Chen, S., Steel, R. J., Dixon, J., and Osman, A., 2014, Facies and architecture of a tide-dominated segment of the Late Pliocene Orinoco Delta (Morne L'Enfer Formation) SW Trinidad: Marine and MPetroleum Geology, v. 57, p. 208-232. (DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.05.014)
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上一条: Chen, S., Steel, R., Wang, H., Zhao, R. and Olariu, C., 2020. Clinoform growth and sediment flux into late Cenozoic Qiongdongnan shelf margin, South China Sea. Basin Research, 32(2)(Clinoforms and Clinothems: Fundamental Elements of Basin Infill), pp.302-319.
下一条: Chen, S., Steel, R. & Olariu, C., 2016. Upper-Slope to Shelf-Edge Delta Architecture, Miocene Cruse Formation, Orinoco Shelf-Margin, Trinidad. In Journal of Sedimentary Research. pp. 87–106.