长期担任GPS Solutions、SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences、Advances in Space Research、Remote Sensing、IEEE Access、Journal of Spatial Science、Sensors、Earth Science Informatics、武汉大学学报·信息科学版、全球定位系统等国内外多个知名学术期刊审稿人。
I 教学情况
I 主持的教学研究项目
I 主持的科研项目
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2023113005,30万,主持
2. 智慧地球重点实验室开放基金课题,20241110208,10万,主持
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目新青年基金,CUGL170821,6万,主持
4. 武汉大学地球空间环境与大地测量教育部重点实验室开放研究基金,18-01-06,3.3万,主持
5. ***验证工具, 20191111201,70万,主持
6. ********参数监测仿真评估,20201110212,15万,主持
7. ****质量分析评估子系统,20201110213,20万,主持
8. **卫星导航**,20201110258,20万,主持
9. **北斗动态****,20211110252,29.5万,主持
10. ****软件能力升级研发, 202311102990,20万,主持
11. **建筑高度**,20221100224,14万,主持
12. ,20241100297,,主持
I 获奖情况
1. 卫星导航定位教学成果特等奖:“使命引领、科教协同、师生共创”的北斗卫星导航创新人才培养模式与实践,中国卫星导航定位协会,2024-09
2. 卫星导航定位科技进步二等奖:北斗+AI的高精度定位关键技术研究及应用,中国卫星导航定位协会,2024-09
3. 测绘科技进步奖一等奖(排名:8/15):北斗异构星座高精度数据处理关键技术研究,中国测绘学会,科技进步,2018-09
4. 第十三届青年教师教学竞赛非地学理工组二等奖,中国地质大学(武汉),教学竞赛,2022-05
5. 指导的硕士学位论文获评2022年度校级优秀硕士学位论文,2022-06
6. 连续三年共指导五名学生获评校级优秀本科毕业论文,两名学生获评院级优秀本科毕业论文,2020~2022
I 代表性论文
1. Wang G, Cui Y*, Hu Z*, Su X, Wu B*. Performance assessment of the signal-in-space ranging errors of BDS-3: statistical characterization and integrity standard[J]. GPS Solutions, 2023, 27 (4): 189.
2. Hu Z, Liu X, Wang G*, Zhang Q, Zhou R, Chen L, Zhao Q. Initial performance assessment of the single-frequency (SF) service with the BeiDou satellite-based augmentation system (BDSBAS)[J]. GPS Solutions, 2022, 27 (1): 35.
3. Wang G, de Jong K, Zhao Q*, Hu Z, Guo J. Multipath analysis of code measurements for BeiDou geostationary satellites[J]. GPS Solutions, 2015, 19(1):129-139. doi:10.1007/s10291-014-0374-8 (查看全文)
4. Zhang S, Fang L, Wang G*, Li W. The impact of second-order ionospheric delays on the ZWD estimation with GPS and BDS measurements[J]. GPS Solutions, 2020, 24(2): 41.
5. Wang G, Zhu Y, An Q, Wang H, Su X. An Analysis of Satellite Multichannel Differential Code Bias for BeiDou SPP and PPP[J]. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15 (18): 4470.
6. Wang G X, Yin Z H, Hu Z G*, Chen G, Li W, Bo Y D. Analysis of the BDGIM Performance in BDS Single Point Positioning[J]. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13 (19): 19.
7. Wang G, Bo Y, Yu Q, Li M, Yin Z, Chen Y*. Ionosphere-Constrained Single-Frequency PPP with an Android Smartphone and Assessment of GNSS Observations[J]. Sensors, 2020,20(20): 5917. doi: 10.3390/s20205917 (查看全文)
8. Zhao Q, Wang G*, Liu Z, Hu Z, Dai Z, Liu J. Analysis of BeiDou Satellite Measurements with Code Multipath and Geometry-Free Ionosphere-Free Combinations[J]. Sensors, 2016, 16(1):123. doi:10.3390/s16010123(查看全文)
9. Wang G*, de Jong K, Li X, Zhao Q*, Guo J. Analysis of Characteristics of BDS Observable Combinations for Wide-Lane Integer Ambiguity Resolution[C]. In: Sun J, Jiao W, Wu H, Lu M (eds) China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Proceedings: Volume I, Nanjing, May 21-23, 2014. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 411-425. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-54737-9_36(查看全文)
10. Wang G, Zhao Q. Preliminary Analysis of Real-Time Orbit and Clock Error Based on BNC[C]. In: Sun J, Liu J, Yang Y, Fan S (eds) China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012 Proceedings, Guangzhou, 15-19 May 2012. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 189-196. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29175-3_17(查看全文)
11. Wei N, Shi C, Wang GX, Liu JN. Improved estimations of low-degree coefficients using GPS displacements with reduced non-loading errors[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2018,212(2): 1274-1287.
12. Li W, Wang G, Mi J, Zhang S. Calibration errors in determining slant Total Electron Content (TEC) from multi-GNSS data[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63(5): 1670-1680.
13. Fang R, Lv H, Hu Z, Wang G, Zheng J, Zhou R, Xiao K, Li M, Liu J. GPS/BDS precise point positioning with B2b products for high-rate seismogeodesy: application to the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2022, 231 (3): 2079-2090.
14. Zhang, S.; Du, S.; Li, W.*; Wang, G. Evaluation of the GPS Precise Orbit and Clock Corrections from MADOCA Real-Time Products[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(11): 2580. doi:10.3390/s19112580.
15. Xie X, Fang R, Geng T, Wang G, Zhao Q, Liu J. Characterization of GNSS Signals Tracked by the iGMAS Network Considering Recent BDS-3 Satellites[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(11): 1736.
16. Han S, Wu B, Wang G*, Yin Z. Research on Position-domain GNSS Multipath Error Modelling Method Based on Sidereal Filtering[C]. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, Nov 23-25.
17. Fang R, Shi C, Song W, Wang G, Liu J. Determination of earthquake magnitude using GPS displacement waveforms from real-time precise point positioning[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2014, 196 (1): 461-472.
18. Fang R, Shi C, Wang G, Liu J. Epicenter and magnitude of large earthquake determined from high-rate GPS observations: A case study of the 2008 M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake[J]. Science China: Earth Science, 2014, 57 (7): 1645-1652.
19. Hu Z, Zhao Q, Chen G, Wang G, Dai Z, Li T. First Results of Field Absolute Calibration of the GPS Receiver Antenna at Wuhan University[J]. Sensors, 2015, 15 (11): 28717-28731.
20. Zhao Q, Dai Z, Wang G, Li X, Liu J. Real-time precise BDS clock estimation with the undifferenced observation[J]. Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2016, 41 (5): 686-691.
21. 邱封钦, 潘雄, 罗小敏, 赖祖龙, 蒋可, 王广兴*. 综合半参数核估计和自回归补偿的全球电离层总电子含量预报模型[J]. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64 (09): 3021-3029.
22. 王广兴, 赵齐乐, 戴志强, 李晓涛, 郭向欣. 2016. 陆态网络数据的北斗观测值特性分析[J]. 测绘科学, 41(1): 33-38.(查看全文)
23. 尹志豪, 王广兴*, 胡志刚, 薄亚东. 2020. 北斗三号观测数据质量分析[J]. 测绘科学, 45(06): 37-45.(查看全文)
24. 王慧珍,王广兴*,牛飞,苏醒. 2021. 低轨卫星增强北斗三号导航星座性能分析[J].测绘科学,46(01):76-83+92.(查看全文)
25. 尹志豪, 王广兴*, 胡志刚, 薄亚东. 顾及不同电离层模型的北斗伪距定位分析[C]. 第十一届中国卫星导航年会, 中国四川成都, 6.
26. 薄亚东, 王广兴*, 余强, 胡志刚, 尹志豪. 智能手机GNSS原始观测值质量与定位分析[C]. 第十一届中国卫星导航年会, 中国四川成都, 7.
27. 何倩倩, 陈国, 王广兴, 熊劭, 李宁. 北斗卫星导航系统广播星历轨道精度的长期统计与分析[C]. 第九届中国卫星导航学术年会, 中国黑龙江哈尔滨, 5.
28. 王广兴,李玮,张绍成,丁开华 (2019) 测量学课程中“GNSS技术与应用”的教学研究与实践[J]. 测绘通报, 2019(2): 144-146,160.
29. 李玮, 明祖涛, 张绍成, 王广兴. 2020. “测绘工程专业英语”课程的教学改革探讨[J]. 测绘通报, (03): 154-156.
I 软件著作权
1. 多GNSS观测数据质量分析软件[简称:MGOQA] V1.0,2019SR0938808,原始取得,全部权利,2019-05-20
2. 多GNSS观测数据差分及星历连续性分析软件[简称:MGODECA] V1.0,2019SR1155306,原始取得,全部权利,2019-08-20
3. 多频多模GNSS定位测速分析软件[简称:MGPAVA] V1.0,2020SR1766080,原始取得,全部权利,2020-12-08
4. 多模GNSS广播星历及空间信号精度评估软件[简称:MGBEST] V1.0,2022SR0450372,原始取得,全部权利,2022-04-11
5. 基于智能手机的多源融合定位软件[简称:xPos] V1.0,2024SR1139214,原始取得,全部权利,2024-08-07
6. 北斗/GNSS电离层ROTI指标分析软件[简称:ROTIA] V1.0,2024SR1139219,原始取得,全部权利,2024-08-07
7. GNSS数据质量分析与可视化软件[简称:GOQA] V1.0,2024SR1289672,原始取得,全部权利,2024-09-02
Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Gender : Male
Alma Mater : 武汉大学
Education Level : Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department : 地理与信息工程学院
Discipline : Surveying and Mapping Engineering
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