- 转子阵列探针应用于衰老细胞中蛋白质翻译后修饰过程的动态监测, 国家自然科学基金项目-2028/01/31, 在研,主持, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 针对女性恶性肿瘤的多通道超高灵敏度传感器件, 省、市、自治区科技项目-2027/01/31, 在研,主持, 湖北省自然科学基金计划(创新群体项目)
- 基于表面定向偶联技术的高性能POCT传感器件的构建及在蛋白质翻译后修饰检测中的应用, 省、市、自治区科技项目-2026/12/31, 在研,主持, 深圳市基础研究专项(自然科学基金)基础研究面上项目
- 国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才项目-2024/12/31, 在研,主持
- 微纳米尺度调控的POCT 生物传感器件在子宫内膜癌筛查中的应用研究, 国家重点研发计划-2025/10/31, 在研,主持, 国家重点研发计划纳米科技专项
- 模块化多肽-AIE探针对高侵袭性乳腺癌细胞中亚细胞器的长效示踪, 国家自然科学基金项目-2023/12/31, 在研,主持, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 光电双信号微纳米器件在肿瘤微环境单细胞分析中的应用, 省、市、自治区科技项目-2021/12/31, 结题,主持, 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金
- 化学生物传感, 国家自然科学基金项目-2020/12/31, 结题,主持, 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金
- 基于多标志物联合技术的微纳米器件的构筑及其在乳腺癌早期检测中的应用, 省、市、自治区科技项目-2020/12/31, 结题,主持, 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目
- 基于微流控高通量芯片的新型高灵敏传感系统开发及应用, 国家重点研发计划-2019/12/31, 结题,子课题负责人, 国家重点研发计划重大科学仪器设备开发专项
- 亲疏水可调DNA-AIE高分子复合探针的构建及其传感性能研究, 国家自然科学基金项目-2019/12/31, 结题,主持, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 微纳米限域空间内聚集诱导发光分子的组装行为在生物/化学传感器中的应用, 国家自然科学基金项目-2017/12/31, 结题,主持, 国家自然科学基金青年项目
- 聚集诱导发光分子在微纳米孔道中传感性能的研究, 省、市、自治区科技项目-2015/12/31, 结题,主持, 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目
- 探针 PRFK 及其合成方法和应用
- PKK-TTP多肽探针在区分细胞周期不同阶段的新应用
- 多肽荧光探针及其在检测活细胞内聚集蛋白中的应用
- 作用于肿瘤细胞膜的多肽探针及其制备方法和应用
- 多肽探针功能化的固态纳米通道及其制备方法和应用
- 含探针修饰的纳米孔道膜及其制备方法和应用
- 能快速递送到细胞核的多模块探针及其制备方法和应用
- 一种用于癌症治疗的多肽探针及其制备方法和应用
- 一种调节FET生物传感器灵敏度的方法
- 具有双端基修饰位点的AIE分子、多模块探针及其制备方法和应用
- 一种用于细胞膜成像的荧光探针及其制备方法和应用
- 调节端粒酶限速蛋白运动的多肽探针及其复合物和方法
- 一种模块化多肽-AIE探针MP及其合成方法、包含其的试剂盒
- 一种汞离子高效检测方法及探针分子和试剂盒
- 一种用于端粒酶检测的探针、方法及试剂盒
- Biosensors Based on Sandwich Assays
- Modular nucleic acid-functionalized AIEgen probes for biosensing applications
- Enzyme‑responsive peptide‑based aie bioprobes
第十八届中国国际多肽研讨会(the 18th Chinese International Peptide Symposium (CPS)),中国香港,2024.06.30-07.02.
ACS Materials Spotlight —翔龙鸣凤科学论坛,中国深圳,2024.4.2.
Angewandte Advances at Nano+论坛,Angewandte Chemie,中国苏州, 2023.11.24.
《聚集体》科学论坛:纳米生物分论坛(China manomedicine),中国广州,2023.11.4-11.7.
仿生高中低温超浸润研讨会,苏州, 中国,2021.06.26-27.
聚集体科学国际研讨会暨聚集诱导发光研究20周年,广州, 中国,2021.07.25-28.
中国化学会第32届学术年会, 珠海, 中国,2021.04.19-22.
中国化学会第一届分子聚集发光暨第二届华人聚集诱导发光学术讨论会, 上海, 中国,2021.04.09-11.
The 18th Asian Chemical Congress and The 20th General Assembly of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies, Taipei, 2019.12.08-12.
第11届化学生物学会议, 广州, 中国,2019.11.19-22.
第二十次全国电化学会议, 长沙,中国,2019.10.25-28.
2018 International Conference on Novel Functional Materials (ICNFM2018), Anshan, China, 2018.09.16-18.
E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 2018.06.19-21.
Wiley专刊发布会暨AIE发展前沿学术研讨会, 北京,中国,2017.03.26
The 2nd International Symposium on Aggregation-Induced Emission,Guangzhou, China, 2015.05.25-18
Zhang Zhicheng, Li Haiyang, Zhou Ning, Zheng Zhi(*), Zhai Tainyou, Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). Protein Detection Based on Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Diagnosing Diseases. Analytical Chemistry, 2025, 97, 4, 1951–1959.
Lin Shijun, Liu Yiheng, Hu Jing-Jing(*), Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). Towards effective functionalization of nanopores/nanochannels: the role of amidationreactions. Chemical Communications, 2025, 61, 1978-1988.
Dai Jun, Hu Yuxin, Liu Weiyong, Liu Hong, Wang Shixuan, Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). Cell-sensing Analogue Nanopore for Rapid Detection of Protein-Related Targets. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, e202421721.
Zhang Wei, Chen Ziling, Xiong Chen, Yuan Lizhen, Hu Jing-Jing, Dai Jun, Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). A Peptide-Copper Self-Assembled Nanoparticle for Enhanced Cuproptosis by Metabolic Reprogramming in Tumor Cells. ACS Nano, 2024, 18 ,50, 34244-34256.
Zhang Zhicheng, Hu Jing-Jing, Lin Shijun, Wu Jiajun, Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). Field Effect Transistor Biosensors for Healthcare Monitoring. Interdisciplinary Medicine, 2024, 2, e20240032.
Hu Liming, Cao Wenbing, Jiang Yihaofan, Cai Wenkang, Lou Xiaoding(*), Liu Tao(*). Designing Artificial Fluorescent Proteins and Biosensors by Genetically Encoding Molecular Rotor-based Amino Acids. Nature Chemistry, 2024, 16, 1960–1971.
Fang Hao, Wang Tingting, Dai Jun, Hu Jing-Jing, Chen Zhaojun, Yuan Lizhen, Hong Yuning, Xia Fan, and Lou Xiaoding(*). Spatiotemporally Controllable Covalent Bonding of RNA for Multi-Protein Interference. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024, 13, 2304108.
Li Yuxuan, Su Yeyu, Wang Haoyu, Xie Yuanzhe, Wang Xin, Chang Liying, Jing Yanbo, Zhang Jiayi, Ma Jun-An, Jin Hongwei, Lou Xiaoding(*), Peng Qian(*), Liu Tao(*). Computation-Guided Discovery of Diazole Monosubstituted Tetrazines as Optimal Bioorthogonal Tools. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146, 39, 26884–26896.
Hu Jing-Jing, Yang Jvliang, Liu Yiheng, Lu Guangwen, Zhao Zujin, Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). Tuning the affinity of probes with transmembrane proteins by constructing peptide-conjugated cis/trans isomers based on molecular scaffolds. Joural of Materials Chemistry B, 2024, 12, 12523-12529.
Wu Xia, Hu Jing-Jing, Duan Chong, Liu Rui, Xia Fan, Lou Xiaoding(*). A Universal and Programmable Platform based on Fluorescent Peptide-Conjugated Probes for Detection of Proteins in Organelles of Living Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 17(63), e202400766.
Meng Zijuan, Wang, Tingting, Hu, Yuxin, Ouyang, Hanzhi, Wang Quan, Wu Meng, Zhou Jian, Lou Xiaoding(*), Wang Shixuan, Dai Jun(*), Xia Fan(*). Macrophage Membrane-Camouflaged Aggregation-Induced Emission Nanoparticles Enhance Photodynamic-Immunotherapy to Delay Postoperative Tumor Recurrence. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024, 13(4), 2302156.
Hu Jing-Jing, Yuan Lizhen, Zhang Yunfan, Kuang Jing, Song Wen, Lou Xiaoding(*), Xia Fan, Yoon Juyoung(*). Photo-Controlled Calcium Overload from Endogenous Sources for Tumor Therapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, 9, e202317578.
Jing-Jing Hu, Niya Lin, Yunfan Zhang, Fan Xia, Xiaoding Lou*. Nanofibers in Organelles: From Structure Design to Biomedical Applications. Angewandte Chemie, 2023: e202313139.
Zijuan Meng, Tingting Wang, Yuxin Hu, Hanzhi Ouyang, Quan Wang, Meng Wu, Jian Zhou, Xiaoding Lou*, Shixuan Wang, Jun Dai*, Fan Xia*. Macrophage Membrane-Camouflaged Aggregation-Induced Emission Nanoparticles Enhance Photodynamic-Immunotherapy to Delay Postoperative Tumor Recurrence. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2023: 2302156.
Jun Dai, Hanzhi Ouyang, Simin Wei, Biao Chen, Xiyuan Dong, Jing-jing Hu, Meng Wu, Shixuan Wang, Fan Xia, and Xiaoding Lou*.Cancer-Associated Fibroblast Mimetic AIE Probe for Precision Imaging-Guided Full-Cycle Management of Ovarian Cancer Surgery. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 40, 15068–15077.
Li, Shaoguang, Dai, Jun, Meng, Zijuan, Netzahualcóyotl, Arroyo-Currás, Li, Hongxing, Wang, Yuanyuan, Wang, Quan, Lou, Xiaoding*, Tod E. Kippin, Wang, Shixuan, Kevin, W. Plaxco*, Li, Hui*, and Xia, Fan. Implantable Hydrogel-Protective DNA Aptamer-Based Sensor Supports Accurate, Continuous Electrochemical Analysis of Drugs at Multiple Sites in Living Rats. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 18, 18525–18538.
Qiao, Yujuan, Hu, Jingjing, Hu, Yuxin, Duan, Chong, Jiang, Wenlian, Ma, Qun, Hong, Yuning, Xia, Fan, Lou,Xiaoding*, Detection of Unfolded Cellular Proteins Using Nanochannel Array with Probe-Functionalized Outer-Surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202309671.
Chen, Bochao, Hu, Jingjing, Ouyang, Hanzhi, Zhang Wei, Dai, Jun, Xu, Liang, Xia, Fan, Lou, Xiaoding*.Peptide-Conjugated Probe Inducing Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Self-Reporting Cell Apoptosis by Aggregated Proteins. Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95(34), 12903–12912.
Huang, Yu, Liu, Lingxiao, Luo, Cihui, Liu, Wei, Lou, Xiaoding, Jiang, Lei, Xia, Fan*. Solid-state nanochannels for bio-marker analysis. Chemical Society Reviews, 2023.
Wang, Haoran, Lou, Xiading*, Tang Benzhong*, etl. Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE), Life and Health. ACS Nano 2023, 17(15), 14347–14405.
Wu, Xia, Hu, Jing-jing, Chen, Lu-lu, Wu, Feng, Xia, Fan, Lou, Xiaoding(*). Peptide-Modified AIEgen Probe for Selective Imaging and Killing of Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells Based on Cell-Cycle-Dependent Uptake. Advanced Optical Materials, 2023, 2300850.
Hu, Jing-Jing, Jiang, Wenlian, Qiao, Yujuan, Mа, Qun, Du, Qiujiаo, Jiang, Jian-Hui, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*), Enzyme Regulating the Wettability of Outer Surface of Nanochannels. ACS Nano, 2023, 23(12), 5811–5821
Li, Shaoguang, Zhang, Hongyuan, Zhu, Man, Kuang, Zhujun, Li, Xun, Xu, Fan, Miao, Siyuan, Zhang, Zishuo, Lou, Xiaoding, Li, Hui(*), Xia, Fan(*). Electrochemical Biosensors for Whole Blood Analysis: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Chemical Reviews, 2023, 123(12), 7953–8039.
Wu, Xia, Hu, Jing-Jing, Chen, Lulu, Chen, Zhaojun, Wang, Tingting, Wu, Feng, Dai, Jun, Xia, Fan, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Targeting Proteins in Nucleus through Dual-Regulatory Pathways Acting in Cytoplasm. Nano Letters, 2023, 15 (2), 3026-3037.
Li, Jianqing, Zhuang, Zeyan, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Zhao, Zujin(*), and Tang, Ben Zhong. Molecular Design and Biomedical Application of AIEgens with Photochemical Activity. Chemical & Biomedical Imaging, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202207228.
Lu, Guangwen, Lin, Niya, Chen, Zhaojun, Jiang, Wenlian, Hu, Jing-Jing, Xia, Fan, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Nanopores/Nanochannels Based on Electrical and Optical Dual Signal Response for Application in Biological Detection. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 41(11), 1347-1384.
Dai, Jun(#), Wei, Simin(#), Xu, Jiarong(#), Xue, Huiying, Chen, Zhaojun, Wu, Meng, Chen, Wei(*), Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*), and Wang, Shixuan(*). Microneedle Device Delivering Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizers for Enhanced Metronomic Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 13, 16526–16538.
Zhang, Hongyuan, Zheng, Zhi(*), Zhang, Zhicheng, Hai, Liang, Li, Haiyang, Liu, Shenghong, Lou, Xiaoding, Zhai, Tianyou and Xia, Fan. Gate-voltage-modulated electrostatic interaction between the probe and the channel material of FET biosensors for detecting telomerase. Chemical Communications. 2023, 59, 5209-5212.
Zhang, Wei(#), Hu, Jing-Jing(#), Liu, Rui, Dai, Jun, Yuan, Lizhen, Liu, Yiheng, Chen, Bochao, Gong, Mingxing, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). A peptide-conjugated probe with cleavage-induced morphological change for treatment on tumor cell membrane. Advanced Science, 2023, 2207228. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202207228.
Wu, Meng(#), Xue, Liru(#), Guo, Yican, Dong, Xiaoqi, Chen, Zhaojun, Wei, Simin, Yi, Xiaoqing, Li, Yinuo, Zhang, Jinjin, Zhou, Su, Wu, Mingfu, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Dai, Jun(*), Xia, Fan(*), Wang, Shixuan(*).Microenvironmentally responsive chemotherapeutic prodrugs and CHEK2 inhibitors self-assembled micelles: protecting fertility and enhancing chemotherapy. Advanced Materials. 2023, 2210017.
Duan, Chong(#), Hu, Jing-Jing(#), Liu, Rui, Dai, Jun, Yuan, Lizhen, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Regulating the membrane affinity of multi-module probes to address the trade-off between anchoring and internalization. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95 (4), 2513–2522.
Cihui Luo, Lingxiao Liu, Yu Huang*, Lou, Xiaoding, Fan Xia, and Yanlin Song. Recent Advances in Printable Flexible Optical Devices: From Printing Technology and Optimization Strategies to Perspectives. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2022, 13(51), 12061–12075.
Zheng, Zhi, Yuan, Lizhen, Hu, Jing-Jing, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Modular Peptide Probe for Protein Analysis. Chemistry-A. European. Journal. 2023, 29 (9), e202203225.
Dai, Jun, Chen, Zhaojun, Chen, Biao, Dong, Xiyuan, Wu, Meng, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*), Wang, Shixuan(*). Erythrocyte Membrane-Camouflaged Aggregation-Induced Emission Nanoparticles for Fetal Intestinal Maturation Assessment. Analytical Chemistry. 2022, 94 (50), 17504-17513.
Li, Jianqing(#), Dai, Jun(#), Zhuang, Zeyan(#), Meng, Zijuan, Hu, Jing-Jing, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan, Zhao, Zujin, Tang, BenZhong. Combining PD-L1 blockade with immunogenic cell death induced by AIE photosensitizer to improve antitumor immunity. Biomaterials. 2022, 291, 121899.
Zheng, Zhi, Hai, Liang, Zhang Hongyuan, Lou, Xiaoding, Zhai Tianyou, Xia Fan(*).Epitaxy of wafer-scale bilayer MoS2 thin film for P-N diodes. Matter, 2022, 5(11), 2580-3582.
Yu, Shanwu, Liu, Rui, Ma, Ruiqi, Zhou, Qitao, Dong, Yifan, Lou, Xiaoding, Pan, Jing(*), Xia, Fan. The interior NiCo2S4 nanotube skeletons supported MoS2 nanosheet arrays as advanced electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 932, 167678.
Dai, Jun, Wu, Meng, Xu, Yating, Yao, Hongming, Lou, Xiaoding, Hong, Yuning, Zhou, Jian(*), Xia, Fan(*), Wang, Shixuan(*). Platelet membrane camouflaged AIEgen-mediated photodynamic therapy improves the effectiveness of anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy in large-burden tumors. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine. 2023, 8, 2, DOI:10.1002/btm2.10417.
Zhuang, Zeyan, Meng, Zijuan, Li, Jianqing, Shen, Pingchuan, Dai, Jun, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan, Tang, Benzhong, and Zhao, Zujin(*), Antibacterial Theranostic Agents with Negligible Living Cell Invasiveness: AIE-Active Cationic Amphiphiles Regulated by Alkyl Chain Engineering. ACS Nano, 2022, 16 (8), 11912-11930.
Jia, Hui, Liu, Yiheng, Hu, Jing-Jing(*), Li, Guogang(*), Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan. Lifetime-Based Responsive Probes: Design and Applications in Biological Analysis. Chemistry–An Asian Journal, 2022, e202200563.
Chen, Bochao, Yuan, Haotong, Zhang, Wei, Hu, Jingjing, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan. AIEgen-Peptide Bioprobes for the Imaging of Organelles. Biosensors, 2022, 12 (8), 667-683.
Meng, Zijuan, Xue, Huiying, Wang, Tingting, Chen, Biao, Dong, Xiyuan, Yang, Lili(*), Dai, Jun(*), Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan. Aggregation-induced emission photosensitizer-based photodynamic therapy in cancer: from chemical to clinical. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2022, 20, 344.
Ou, Xiaowen, Dai, Jingman, Huang, Yiting, Xiong, Xiaoqin, Zheng, Zhi(*), Lou, Xiaoding, and Xia, Fan. AIEgens assisted label free DNA supersandwich immunoassay for ultrasensitive α-fetoprotein detection, Giant, 2022, 11, 100110.
Yu, Peng, Meng, Jun, Wang, Fengmei(*), Marshet, Getaye, Sendeku, Wu, Binglan, Sui, Xinyu, Gao, Ning, Zhan, Xueying, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Wang, Zhenxing(*), and He Jun. Carbonate-Ion-Mediated Photogenerated Hole Transfer to Boost Hydrogen Production. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126 (25), 10367–10377.
Yang, Juliang, Hu, Jing-Jing, Wei, Jiaming, Dai, Jun, Fang, Hao, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Endocytosis Pathway Self-Regulation for Precise Image-Guided Therapy through an Enzyme-Responsive Modular Peptide Probe. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94 (22), 7960–7969.
Dai, Jun, Chen, Zhaojun, Wang, Shixuan, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Erythrocyte membrane-camouflaged nanoparticles as effective and biocompatible platform: Either autologous or allogeneic erythrocyte-derived. Materials Today Bio, 2022, 15, 100279.
Dai, Jun, Dong, Xiaoqi, Liu, Rui, Chen, Biao, Dong, Xiyuan, Wang, Quan, Hu, Jing-Jing, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). A peptide-AIEgen nanocomposite mediated whole cancer immunity cycle-cascade amplification for improved immunotherapy of tumor. Biomaterials, 2022, 285, 121528.
Dai, Jun, Xue, Huiying, Chen, Dugang(*), Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*), Wang, Shixuan(*). Aggregation-induced emission luminogens for assisted cancer surgery. Coordination Chemistry Review, 2022, 464, 214552. IF =24.833; Times Cited: 28. (highly cited paper)
Li, Jianqing, Meng, Zijuan, Zhuang, Zeyan, Wang, Bingnan, Dai, Jun, Feng, Guangxue, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan, Zhao, Zujin(*), and Tang, Benzhong. Effective Therapy of Drug-Resistant Bacterial Infection by Killing Planktonic Bacteria and Destructing Biofilms with Cationic Photosensitizer Based on Phosphindole Oxide. Small, 2022, 18 (17), e2200743.
Liu, Rui, Hu, Jing-Jing, Wu, Xia, Hu, Qinyu, Jiang, Wenlian, Zhao, Zujin, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Precisely detecting the telomerase activities by an AIEgen probe with dual signal outputs after cell-cycle synchronization. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94 (11), 4874–4880.
Dai, Jun(#), Hu, Jing-Jing(#), Dong, Xiaoqi(#), Chen, Biao, Dong, Xiyuan, Liu, Rui, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Deep downregulation of PD-L1 by caged peptide-conjugated AIEgen/miR-140 nanoparticles for enhanced immunotherapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61 (18), e202117798.
Hu, Jing-Jing, Jiang, Wenlian, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan, Target-triggering, signal-amplified chemo/bio-sensors based on aggregation-induced emission luminogens. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3 (2), 100743.
Han, Pengbo, Xu, He, Hu, Jingjing, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*),Yuan Lizhen, , Tang, Ben Zhong, et. al. Aggregation-Induced Emission. Progress in Chemistry, 2022, 34 (1), 1-130.
Meng, Zijuan, Chen, Zhaojun, Lu, Guangwen, Dong, Xiaoqi, Dai, Jun(*), Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan. Short-Wavelength Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizers for Solid Tumor Therapy Enhanced with White-Light Fiber Optic. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2022, 17, 6607-6619.
Yang, Juliang, Hu, Jing-Jing, Wei, Jiaming, Dai, Jun, Liu, Rui, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Peptide-conjugated AIEgen: precise and firm cell membrane labeling by multiple weak interactions. CCS Chemistry, 2022, 4 (2), 464–475.
Guo, Jingjing(#), Dai, Jun(#), Peng, Xiaoluo, Wang, Quan, Wang, Shixuan, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan, Zhao, Zujin(*), and Tang, Ben Zhong. 9,10-Phenanthrenequinone: a promising kernel to develop multifunctional antitumor systems for efficient type I photodynamic and photothermal synergistic therapy. ACS Nano, 2021, 15 (12), 20042-20055.
Zhu, Hai, Tu, Yidan, Luo, Cihui, Dai, Li, Lou, Xiaoding, Huang, Yu and Xia, Fan(*). Temperature-triggered switchable superwettability on a robust paint for controllable photocatalysis. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2021, 2 (12), 100669.
Wu, Feng, Huang, Yu, Yang, Xian, Hu, Jing-Jing, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan, Song, Yanlin and Jiang, Lei. Tunning intermolecular interaction of peptide-conjugated AIEgen in nano-confined space for quantitative detection of tumor marker secreted from cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93 (48), 16257-16263.
Zhu, Hai, Huang, Yu, Zhang, Shouwei, Jin, Shiwei, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*), A universal, multifunctional, high-practicability superhydrophobic paint for waterproofing grass houses. NPG Asia Materials, 2021, 13 (47), 2-11.
Sabouri, Soheila, Liu, Mengjie, Zhang, Shouxiang, Yao, Bicheng, Soleimaninejad, Hamid, Baxter, Amy A, Armendariz-Vidales, Georgina, Subedi, Pramod, Duan, Chong, Lou, Xiaoding, Hogan, Conor F, Heras, Begona, Poon, Ivan K. H. and Hong, Yuning(*). Construction of a Highly Sensitive Thiol-Reactive AIEgen-Peptide Conjugate for Monitoring Protein Unfolding and Aggregation in Cells. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021, 10 (24), 2101300.
Hu, Jing-Jing, Jiang, Wenlian, Chen, Qing, Liu, Rui, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Solid-state nanochannel with multiple signal outputs for furin detection based on the biocompatible condensation reaction. Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93 (42), 14036-14041.
Long, Zi(#), Hu, Jing-Jing(#), Yuan, Lizhen, Duan, Chong, Dai, Jun, Zhen, Shijie, Zhao, Zujin, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. A cell membrane-anchored nanoassembly with self-reporting property for enhanced second near-infrared photothermal therapy. Nano Today, 2021, 41, 101312.
Gao, Pengcheng, Ma, Qun, Liu, Rui, Lou, Xiaoding, Huang, Yu, Zhang, Baocheng and Xia, Fan(*). Particle-wave dualism in nanoconfined space: ultrafast substance flow. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2021, 38 (4), 957-960.
Jia, Hui, Ding, Defang, Hu, Jingjing, Dai, Jun, Yang, Juliang, Li Guogang(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia Fan(*). AIEgen-based lifetime-probes for precise furin quantification and identification of cell subtypes. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (45), 2104615.
Hu, Jing-Jing, Dong, Xiaoqi, Jiang, Wenlian, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Multifunctional aggregates for precise cellular analysis. Science China Chemistry, 2021, 64 (11), 1938-1945.
Pan, Jing, Yu, Shanwu, Jing, Zhang, wei, Zhou, Qitao, Dong, Yifan, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction related to nanochannel materials. Small Structures, 2021, 2 (10), 2100076.
Dai, Jun(*), Dong, Xiaoqi, Wang, Quan, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*) and Wang, Shixuan(*). PEG-polymer encapsulated aggregation-induced emission nanoparticles for tumor theranostics. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021, 10 (24), 2101036.
Hu, Jing-Jing, Yuan, Qiming, Dong, Xiaoqi, Cheng, Yong, Yuan, Li, Zhen, Dai, Jun, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*), Modular-peptides-based ternary complex for precisely tracking the targeted process and delivery of gene/chemo-drug. Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9 (20), 2100966.
Huang, Yu, Xue, Huiying, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*). Precise measurement of single molecule and single cell based on nanopores/nanochannels' charge transfer. Science Bulletin, 2021, 66(16), 1599-1600.
Gao, Pengcheng, Wang, Dagui, Che, Cheng, Ma, Qun, Wu, Xiaoqing, Chen, Yajie, Xu, Hongquan, Li, Xinchun, Lin, Yu, Ding, Defang, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Regional and functional division of functional elements of solid-state nanochannels for enhanced sensitivity and specificity of biosensing in complex matrices. Nature Protocols, 2021, 16 (9), 4201–4226.
Duan, Chong(#), Hu, Jing-Jing(#), Liu, Rui, Dai, Jun, Duan, Mojie, Yuan, Lizhen, Xia, Fan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Spatial order of functional modules enabling diverse intracellular performance of fluorescent probes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60 (33),18280–18288.
Chen, Dugang(*), Long, Zi, Zhong, Cheng, Chen, Li, Dang, Yecheng, Hu, Jing-Jing, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Highly efficient near-infrared photosensitizers with aggregation-induced emission characteristics: rational molecular design and photodynamic cancer cell ablation. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021, 4 (6), 5231-5239.
Jiang, Ruming(#), Dai, Jun(#), Dong, Xiaoqi, Wang, Quan, Meng, Zijuan, Guo, Jingjing, Yu, Yongjiang, Wang, Shixuan, Xia, Fan, Zhao, Zujing(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Improving image-guided surgical and immunological tumor treatment efficacy by photothermal and photodynamic therapies based on a multifunctional NIR AIEgen, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (22), 2101158. IF= 32.086; Times Cited: 88. (highly cited paper)
Huang, Yu, Liu, Lingxiao, Yang, Xian, Zhang, Xiaoyu, Yan, Lei, Wu, Bing, Feng, Pengju, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan, Song, Yanlin and Li, Fengyu(*). A diverse micromorphology of photonic crystal chips for multianalyte sensing. Small, 2021, 17 (12), 2006723.
Hu, Jing-Jing, Jiang, Wenlian, Yuan, Lizhen, Duan, Chong, Yuan, Qiming, Long, Zi, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Recent advances in stimuli-responsive theranostic systems with aggregation-induced emission characteristics. Aggregate, 2021, 2 (1), 48-65.
Zhu, Hai, Huang, Yu, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Bioinspired superwetting surfaces for biosensing. View, 2021, 2 (1), 20200053.
Zhang, Wei, Chen, Qing, Wu, Feng, Dai, Jun, Ding, Defang(*), Wu, Jun(*), Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan. Peptide-based nanomaterials for gene therapy. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3 (2), 302-310.
Yu, Peng, Wang, Fengmei(*), Meng, Jun, Shif, Tofik Ahmed, Sendeku, Marshet Getaye, Fang, Ju, Li, Shuxian, Cheng, Zhongzhou, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and He, Jun. Few-layered CuInP2S6 nanosheet with sulfur vacancy boosting photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23 (3), 591-598.
Yi, Xiaoqing(#), Hu, Jing-Jing(#), Dai, Jun, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Zhao, Zujin, Xia, Fan(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Self-guiding polymeric prodrug micelles with two aggregation-induced emission photosensitizers for enhanced chemo-photodynamic therapy, ACS Nano, 2021, 15 (2), 3026-3037, IF= 18.027; Times Cited: 71. (highly cited paper)
Hu, Qinyu, Wu, Jun, Chen, Lulu, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Recent development of DNA-modified AIEgen probes for biomedical application, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2021, 37 (1), 66-72.
Wu, Xia, Wu, Jun, Dai, Jun, Chen, Biao, Chen, Zhe, Wang, Shixuan, Wu, Feng, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Aggregation-induced emission luminogens reveal cell cycle-dependent telomerase activity in cancer cells. National Science Review, 2021, 8 (6), nwaa306.
Wu, Xia, Guo, Yue, Dai, Jun, Xia, Fan, Lou, Xiaoding(*). A new technique for telomerase detection based on post-synchronous analysis. Chinese Science Bulletin-Chinese, 2021, 66(17), 2090-20992.
Chen, Biao, Dong, Xiaoqi, Dong, Xiyuan, Wang, Quan, Wu, Meng, Wu, Jun, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan, Wang, Wenwen(*), Dai, Jun(*) and Wang, Shixuan. Integration of dual targeting and dual therapeutic modules endows self-assembled nanoparticles with anti-tumor growth and metastasis functions. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2021, 16, 1361-1376.
Wu, Jun, Wang, Quan, Dong, Xiaoqi, Xu, Min, Yang, Juliang,Yi, Xiaoqing, Chen, Biao, Dong, Xiyuan, Wang, Ying, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan, Wang, Shixuan(*) and Dai, Jun(*). Biocompatible AlEgen/p-glycoprotein siRNA@reduction-sensitive paclitaxel polymeric prodrug nanoparticles for overcoming chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer. Theranostics, 2021, 11 (8), 3710-3724.
Wu, Jun, Hu, Qinyu, Chen, Qing, Dai, Jun,Wu, Xia, Wang, Shixuan, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Modular DNA-incorporated aggregation-induced emission probe for sensitive detection and imaging of dna methyltransferase. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3 (12), 8121-9163.
Dai, Jun(#),Cheng, Yong(#),Wu, Jun(#), Wang Quan, Wang Wenwen, Yang, Juliang, Zhao, Zujin, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*), Wang, Shixuan(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong. Modular peptide probe for pre/intra/postoperative therapeutic to reduce recurrence in ovarian cancer. ACS Nano, 2020, 14 (11), 14698-14714.
Yao, Hongming(#), Dai, Jun(#), Zhuang, Zeyan(#), Yao, Jinya, Wu, Zixuan, Wang, Shixuan, Xia, Fan, Zhou, Jian(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Zhao, Zujin(*). Red AIE conjugated polyelectrolytes for long-term tracing and image-guided photodynamic therapy of tumors. Science China Chemistry, 2020, 63 (12), 1815-1824.
Yang, Juliang, Wei, Jiaming, Luo, Fan, Dai, Jun, Hu, Jing-Jing(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Enzyme-responsive peptide-based AIE bioprobes. Topics in Current Chemistry, 2020, 378 (6), 47.
Yang, Juliang(#), Dai, Jun(#), Wang, Quan, Cheng, Yong, Guo, Jingjing, Zhao, Zujin, Hong, Yuning, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Tumor-triggered disassembly of multiple-agent-therapy probe for efficient cellular internalization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59 (46), 20405-20410. IF= 16.823; Times Cited: 61. (highly cited paper)
Dai, Jun(#), Duan, Chong(#), Huang, Yu, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*) and Wang, Shixuan(*). Aggregation-induced emission luminogens for RONS sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020, 8 (16), 3357-3370.
Zhuang, Zeyan, Dai, Jun, Yu, Maoxing, Li, Jianqing, Shen, Pingchuan, Hu, Rong, Lou, Xiaoding, Zhao, Zujin(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong. Type I photosensitizers based on phosphindole oxide for photodynamic therapy: apoptosis and autophagy induced by endoplasmic reticulum stress. Chemical Science, 2020, 11 (13), 3405-3417. IF= 9.969; Times Cited: 131. (highly cited paper)
Dai, Jun(#), Wu, Xia(#), Ding, Siyang(#), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan, Wang, Shixuan and Hong, Yuning(*). Aggregation-induced emission photosensitizers: from molecular design to photodynamic therapy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 63 (5), 1996-2012. IF= 8.039; Times Cited: 121. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding(#), Huang, Yu(#), Yang, Xian, Zhu, Hai, Heng, Liping, and Xia, Fan(*). External stimuli responsive liquid-infused surfaces switching between slippery and non-slippery states: fabrications and applications. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30 (10), 1901130. IF= 19.924; Times Cited: 78. (highly cited paper)
Yang, Juliang, Dai, Jun, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan. Tumor triggered disassembly: Precise release and efficient cellular internalization of multiple-agent-therapy probe. Chinese Science Bulletin-Chinese, 2020, 65(32), 3497-3498.
Dai, Jun(#), Li, Yinghao(#), Long, Zi, Jiang, Ruming, Zhuang, Zeyan, Wang, Zhiming, Zhao, Zujin(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Efficient near-infrared photosensitizer with aggregation-induced emission for imaging-guided photodynamic therapy in multiple xenograft tumor models. ACS Nano, 2020, 14 (1), 854-866. IF= 18.027; Times Cited: 125. (highly cited paper)
Dai, Jun(#), Xu, Min(#), Quan Wang, Yang, Juliang, Zhang, Jinjin, Cui, Pengfei, Wang, Wenwen, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*) and Wang, Shixuan(*). Cooperation therapy between anti-growth by photodynamic-AIEgens and anti-metastasis by small molecule inhibitors in ovarian cancer. Theranostics, 2020, 10 (5), 2385-2398.
Long, Zi(#), Dai, Jun(#), Hu, Qinyu, Wang, Quan, Zhen, Shijie, Zhao, Zujin, Liu, Zitong, Hu, Jing-Jing, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Nanococktail based on AIEgens and semiconducting polymers: a single laser excited image-guided dual photothermal therapy. Theranostics, 2020, 10 (5), 2260-2272.
Li, Hui (#), Li, Shaoguang(#), Dai, Jun, Li, Chengcheng, Zhu, Man, Li, Hongxing, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*) and Plaxco, Kevin W.(*). High frequency, calibration-free molecular measurements in situ in the living body. Chemical Science, 2019, 10 (47), 10843-10848.
Yang, Xian, Huang, Yu(*), Zhao, Yan(*),Zhang, Xiaoyu, Wang , Jinhua, Sann, Ei Ei, Mon, Khin Hla, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan. Bioinspired slippery lubricant-infused surfaces with external stimuli responsive wettability: A Mini Review. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019, 7, 826.
Lou, Xiaoding(#), Song, Yongjun(#), Liu, Rui(#), Cheng, Yong, Dai, Jun, Chen, Qing, Gao, Pengcheng, Zhao, Zujin and Xia, Fan(*). Enzyme and AIEgens modulated solid-state nanochannels: in situ and noninvasive monitoring of H2O2 released from living cells. Small Methods, 2020, 4 (2), 1900432.
Xia, Fan(#), Wu, Jun(#), Wu, Xia, Hu, Qinyu, Dai, Jun and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Modular design of peptide- or DNA-modified AIEgens probes for biosensing applications. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2019, 52 (11), 3064-3074. IF= 24.466; Times Cited: 99. (highly cited paper)
Long, Zi, Chen, Li, Dang, Yecheng, Chen, Dugang(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. An ultralow concentration of two-photon fluorescent probe for rapid and selective detection of lysosomal cysteine in living cells. Talanta, 2019, 204, 762-768.
Zhen, Shijie(#), Yi, Xiaoqing(#), Zhao, Zujin(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Drug delivery micelles with efficient near-infrared photosensitizer for combined image-guided photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy of drug-resistant cancer. Biomaterials, 2019, 218, 119330. IF= 15.304; Times Cited: 96. (highly cited paper)
Yuan, Qiming, Cheng, Yong, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Rational fabrication and biomedical application of biomolecule-conjugated AIEgens through click reaction. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 37 (10), 1072-1082.
Xu, Min, Wang, Xudong, Wang, Quan, Hu, Qinyu, Huang, Kaixun, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Analyte-responsive fluorescent probes with AIE characteristic based on the change of covalent bond. Science China Materials, 2019, 62 (9), 1236-1250.
Wang, Quan, Wang, Xudong, Xu, Min, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). One-dimensional and two-dimensional nanomaterials for the detection of multiple biomolecules. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30 (9), 1557-1564.
Wang, Xudong, Dai, Jun, Wang, Xiaoyu, Hu, Qinyu, Huang, Kaixun, Zhao, Zujin(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). MnO2-DNAzyme-photosensitizer nanocomposite with AIE characteristic for cell imaging and photodynamic-gene therapy. Talanta, 2019, 202, 591-599.
Wu, Feng(#), Wu, Xia(#), Duan, Zhijuan, Huang, Yu, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Biomacromolecule-functionalized AIEgens for advanced biomedical studies. Small, 2019, 15 (32), 1804839.
Jia, Yongmei, Wu, Feng, Liu, Peilian, Zhou, Guohua, Yu, Biao, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). A label-free fluorescent aptasensor for the detection of aflatoxin B1 in food samples using AIEgens and graphene oxide. Talanta, 2019, 198, 71-77. IF=6.556; Times Cited: 70. (highly cited paper)
Sun, Chunli(#), Ou, Xiaowen(#), Cheng,Yong(*), Zhai, Tianyou, Liu, Bifeng, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan. Coordination-induced structural changes of DNA-based optical and electrochemical sensors for metal ions detection. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48 (18), 5879-5891.
Hu, Rong(#), Chen, Bin(#), Wang, Zhiming, Qin, Anjun, Zhao, Zujin(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Intriguing "chameleon" fluorescent bioprobes for the visualization of lipid droplet-lysosome interplay. Biomaterials, 2019, 203, 43-51.
Cheng, Yong(#), Sun, Chunli(#), Liu, Rui(#), Yang, Juliang, Dai, Jun, Zhai, Tianyou, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). A multifunctional peptide-conjugated AIEgen for efficient and sequential targeted gene delivery into the nucleus, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58 (15), 5049-5053. IF= 16.823; Times Cited: 108. (highly cited paper)
Yu, Peng, Wang, Fengmei(*), Shifa, Tofik Ahmed, Zhan, Xueying, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*) and He, Jun(*). Earth abundant materials beyond transition metal dichalcogenides: A focus on electrocatalyzing hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Energy, 2019, 58, 244-276. IF= 19.069; Times Cited: 220. (highly cited paper)
Wang, Xudong, Xu, Min, Huang, Kaixun, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). AIEgens/Nucleic Acid Nanostructures for Bioanalytical Applications. Chemistry–An Asian Journal, 2019, 14 (6), 689-699.
Ou, Xiaowen(#), Zhan, Shenshan(#), Sun, Chunli, Cheng, Yong(*), Wang, Xudong, Liu, Bifeng, Zhai, Tianyou, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan. Simultaneous detection of telomerase and miRNA with graphene oxide-based fluorescent aptasensor in living cells and tissue samples. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2019, 124, 199-204. IF= 12.545; Times Cited: 60. (highly cited paper)
Chen, Dugang(*), Long, Zi, Sun, Yimin, Luo, Zijuan and Lou, Xiaoding(*). A red-emission probe for intracellular biothiols imaging with a large Stokes shift. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-chemistry, 2018, 368, 90-96.
Li, Xinchun, Zhang, Tianchi, Gao, Pengcheng, Wei, Benmei, Jia, Yongmei, Cheng, Yong, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Integrated solid-state nanopore electrochemistry array for sensitive, Specific, and Label-free Biodetection. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (49), 14787-14795.
Gao, Pengcheng(#), Ma, Qun(#), Ding, Defang, Wang, Dagui, Lou, Xiaoding, Zhai, Tianyou and Xia, Fan(*). Distinct functional elements for outer-surface anti-interference and inner-wall ion gating of nanochannels. Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4557. IF=17.694; Times Cited: 90. (highly cited paper)
Zhan, Shenshan, Pan, Yong, Gao, Zhongfeng, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Biological and chemical sensing applications based on special wettable surfaces. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 108, 183-194.
Wang, Fengmei, Shifa, Tofik Ahmed., Yu, Peng, He, Peng, Liu, Yang, Wang, Feng, Wang, Zhenxing, Zhan, Xueying, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan(*) and He, Jun(*). New frontiers on van der waals layered metal phosphorous trichalcogenides. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28 (37), 1802151. IF= 19.924; Times Cited: 178. (highly cited paper)
Jia, Yongmei, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Fluorescent bioprobe based on nucleic acid for live cell imaging. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 46 (9), 1329-1338.
Chen, Dugang(#), Yang, Juliang(#), Dai, Jun(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Zhong, Cheng, Yu, Xianglin and Xia, Fan. A low background D-A-D type fluorescent probe for imaging of biothiols in living cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6 (32), 5248-5255.
Huang, Fujian, Lin, Meihua, Duan, Ruilin, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*) and Willner, Itamar(*). Photoactivated specific mRNA detection in single living cells by coupling "signal-on" fluorescence and "signal-off" electrochemical signals. Nano Letters, 2018, 18 (8), 5116-5123.
Chen, Yanxia, Min, Xuehong, Zhang, Xiqi, Zhang, Feilong, Lu, Simeng, Xu, Li-Ping(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan, Zhang, Xueji(*) and Wang, Shutao. AIE-based superwettable microchips for evaporation and fluorescence enhancement biosensing. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2018, 111, 124-130.
Wang, Xudong(#), Dai, Jun(#), Min, Xuehong, Yu, Zhihua, Cheng, Yong, Huang, Kaixun, Yang, Juliang, Yi, Xiaoqing, Lou, Xiaoding (*) and Xia, Fan(*). DNA-conjugated amphiphilic aggregation-induced emission probe for cancer tissue imaging and prognosis analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (13), 8162-8169.
Liu, Jun-Jie, Yang, Juliang, Wang, Jin-Liang(*), Chang, Zheng-Feng, Li, Bo, Song, Wen-Ting, Zhao, Zujin, Lou, Xiaoding, Dai, Jun(*) and Xia, Fan. Tetrathienylethene based red aggregation-enhanced emission probes: super red-shifted mechanochromic behavior and highly photostable cell membrane imaging. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 2 (6), 1126-1136.
Gao, Zhongfeng(#), Sann, Ei Ei(#), Lou, Xiaoding(#), Liu, Renyi, Dai, Jun(*), Zuo, Xiaolei, Xia, Fan(*) and Jiang Lei. Naked-eye point-of-care testing platform based on a pH-responsive superwetting surface: toward the non-invasive detection of glucose. NPG Asia Materials, 2018, 10, 177-189.
Cheng, Yong(#), Dai, Jun(#), Sun, Chunli(#), Liu, Rui, Zhai, Tianyou, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). An intracellular H2O2-responsive AIEgen for the peroxidase-mediated selective imaging and inhibition of inflammatory cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57 (12), 3123-3127. IF= 16.823; Times Cited: 177. (highly cited paper)
Li, Xinchun(#), Zhai, Tianyou(#), Gao, Pengcheng, Cheng, Hongli, Hou, Ruizuo, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Role of outer surface probes for regulating ion gating of nanochannels. Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 40. IF= 17.694; Times Cited: 96. (highly cited paper)
Wei, Benmei, Zhang, Juntao, Ou, Xiaowen, Lou, Xiaoding, Xia, Fan(*) and Vallee-Belisle, Alexis(*). Engineering biosensors with dual programmable dynamic ranges. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (3), 1506-1510.
Long, Zi(#), Zhan, Shenshan (#), Gao, Pengcheng, Wang, Yongqian, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Recent advances in solid nanopore/channel analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (1), 577-588. IF= 8.008; Times Cited: 102. (highly cited paper)
Yi, Xiaoqing(#), Dai, Jun(#), Han,Yingyan, Xu, Min, Zhang, Xiaojin, Zhen, Shijie, Zhao, Zujin(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). A high therapeutic efficacy of polymeric prodrug nano-assembly for a combination of photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy. Communications Biology, 2018, 1, 202. IF=6.548; Times Cited: 70. (highly cited paper)
Min, Xuehong, Xia, Lei, Zhuang, Yuan, Wang, Xudong, Du, Jie, Zhang, Xiaojin, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). An AIEgens and exonuclease III aided quadratic amplification assay for detecting and cellular imaging of telomerase activity. Science Bulletin, 2017, 62 (14), 997-1003.
Cheng, Yong, Sun, Chunli, Ou, Xiaowen, Liu, Bifeng, Lou, Xiaoding(*), and Xia, Fan(*). Dual-targeted peptide-conjugated multifunctional fluorescent probe with AIEgen for efficient nucleus-specific imaging and long-term tracing of cancer cells. Chemical Science, 2017, 8 (6), 4571-4578. IF=9.969; Times Cited: 90. (highly cited paper)
Ou, Xiaowen, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). A highly sensitive DNA-AIEgen-based “turn-on” fluorescence chemosensor for amplification analysis of Hg2+ ions in real samples and living cells. Science China Chemistry, 2017, 60 (5), 663-669.
Ou, Xiaowen, Hong, Fan, Zhang, Zhenyu, Cheng, Yong, Zhao, Zujin, Gao, Pengcheng, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan and Wang, Shutao. A highly sensitive and facile graphene oxide-based nucleic acid probe: label-free detection of telomerase activity in cancer patient's urine using AIEgens. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2017, 89, 417-421.
Liu, Nannan(#), Li, Cao(#), Zhang, Tianchi, Hou, Ruizuo, Xiong, Zhiping, Li, Zeyong, Wei, Benmei, Yang, Zekun, Gao, Pengcheng(#*), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Zhang, Xianzheng, Guo, Wei and Xia, Fan. Fabrication of "plug and play" channels with dual responses by host-guest interactions. Small, 2017, 13 (4), 1600287.
Zhang, Xiaojin, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Advances in the detection of telomerase activity using isothermal amplification. Theranostics, 2017, 7 (7), 1847-1862. IF= 11.6; Times Cited: 47.
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhao, Zujin(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Organic dots based on AIEgens for two-photon fluorescence bioimaging. Small, 2016, 12 (47), 6430-6450. IF=15.153; Times Cited: 101. (highly cited paper)
Cheng, Yong, Huang, Fujian, Min, Xuehong, Gao, Pengcheng, Zhang, Tianchi, Li, Xinchun, Liu, Bifeng, Hong, Yuning, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Protease-responsive prodrug with aggregation-induced emission probe for controlled drug delivery and drug release tracking in living cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (17), 8913-8919. IF=8.008; Times Cited: 75. (highly cited paper)
Min, Xuehong, Zhang, Mengshi, Huang, Fujian, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Xia, Fan. Live Cell MicroRNA Imaging Using Exonuclease III Aided Recycling Amplification Based on Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (42), 29194-29194.
Lin, Meihua, Song, Ping, Zhou, Guobao, Zuo, Xiaolei(*), Aldalbahi, Ali, Lou, Xiaoding, Shi, Jiye and Fan, Chunhai. Electrochemical detection of nucleic acids, proteins, small molecules and cells using a DNA nanostructure-based universal biosensing platform. Nature Protocols, 2016, 11 (7), 1244-1263. IF= 17.021; Times Cited: 263. (highly cited paper).
Jia, Yongmei(#), Gao, Pengcheng(#), Zhuang, Yuan(#), Miao, Mao, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan, Facile probe design: fluorescent amphiphilic nucleic acid probes without quencher providing telomerase activity Imaging inside living cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (12), 6621-6626.
Zhuang, Yuan(#), Xu, Qi(#), Huang, Fujian, Gao, Pengcheng, Zhao, Zujin, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Ratiometric fluorescent bioprobe for highly reproducible detection of telomerase in bloody urines of bladder cancer patients. ACS Sensors, 2016, 1 (5), 572-578.
Zhuang, Yuan, Huang, Fujian, Xu, Qi, Zhang, Mengshi, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Facile, Fast-responsive and photostable imaging of telomerase activity in living cells with a fluorescence turn-on manner. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (6), 3289-3294. IF=8.008; Times Cited: 86. (highly cited paper)
Xu, Xuemei, Hou, Ruizuo, Gao, Pengcheng, Miao, Mao, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Liu, Bifeng and Xia, Fan. Highly robust nanopore-based dual-signal-output ion detection system for achieving three successive calibration curves. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (4), 2386-2391.
Gao, Pengcheng, Hu, Lintong, Liu, Nannan, Yang, Zekun, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Zhai, Tianyou(*), Li, Huiqiao and Xia, Fan(*). Functional “janus” annulus in confined channels. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (3), 460-465. IF= 32.086; Times Cited: 40.
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Mengshi, Zhao, Zujin, Min, Xuehong, Hakeem, Abdul, Huang, Fujian, Gao, Pengcheng, Xia, Fan(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong. A photostable AIE fluorogen for lysosome-targetable imaging of living cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4 (44), 5412-5417.
Ou, Xiaowen, Wei, Benmei, Zhang, Zhenyu, Zhang, Mengshi, Zhuang, Yuan, Gao, Pengcheng(*), Lou, Xiaoding(*), Xia, Fan and Tang, Ben Zhong. Detection of UVA/UVC-induced damage of p53 fragment by rolling circle amplification with AIEgens. Analyst, 2016, 141 (14), 4394-4399.
Liu, Nannan(#), Hou, Ruizuo(#), Gao, Pengcheng(#), Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Sensitive Zn2+ sensor based on biofunctionalized nanopores by combination of DNAzyme and DNA supersandwich structures. Analyst, 2016, 141 (12), 3626-3629.
Chang, Zheng-Feng, Jing, Ling-min, Chen, Bin, Zhang, Mengshi, Liu, Jun-Jie, Ye, Yan-Chun, Lou, Xiaoding(*), Zhao, Zujin(*), Liu, Bin(*), Wang, Jin-Liang(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong. Rational design of asymmetric red fluorescent probes for live cell imaging with high AIE effect and large two-photon absorption cross section using tuneable terminal groups. Chemical Science, 2016, 7 (7), 4527-4536. IF=9.969; Times Cited: 87. (highly cited paper)
Duan, Ruixue, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). The development of nanostructure assisted isothermal amplification in biosensors. Chemical Society Reviews, 2016, 45 (6), 1738-1749. IF= 60.615; Times Cited: 90. (highly cited paper)
Hakeem, Abdul, Zahid, Fouzia, Duan, Ruixue, Asif, Muhammad, Zhang, Tianchi, Zhang, Zhenyu, Cheng, Yong, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Cellulose conjugated FITC-labelled mesoporous silica nanoparticles: intracellular accumulation and stimuli responsive doxorubicin release. Nanoscale, 2016, 8 (9), 5089-5097.
Xu, Xuemei, Zhao, Wei, Gao, Pengcheng, Li, Huiqing, Feng, Guang, Zhao, Zujin and Lou, Xiaoding(*). Coordination of the electrical and optical signals revealing nanochannels with an “onion-like” gating mechanism and its sensing application. NPG Asia Materials, 2016, 8, e234.
Zhuang, Yuan, Zhang, Mengshi, Chen, Bin, Duan, Ruixue, Min, Xuehong, Zhang, Zhenyu, Zheng, Fuxin, Liang, Huageng, Zhao, Zujin, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Quencher group induced high specificity detection of telomerase in clear and bloody urines by AIEgens. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (18), 9487-9493.
Min, Xuehong(#), Zhuang, Yuan(#), Zhang, Zhenyu, Jia, Yongmei, Zheng, Fuxin, Cheng, Yong, Tang, Ben Zhong, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan. Lab in a tube: sensitive detection of microRNAs in urines samples from bladder cancer patients using a single-label DNA probe with AIEgens. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (30), 16813-16818.
Lou, Xiaoding(#), Zhuang, Yuan(#), Zuo, Xiaolei(#), Jia, Yongmei, Hong, Yuning, Min, Xuehong, Zhang, Zhenyu, Xu, Xuemei, Liu, Nannan, Xia, Fan(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong. Real-time, quantitative lighting-up detection of telomerase in urines of bladder cancer patients by AIEgens. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (13), 6822-6827. IF=8.008; Times Cited: 114. (highly cited paper)
Liu, Nannan (#), Yang, Zekun (#), Lou, Xiaoding, Wei, Benmei, Zhang, Juntao, Gao, Pengcheng, Hou, Ruizuo and Xia, Fan(*). Nanopore-based DNA-probe sequence-evolution method unveiling characteristics of protein-DNA binding phenomena in a nanoscale confined space. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (7), 4037-4041.
Jia, Yongmei(#), Zuo, Xiaolei(#), Lou, Xiaoding(#), Miao, Mao, Cheng, Yong, Min, Xuehong, Li, Xinchun and Xia, Fan(*). Rational designed bipolar, conjugated polymer-DNA composite beacon for the sensitive detection of proteins and ions. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (7), 3890-3894.
Guo, Wei(#), Hong, Fan(#), Liu, Nannan(#), Huang, Jiayu, Wang, Boya, Duan, Ruixue, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Target-specific 3D DNA gatekeepers for biomimetic nanopores. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27 (12), 2090-2095. IF= 32.086; Times Cited: 69. (highly cited paper)
Wei, Benmei, Liu, Nannan, Zhang, Juntao, Ou, Xiaowen, Duan, Ruixue, Yang, Zekun, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Regulation of DNA self-assembly and DNA hybridization by chiral molecules with corresponding biosensor applications. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (4), 2058-2062.
Hakeem, Abdul, Duan, Ruixue, Zahid, Fouzia, Dong, Chao, Wang, Boya, Hong, Fan, Ou, Xiaowen, Jia, Yongmei, Lou, Xiaoding(*) and Xia, Fan(*). Dual stimuli-responsive nano-vehicles for controlled drug delivery: mesoporous silica nanoparticles end-capped with natural chitosan. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50 (87), 13268-13271. IF= 6.065; Times Cited: 67. (highly cited paper)
Duan, Ruixue, Wang, Boya, Zhang, Tianchi, Zhang, Zhenyu, Xu, Shaofang, Chen, Zhifei, Lou, Xiaoding and Xia, Fan(*). Sensitive and bidirectional detection of urine telomerase based on the four detection-color states of difunctional gold nanoparticle probe. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86 (19), 9781-9785. IF=8.008; Times Cited: 73. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding(#), Hong, Yuning(#), Chen, Sijie, Leung, Chris Wai Tung, Zhao Na, Bo, Situ, Lam, Jacky Wing Yip Lam and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). A selective glutathione probe based on AIE fluorogen and its application in enzymatic activity assay. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 4272.
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhao, Zujin, Hong, Yuning, Dong, Chao, Min, Xuehong, Zhuang, Yuan, Xu, Xuemei, Jia, Yongmei, Xia, Fan(*) and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). A new turn-on chemosensor for bio-thiols based on the nanoaggregates of a tetraphenylethene-coumarin fluorophore. Nanoscale, 2014, 6 (24), 14691-14696.
Lou, Xiaoding(#), Leung, Chris Wai Tung(#), Dong, Chao, Hong, Yuning, Chen, Sijie, Zhao, Engui, Lam, Jacky Wing Yip and Tang, Ben Zhong(*). Detection of adenine-rich ssDNA based on thymine-substituted tetraphenylethene with aggregation-induced emission characteristics. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (63), 33307-33311.
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Yi, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). Colorimetric hypochlorite detection using an azobenzene acid in pure aqueous solutions and real application in tap water. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2012, 161 (1), 229-234. IF= 9.221; Times Cited: 67. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding(#), Ou, Daxin(#), Li, Qianqian and Li, Zhen(*). An indirect approach for anion detection: the displacement strategy and its application. Chemical Communications, 2012, 48 (68), 8462-8477. IF=6.065; Times Cited: 237. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Yi, Li, Shuang, Ou, Daxin, Wan, Zhaomin, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). A new polyfluorene bearing pyridine moieties: a sensitive fluorescent chemosensor for metal ions and cyanide. Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 3 (6), 1446-1452.
Lou, Xiaoding, Zeng, Qi, Zhang, Yi, Wan, Zhaomin, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). Functionalized polyacetylenes with strong luminescence: ‘‘turn-on’’ fluorescent detection of cyanide based on the dissolution of gold nanoparticles and its application in real samples. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22 (12), 5581-5586.
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Yi, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). A highly sensitive and selective fluorescent probe for cyanide based on the dissolution of gold nanoparticles and its application in real samples. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2011, 17 (35), 9691-9696. IF= 5.02; Times Cited: 63. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Yi, Li, Qianqian(*), Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). A highly specific rhodamine-based colorimetric probe for hypochlorites: a new sensing strategy and real application in tap water. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47 (11), 3189-3191. IF= 6.065; Times Cited: 112. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding, Mu, Honglei, Gong, Rui, Fu, Enqin, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). Displacement method to develop highly sensitive and selective dual chemosensor towards sulfide anion. Analyst, 2011, 136 (4), 684-687. IF= 5.227; Times Cited: 67. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Liyao(*), Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). Colorimetric sensing of alpha-amino acids and its application for the “label-free” detection of protease. Langmuir, 2010, 26 (3), 1566-1569.
Lou, Xiaoding, Qiang, Li, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). A new rhodamine-based colorimetric cyanide chemosensor: convenient detecting procedure and high sensitivity and selectivity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2009, 1 (11), 2529-2535. IF= 10.383; Times Cited: 145. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding, Li, Zhen(*) and Qin, Jingui. DDTC-Na-based colorimetric chemosensor for the sensing of cyanide in water. Science in China Series B-chemistry, 2009, 52 (6), 802-808.
Lou, Xiaoding, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). Colorimetric cyanide detection using an azobenzene acid in aqueous solutions. Analyst, 2009, 134 (10), 2071-2075. IF=5.227; Times Cited: 76. (highly cited paper)
Lou, Xiaoding, Zhang, Liyao, Qin, Jingui and Li, Zhen(*). An alternative approach to develop a highly sensitive and selective chemosensor for the colorimetric sensing of cyanide in water. Chemical Communications, 2008, 44, 5848-5850. IF=6.065; Times Cited: 222. (highly cited paper)