被引论文
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Pre One : 7. Leimin Wang,Yi Shen,Zhixia Ding. Finite time stabilization of delayed neural networks,Neural Networks,vol. 70,pp. 74-80,Oct. 2015.
Next One : 10. Leimin Wang,Yi Shen. Design of controller on synchronization of memristor-based neural networks with time-varying delays,Neurocomputing,vol. 147,pp. 372-379,Jan. 2015. ESI高被引论文