
Associate professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

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Education Level : Doctoral Degree in Education

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status : Employed

School/Department : 环境学院

Business Address : 科教四207

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1.       Mao, X.M.*, Li, C.M., Zha, X.X., Shao, Y.W., Zhao, T., Ye, J.Q., 2024. New insights into the velocity of groundwater flow in geothermal systems. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 29(4): 05024012. DOI:10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-6095

2.       Li, C.M., Mao, X.M.*, 2024. Correction of the circulation depth of geothermal water based on temperature variation in the discharge section of geothermal system. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83(19). DOI:10.1007/s12665-024-11853-2

3.       Mao, X.M.*, Zhao, T., Ye, J.Q., Dong, Y.Q., 2024. The mechanism of high salinity geothermal water formed in karst low-temperature hydrothermal system. Episodes, 47(1): 11-21. DOI:10.18814/epiiugs/2023/023013

4.       史自德, 毛绪美*, 叶建桥, 董亚群, 2024. 中低温地热系统低盐度地热水高含量钠的地球化学成因:以广东惠州黄沙洞地热田为例. 地球科学, 49(01): 271-287.

5.       邵誉炜, 毛绪美*, 查希茜, 李翠明, 赵桐, 2024. 水化学和同位素揭示的广东儒洞地热咸水形成机制. 地质通报, 43(05): 779-788.

6.       Mao, X.M.*, Ye, J.Q., Shi, Z.D., Dong, Y.Q., 2023. The possible source of abnormally high sodium content in low-salinity geothermal water. Groundwater, 61(4): 517-531. DOI:10.1111/gwat.13264

7.       Wang, H., Mao, X.M.*, Li, C.M., Dong, Y.Q., Ye, J.Q., 2023. An additional source for the hydrochemical formation of geothermal waters in granites. Geothermics, 114. DOI:10.1016/j.geothermics.2023.102793

8.       朱东波, 史自德, 何耀烨, 毛绪美*, 2023. 广东沿海新洲高盐度地热水的水文地球化学成因机制. 地球化学, 52(04): 404-415. DOI:10.19700/j.0379-1726.2023.04.002

9.       余杰, 毛绪美, 彭慧, 文美霞, 王辛, 范威, 汤伟, 2023. 岩溶热储高矿化度地热流体成因机制研究-以巴东县盐场河地热田为例. 中国岩溶, 42(04): 795-808.

10.   Zha, X.X., Mao, X.M.*, Li, C.M., Zhang, X.Y., Ye, J.Q., 2023. Combined effects of temperature, salinity and viscosity changes on groundwater flow in the Xinzhou geothermal field, South China. Natural Resources Research, 32(6): 2567-2581. DOI:10.1007/s11053-023-10258-5

11.   Hua Wang, Liang Feng*, Yuwei Shao, Tong Zhao, Cuiming Li, and Zide Shi, 2023. The additional acceleration of geothermal water flow in the discharge section by the geothermal driving force. Episodes. 464),611-621.  https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2023/023011

12.   Mao, X.M.*, Dong, Y.Q., He, Y.Y., Zhu, D.B., Shi, Z.D., Ye, J.Q., 2022. The effect of granite fracture network on silica-enriched groundwater formation and geothermometers in low-temperature hydrothermal system. Journal of Hydrology, 609. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127720

13.   Adiaratou, T., Mao, X.M.*, Feng, L., Shi, Z.D., Dong, Y.Q., Ye, J.Q., 2022. Use of microbial communities to assess the mixing of deep and shallow groundwater: case study from southern China. Hydrogeology Journal, 30(8): 2299-2313. DOI:10.1007/s10040-022-02555-9

14.   Ndikubwimana, I., Mao, X.M.*, Niyonsenga, J.D., Zhu, D.B., Mwizerwa, S., 2022. Water-rock interaction, formation and circulation mechanism of highly bicarbonate groundwater in the northwestern geothermal prospects of Rwanda. Episodes, 45(1): 73-86. DOI:10.18814/epiiugs/2021/021006

15.   毛绪美*, 叶建桥, 董亚群, 史自德, 2022. 地热驱动力:广东阳江新洲地热田驱动地热水运移的一种额外非重力作用的分析方法. 地质科技通报, 41(01): 137-145. DOI:10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0014

16.   Mao, X.M.*, Zhu, D.B., Ndikubwimana, I., He, Y.Y., Shi, Z.D., 2021. The mechanism of high-salinity thermal groundwater in Xinzhou geothermal field, South China: Insight from water chemistry and stable isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 593. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125889

17.   Ndikubwimana, I., Mao, X.M.*, Zhu, D.B., He, Y.Y., Shi, Z.D., 2020. Geothermal evolution of deep parent fluid in Western Guangdong, China: evidence from water chemistry, stable isotopes and geothermometry. Hydrogeology Journal, 28(8): 2947-2961. DOI:10.1007/s10040-020-02222-x

18.   Mao, X.M.*, Wang, H., Feng, L., 2018. Impact of additional dead carbon on the circulation estimation of thermal springs exposed from deep-seated faults in the Dongguan basin, southern China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 361: 1-11. DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.08.002

19.   Mao, X.M.*, Wang, Y.X., Zhan, H.B., Feng, L., 2015. Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of geothermal springs hosted by deep-seated faults in Dongguan Basin, Southern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 158: 112-121. DOI:10.1016/j.gexplo.2015.07.008

20.   郭静, 毛绪美*, 童晟, 冯亮, 2016. 水化学温度计估算粤西沿海深部地热系统热交换温度. 地球科学, 41(12): 2075-2087.

21.   邓志德, 毛绪美, 2015. 基于水文地球化学的隐伏型地热成因探讨. 西部探矿工程, 27(07): 114-118.

22.   Yuan Jianfei, Mao Xumei, Wang Yanxin, Deng Zhide, Huang Leihui, 2014. Geochemistry of rare-earth elements in shallow groundwater, northeastern Guangdong Province, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2014, 33(1):53–64, DOI: 10.1007/s11631-014-0659-1.

23.   Mao, X.M.*, Wang, Y.X., Yuan, J.F., 2013. The indication of geothermal events by helium and carbon isotopes of hydrothermal fluids in south China, proceedings of the fourteenth international symposium on water-rock interaction, WRI-14, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2013, 7: 550-553. DOI:10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.163

24.   袁建飞, 毛绪美, 王焰新, 2013. 珠江口东北部地下水稀土元素的无机形态. 水文地质工程地质, 40(06): 14-21+36. DOI:10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.2013.06.016

25.   Mao, X.M., Wang, Y., Chudaev, O.V., Wang, X., 2009. Geochemical evidence of gas sources of CO2 rich cold springs from Wudalianchi, Northeast China. Journal of Earth Science, 20(6): 959-970. DOI:10.1007/s12583-009-0081-5

26.   毛绪美, 王焰新, V.Chudaev, O., 2009. 中国东北与俄罗斯远东富CO2矿泉水化学对比. 地质科技情报, 28(06): 107-113.

27.   毛绪美*. 黑龙江五大连池富CO2矿泉水文地球化学特征(摘要). 矿物岩石地球化学通报,200524(增刊):333.

28.   毛绪美*,王焰新,钱丽萍,等. 五大连池富CO2矿泉水文地球化学特征. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版2005特刊),200520138-140.




29.   Mao, X.M.*, Zha, X.X., 2024. Radiogenic 32P as a new dating tool to determine groundwater ages of 50–1000 years. Journal of Hydrology, 644: 132120. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132120

30.   Zha, X.X., Mao, X.M.*, 2024. New insight into groundwater 4He ages based on Ne isotopic equilibrium in Jianghan Plain, Central China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 264: 107531. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107531

31.   Zha, X.X., Mao, X.M.*, 2024. A method for groundwater 14C age correction accounting for mixing with young and old groundwaters: application to an alluvial aquifer in the Jianghan Plain, China. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-024-02839-2

32.   Traore Adiaratou, Mao Xumei*, Traore Alhousseyni, Yakubu Yahaya, Sidibe Aboubacar Modibo2024. Multivariate statistical analysis of dominating groundwater mineralization and hydrochemical evolution in Gao, Northern Mali. Journal of Earth Science, 35(5):1692-1703. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-022-1689-y

33.   查希茜, 毛绪美*, 2024. 江汉平原地下水混合的14C年龄曲线投影校正研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 43(03): 479-488+478.

34.   查希茜, 彭红明, 毛绪美*, 叶建桥, 董亚群, 李翠明, 2024. 风化土壤封存水HO稳定同位素揭示的青海东部岩溶发育对青藏高原隆升的响应. 安全与环境工程, 31(03): 217-224+234. DOI:10.13578/j.cnki.issn.1671-1556.20221643

35.   毛绪美*, 查希茜, 2023. 501000 a地下水定年新方法:放射性成因32P. 地球科学进展, 38(06): 610-618.

36.   李翠明, 彭红明, 毛绪美*, 董亚群, 叶建桥, 查希茜, 2023. 地下水HOC同位素揭示的末次冰盛期以来青海东部岩溶发育响应. 地球与环境, 51(06): 583-592. DOI:10.14050/j.cnki.1672-9250.2023.51.054

37.   朱东波, 毛绪美*, 何耀烨, 史自德, 2020. 排泄区地下水横向径流混合14C年龄校正研究. 地质论评, 66(S1): 51-53. DOI:10.16509/j.georeview.2020.s1.020

38.   Wang Hua, Mao Xumei*, Wang Tao, Feng Liang, Liang Lili, Zhu Dongbo, Yang Kaiming, 2019. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of hot springs exposed from fault zones in western Guangdong and their 14C age correction. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 7(1):1-14. DOI: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2019.01.001

39.   Mao, X.M.*, Wang, H., Feng, L., 2018. 14C age reassessment of groundwater from the discharge zone due to cross-flow mixing in the deep confined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 560: 572-581. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.03.052

40.   Wang, H., Mao, X.M.*, Feng, L., 2015. Evidence of groundwater degassing in a deep confined aquifer: noble gas concentrations with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope data. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(5): 4439-4451. DOI:10.1007/s12665-015-4482-8

41.   Li, J., Liang, X., Mao, X.M., Peng, H.M., 2012. Geochemical analysis on educts in the drainage corridor of a big dam over Yangtze river. Journal of Earth Science, 23(2): 180-186. DOI:10.1007/s12583-012-0243-8

42.   李静, 梁杏, 毛绪美, 王聪, 柳富田, 2012. 水化学揭示的弱透水层孔隙水演化特征及其古气候指示意义. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 37(03): 612-620.

43.   毛绪美*, 梁杏, 王凤林, 韩庆之, 2011. 多源4He及其积累年龄揭示的深层地下水更新能力——以保定沧州剖面为例. 地球科学进展, 26(04): 417-425.

44.   毛绪美*, 梁杏, 王凤林, 韩庆之, 2010. 华北平原深层地下水14C年龄的TDIC校正与对比. 地学前缘, 17(06): 102-110.

45.   Mao X. M.*, wang F. L.,2009. Calculate air temperature and rainfall with noble gases in deep groundwater. Proceeding of the 7th international conference on calibration and reliability in groundwater modeling. Published by China University of Geosciences Press, Wuhan, China, 531-534.

46.   毛绪美*, 罗泽娇, 刘存富, 刘江霞, 李永勇, 2006. 细菌反硝化法同时分析天然水中硝酸盐氮、氧同位素组成研究. 地质科技情报25 (05): 97-100.

47.   毛绪美*,罗泽娇,李永勇,刘存富. 地下水硝酸盐氮同位素分析最新方法——细菌反硝化法. 地球学报,200526(增刊):44-47.

48.   毛绪美*, 王凤林, 程胜高,洪业汤,朱咏煊,王华, 2005. 泥炭中胡敏酸与纤维素δ13C序列初步对比. 地球与环境(01): 23-26.

49.   李晶晶, 周爱国, 刘存富,蔡鹤生,张俊刚,毛绪美, 2005. 年轻地下水测年最新技术——SF6. 水文地质工程地质(01): 94-97+120.




50.   Peng Hongming, Shao Yuwei, Mao Xumei*, Yuan Youjing, Cai Wen, Zhao Zhen, Zha Xixi, 2024. Effects of human activities on the rapid accumulation and evolution of lead (Pb) in soils in Northwest China. Episodes. https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2024/024011

51.   王香莲, 黄庭, 肖河, 吴代赦, 张小龙, 程胜高, 毛绪美, 2021. 东北哈尼泥炭沉积物磁化率特征及古气候意义. 现代地质, 35(05): 1323-1331. DOI:10.19657/j.geoscience.1000-8527.2021.161

52.   Huang, J.H., Peng, S.Y., Mao, X.M.*, Li, F., Guo, S.T., Shi, L.X., Shi, Y.H., Yu, H.B., Zeng, G.M., 2019. Source apportionment and spatial and quantitative ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in soils from a typical Chinese agricultural county. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 126: 339-347. DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2019.04.023

53.   唐崇峰, 毛绪美, 2018. 新陆上丝绸之路规划高铁自然灾害风险研究. 四川建材, 44(07): 172-173.

54.   Xiao, H., Cheng, S.G., Mao, X.M., Huang, T., Hu, Z.X., Zhou, Y., Liu, X.T., 2017. Characteristics of peat humification, magnetic susceptibility and trace elements of Hani peatland, northeastern China: paleoclimatic implications. Atmospheric Science Letters, 18(3): 140-150. DOI:10.1002/asl.736

55.   黄庭, 程胜高, 肖河, 毛绪美, 胡忠霞, 周莹, 2015. 东北哈尼泥炭记录的早全新世长白山火山喷发及其古气候意义. 第四纪研究, 35(06): 1500-1508.

56.   Huang Ting, Cheng Shenggao, Mao Xumei, Hong BingHu Zhongxia, Zhou Ying. Humification degree of peat and its implications for Holocene climate change in Hani peatland, Northeast China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2013, 32(4): 406-412.

57.   Li, J., Liang, X., Jin, M.G., Mao, X.M., 2013. Geochemical signature of aquitard pore water and its paleo-environment implications in Caofeidian Harbor, China. Geochemical Journal, 47(1): 37-50. DOI:10.2343/geochemj.2.0238

58.   Mao Xumei*, Tian Xike, Yu Chengyong. Capturing and storage of CO2 by micron-nano minerals: Evidence from the nature. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2011, 30(4):569-575, DOI: 10.1007/s11631-011-0541-3

59.   王焰新, 毛绪美, DePaolo, D., 2011. CO2地质储存的纳米尺度流体-岩石相互作用研究. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 36(01): 163-171.

60.   王凤林, 毛绪美*, 王傲, 2009. 基于GMS的佛山市软土地面沉降预测研究. 安全与环境工程, 16(06): 26-29.

61.   彭红明, 梁杏, 毛绪美, 梁莉莉, 李静, 2010. 基于PHREEQC的某大坝排水洞析出物定量预测. 水文地质工程地质, 37(04): 111-115. DOI:10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.2010.04.023

62.   MAO Xumei, CHENG Shenggao, HONG Yetang, ZHU Yongxuan, WANG Fenglin, 2009. The influence of volcanism on paleoclimate in the northeast of China: insights from Jinchuan peat, Jilin Province, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 282):212-219.

63.   Cisse Ibrahim A., Mao Xumei*, 2008. Nitrate: health effect in drinking water and management for water quality. Environment Research Journal, 2(6): 311-316.

64.   李永勇, 罗泽娇, 毛绪美, 刘存富, 2008. 好氧反硝化细菌的筛选及反硝化效率测定. 安徽农业科学(06): 2191-2193. DOI:10.13989/j.cnki.0517-6611.2008.06.028

65.   Cheng, S.G., Mao, X.M., Wang, F.L., Hong, Y.T., Zhu, Y.Z., An, Q., 2008. Tephra discovered in high resolution peat sediment and its indication to climatic event. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 19(2): 174-183.

66.   王凤林, 毛绪美*, 汪玉松, 程胜高, 刘存富, 2006. 测定地下水补给温度与降雨量的最新方法——惰性气体法. 水文地质工程地质(02): 1-3+18.

67.   王凤林,毛绪美*,程胜高,刘存富. 惰性气体法测定地下水入渗补给量. 地球学报,200526(增刊):283-285.

68.   王凤林,毛绪美*,程胜高. 高分辨率泥炭沉积物中粘土矿物的气候与环境意义. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版2005特刊),200520149-152.

69.   汪玉松, 毛绪美, 冯晓腊, 2004. 某深基坑水平封底止水工程失败原因分析及经验. 勘察科学技术(06): 46-48.

70.   王华, 洪业汤, 朱咏煊,洪冰,林庆华,徐海,冷雪天,毛绪美, 2004. 青藏高原泥炭腐殖化度的古气候意义. 科学通报(07): 686-691.

71.   郑永林, 宁立波, 毛绪美,马传明, 2004. 浙江省龙泉市地质灾害易发区划分分析. 湘潭师范学院学报(自然科学版)(04): 90-92.

72.   王华, ., 朱咏煊,林庆华,冷雪天,毛绪美, 2003. 红原泥炭腐殖化度记录的全新世气候变化. 地质地球化学(02): 51-56.

73.   毛绪美, 洪业汤, 朱咏煊,王华, 2002. 金川泥炭沉积中火山喷发物的发现及其意义. 矿物学报(01): 9-14. DOI:10.16461/j.cnki.1000-4734.2002.01.002

74.   毛绪美*, 谢杨, 2022. 浅谈水文地质专业本科教学中的“迷雾”与“破局”. 科教导刊(17): 13-16. DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2022.17.005

75.   王华,毛绪美*,叶海燕. 水分析化学教学探索. 中国科教创新导刊,20132865.

76.   毛绪美*. 高校“同位素水文地质学”教学探讨. 新课程学习,2009,6:111.

77.   周烈红,毛绪美.形成性评估模式在大学英语口语教学中的实证研究.高校教育研究,2008,10:128-130.




1.       毛绪美*, 梁杏, 王凤林. 一种同位素水样提取与提纯装置, 申请日期:2010-10-19, 中国, ZL201010514458.0. 公布日期:2012-03-28

2.       毛绪美*, 梁杏, 李静, 王凤林. 一种土壤水中溶解气体提取装置, 申请日期:2010-10-19,中国, ZL201010514456.1. 公布日期:2012-04-25

3.       毛绪美*,王华. “一种测试有机物类样品14C丰度的前处理方法和设备,申请(发明专利)号:ZL201410071977.2 (申请日:20140228日,中国地质大学(武汉))公布日期:2016-01-27

4.       毛绪美*,王华. “一种测试碳酸盐类样品14C丰度的前处理方法和设备,申请(发明专利)号:ZL 201410071997.X  (申请日:20140228日,中国地质大学(武汉))公布日期:2016-03-16

5.       毛绪美*,赵桐,彭红明,邵誉炜,叶建桥. 地下水氚样多级蒸发浓缩装置及前处理方法. 申请(发明专利)号:202210636233.5 公布日期:2022-10-20




2. 泾河东庄水库可行的决定性判据;

3. 广东、山东等地的水热系统成因;

4. 中国东北和俄罗斯远东富CO2矿泉成因;

5. 湖北、湖南矿泉水资源等;

6. 某大型磷矿矿区地下水来源。




1. 指导和力推了华彬集团在湖北十堰竹溪县VOSS高端矿泉水开发;

2. 指导湖北荆门正中水镇复合型矿泉水开发;

3. 指导湖北黄冈蕲春县矿泉水开发;

4. 伊利集团矿泉水资源勘查与评价。



1. 毛绪美,易珍莲,钟晓清,梁广星,杨鹏. 软土地基工程地质特性评价——以佛山市中心城区为例.中国地质大学出版社,武汉, 2010.

2. 彭红明,毛绪美,王凤林,等 编著. 青海东北部岩溶及其水资源. 中国地质大学出版社,武汉,2023. 385千字(185千字),ISBN978-7-5625-5542-1202310.



1. 韩庆之,毛绪美,梁合诚. 《环境监测》,中国地质大学出版社,2005.

2. 毛绪美 主编. 《环境同位素水文地质学》,中国地质大学出版社,武汉,2023. 407千字,ISBN978-7-5625-5596-4202306.