2021年4月:EGU General Assembly 2021, Gather Online. Virtual PICO: Clinoform growth and sediment flux of Late Cenozoic Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan shelf margins, Northern South China Sea in GM3.17 Processes and timescales of sediment production, transport, and deposition from source to sink.
2019年5月:2019 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), San Antonio, Texas. Poster: Mixed Tidal-Wave Processes in a Growth-Fault Controlled Outer Shelf Conduit Near the Pliocene Orinoco Shelf-Edge in Theme 1: Paralic and Shallow Marine Systems I: Process Variability and Impact on Reservoir Distribution and Architecture.
2018年10月:9th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Shanghai, China. Poster: Growth-fault Controlled Outer Shelf Conduits near the Pliocene Orinoco Shelf-edge in When and how clastic detritusare transported from shelf-edge staging areasinto deep-waterareas: From a source-to-sink perspective.
2018年8月:20th International Sedimentological Congress (ISC2018), Quebec City, Canada. Poster: Double Intense Effect of Tectonic Activity and Sedimentation of Late Paleocene Dongying Formation, Nanpu Sag, Northeast China in 2.4 Lacustrine sedimentology: recent progress and new perspectives.
2018年8月:20th International Sedimentological Congress (ISC2018), Quebec City, Canada. Short Oral: Growth of the Late Miocene to Pliocene Paleo-Orinoco Shelf-Margin Prism in 5.1-B 4-D Sedimentology: sources, sinks, and geologic time.
2018年4月:EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. SSP3-Sedimentology-Processes and Products, SSP3.5 Clinoform drivers and stratigraphic products in siliciclastic and carbonate successions, Clinoform Drivers of the Late Miocene toPliocene Paleo-Orinoco Delta.
2017年10月:IMS-International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France. Poster: Sediment process and flux during shelf-edge clinoform growth since the Late Cenozoic, Qiongdongnan Basin margin, Northern South China Sea in SB2 Extensional to transtensional basins: rifts and passive margins (PAMELA-ACTION MARGE).
2017年4月:2017 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Houston. Poster: Unusually Well Preserved Tidal Signals and Tidal Constituents on Pliocene Paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad in Theme 1: Siliciclastics: Continental to Shallow Marine II: Fluvial, Deltaic and Aeolian (SEPM).
2016年6月:2016 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Calgary, Canada. Poster: Paleo-Orinoco Shelf-Margin Growth- Process Regimes and Delta Evolution in Theme 1: Linkages between Continental, Shelf and Deepwater Sedimentary Systems (SEPM).
2015年10月:Bureau Seminar Talk, Bureau of Economic Geology (德州经济地质局). Invited talk: Onshelf to deepwater architecture of the late Miocene to Pliocene Orinoco Delta, Trinidad.
2015年6月:2015 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Denver. Poster: Upper-Slope to Shelf-Edge Delta Architecture of the Miocene Cruse Formation Orinoco Shelf- Margin, Trinidad.
2014年4月:2014 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Houston. Poster: Shelf Deltaic to Deepwater-Slope Architecture of the Miocene-Pliocene Orinoco Shelf-Margin, South Trinidad.
2013年4月:2013 SPE Western Regional/Pacific Section AAPG Joint Technical Conference, Monterey, CA. Oral: Fluvial and Shallow Marine Depositional Systems: Insights from Outcrops and Subsurface Prediction in Theme 9: Fluvial and Shallow Marine Depositional Systems: Insights from Outcrops and Subsurface Prediction.
2013年2月:2nd Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
2012年10月:Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM 62nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.
2012年4月:2012 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition),长滩会议中心,Long Beach, California. Poster: Sequence Patterns and Episodic Tectonic Evolution of Various Types Structural Slope-Break and Their Petroleum Geological Significance in Paleogene Qikou Sag, Bohaiwan Basin, East China in Theme 6: Petroleum System.