
Associate professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Education Level : Doctoral Degree in Education

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status : Employed

School/Department : 环境学院

Business Address : 科教四207

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Current position: 英文主页 >> Scientific Research

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1. 地热水文地质学研究。已在广东、山东、湖北等地开展过工作,并对全国地热资源分布与潜力进行了研究,构建了全国地热资源数据库。对地热系统中地热水的温度分布、渗流驱动和水化学的形成有自己的见解,代表性论文(2015年以来):

[1] Xumei Mao*, Yanxin Wang, Hongbin Zhan, Liang Feng. Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of geothermal springs hosted by deep-  seated faults in Dongguan Basin, Southern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2015, 158: 112-121.

[2]郭静,毛绪美*,童晟,冯亮. 水化学温度计估算粤西沿海深部地热系统热交换温度. 地球科学,2016,41(12):36-48.

[3] Innocent Ndikubwimana, Xumei Mao*, Dongbo Zhu, Yaoye He, Zide Shi, 2020. Geothermal evolution of deep parent fluid in Western Guangdong, China: evidence from water chemistry, stable isotopes and geothermometry. Hydrogeology Journal, 288):2947-2961. DIO: 10.1007/s10040-020-02222-x.

[4] Xumei Mao*, Dongbo Zhu, Innocent Ndikubwimana, Yaoye He, Zide Shi, 2021. The mechanism of high-salinity thermal groundwater in Xinzhou geothermal field, South China: insight from water chemistry and stable isotopes, Journal of Hydrology593:1-15. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125889

[5] Ndikubwimana, I. , Mao, X.* , Niyonsenga, J. D. , Zhu, D. , & Mwizerwa, S., 2022. Water-rock interaction, formation and circulation mechanism of highly bicarbonate groundwater in the northwestern geothermal prospects of rwanda. Episodes. EPISODES 45 (1): 73-86.  https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2021/021006

[6] 毛绪美*,叶建桥,董亚群,史自德. 地热驱动力:广东阳江新洲地热田驱动地热水运移的一种额外非重力作用的分析方法.地质科技通报,2022411):194-202.

[7] 史自德,毛绪美*,叶建桥,董亚群.中低温地热系统低盐度地热水高含量钠的地球化学成因研究----以广东惠州黄沙洞地热田为例.地球科学,2022. doi:10.3799/dqkx.2022.170

[8] Xumei Mao*, Yaqun Dong, Yaoye He, Dongbo Zhu, Zide Shi, Jianqiao Ye, 2022. The effect of granite fracture network on silica-enriched groundwater formation and geothermometers in low-temperature hydrothermal system. Journal of Hydrology, 609: 127720. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127720

[9] Traore Adiaratou, Xumei Mao*, Liang Feng, Zide Shi, Yaqun Dong, Jianqiao Ye, 2022. Use of microbial communities to assess the mixing of deep and shallow groundwater: case study from southern China. Hydrogeology Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-022-02555-9

[10] Xumei Mao*, Jianqiao Ye, Zide Shi, Yaqun Dong, 2022. The possible source of abnormally high sodium content in low salinity geothermal water. Groundwater. doi: 10.1111/gwat.13264

[11] Hua Wang, Xumei Mao*, Cuiming Li, Yaqun Dong, Jianqiao Ye, 2023. An additional source for the hydrochemical formation of geothermal waters in granites. Geothermics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2023.102793

[12] Xumei Mao*, Tong Zhao, Jianqiao Ye, and Yaqun Dong, 2023. The mechanism of high salinity geothermal water formed in karst low-temperature hydrothermal system. Episodes. https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2023/023013

[13] Xixi Zha, Xumei Mao*, Cuiming Li, Xiaoyan Zhang, and Jianqiao Ye, 2023. Combined Effects of Temperature, Salinity and Viscosity Changes on Groundwater Flow in the Xinzhou Geothermal Field, South China. Natural Resources Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11053-023-10258-5

[14] 朱东波,史自德,何耀烨,毛绪美*广东沿海新洲高盐度地热水的水文地球化学成因机制.地球化学,2023. DOI: 10.19700/j.0379-1726.2023.04.002

[15]邵誉炜,毛绪美*,查希茜,李翠明,赵桐. 水化学和同位素揭示的广东儒洞地热咸水形成机制. 地质通报,2023. https://link.cnki.net/urlid/11.4648.P.20230925.1813.002


2. 同位素水文地质学研究。熟悉地下水各种同位素的示踪原理和技术应用,对地下水各种定年方法开展过工作,由此解决了诸多水文地质难题。目前构建了地下水14C定年校正新方法,建立了地下水32P定年新方法,代表性论文(2015年以来):

[1] Hua Wang, Xumei Mao*, Liang Feng. Evidence of groundwater degassing in a deep confined aquifer: noble gas concentrations with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope data. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(5): 4439-4451. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4482-8

[2] Mao, X.*, Wang, H., Feng, L., 2018. 14C age reassessment of groundwater from the discharge zone due to cross-flow mixing in the deep confined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 560: 572-581. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.03.052.

[3] Mao, X.*, Wang, H., Feng, L., 2018. Impact of additional dead carbon on the circulation estimation of thermal springs exposed from deep-seated faults in the Dongguan basin, southern China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 361: 1-11. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.08.002.

[4] Wang Hua, Mao Xumei*, Wang Tao, Feng Liang, Liang Lili, Zhu Dongbo, Yang Kaiming, 2019. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of hot springs exposed from fault zones in western Guangdong and their 14C age correction. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 7(1):1-14. DOI: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2019.01.001

[5]朱东波,毛绪美*,何耀烨,史自德. 排泄区地下水横向径流混合14C 年龄校正研究. 地质论评,2020,66,(增刊1:51-53.

[6] 毛绪美*,查希茜501000 a地下水定年新方法:放射性成因32P.地球科学进展,2023.

[7] 李翠明,彭红明,毛绪美,董亚群,叶建桥,查希茜. 地下水H、O、C 同位素揭示的末次冰盛期以来青海东部岩溶发育响应. 地球与环境,2023. doi: 10. 14050/ j. cnki. 1672-9250. 2023. 51. 054

[8]查希茜,彭红明,毛绪美*,叶建桥,董亚群,李翠明. 风化土壤封存水HO稳定同位素揭示的青海东部岩溶发育对青藏高原隆升的响应. 安全与环境工程,2023. DOI: 10.13578/j.cnki.issn.1671-1556.20221643.


3. 同位素测试与分析方法。针对水的氢氧同位素、氚、14C测试前处理的难题,设计并研制了多种设备,发明专利有:

[1] 毛绪美, 梁杏, 王凤林. 一种同位素水样提取与提纯装置, 申请日期:2010-10-19, 中国, ZL201010514458.0. 公布日期:2012-03-28

[2] 毛绪美, 梁杏, 李静, 王凤林. 一种土壤水中溶解气体提取装置, 申请日期:2010-10-19,中国, ZL201010514456.1. 公布日期:2012-04-25

[3]毛绪美,王华. “一种测试有机物类样品14C丰度的前处理方法和设备,申请(发明专利)号:ZL201410071977.2 (申请日:20140228日,中国地质大学(武汉))公布日期:2016-01-27

[4] 毛绪美,王华. “一种测试碳酸盐类样品14C丰度的前处理方法和设备,申请(发明专利)号:ZL 201410071997.X  (申请日:20140228日,中国地质大学(武汉))公布日期:2016-03-16

[5] 毛绪美,赵桐,彭红明,邵誉炜,叶建桥. 地下水氚样多级蒸发浓缩装置及前处理方法. 申请(发明专利)号:ZL202210636233.5 公布日期:2022-10-20


4. 利用水化学和同位素工具,解决水、工、环难题。



5. 矿泉水开发。
