- [1] 代表性论文
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- [3] Qing Liang, Chao Chen, Qian Huang, Bo Chen and Jinsong Ping, Bouguer gravity anomaly of the Moon from CE-1 topography data: Implications for the impact basin evolution, Sci China Ser G, 2009, 52(12): 1867-1875
- [4] 王旭媛,梁青,陈超,杜劲松,张双喜,月球虹湾—雨海盆地壳幔结构,地球科学,2015,40(9):1566-1575.
- [5] Qing Liang*, Chao Chen, Yaoguo Li, 3D inversion of gravity data in spherical coordinates with application to the GRAIL data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2014, 119(6): 1359-1373.
- [6] Qing Liang*, Chao Chen, Kaban Mikhail, Maik Thomas, Upper-mantle density structure in the Philippine Sea and adjacent region and its relation to tectonics, Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 219(2): 945-957.
- [7] Duan Li, Qing Liang*, Jinsong Du, Shida Sun, Yi Zhang, Chao Chen, Transforming total-field magnetic anomalies into three components using dual-layer equivalent sources, Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47(3): e2019GL084607.
- [8] 其他论文
- [9] Chao Chen, Bo Chen, Jinsong Ping, Qing Liang, Qian Huang, Wenjin Zhao and Changda Zhang, The interpretation of gravity anomaly on lunar Apennines, Sci China Ser G, 2009, 52(12): 1824-1832
- [10] 杜劲松,梁青,陈超,周聪,陈波,月球“质量瘤”盆地的深部结构与撞击演化,地质科技情报,2010,29(5):134 ~ 142
- [11] 周聪, 杜劲松, 梁青, 陈超, 吴云超, 吴静, 基于球冠域的月球重力地形校正方法. 地球物理学进展, 2010, 25(2): 486 ~ 493
- [12] 杜劲松, 陈超, 梁青, 周聪, 月球表层及月壳物质密度分布特征. 地球物理学报, 2010, 53(9): 2059 ~ 2067
- [13] 杜劲松,陈超,梁青,张毅,基于球冠滑动平均的球面重力异常分离方法,武汉大学学报· 信息科学版, 2012, 37(7): 864 ~ 868
- [14] 杜劲松,陈超,梁青,张毅,月球重力异常及其计算方法,武汉大学学报· 信息科学版, 2012, 37(11): 1369 ~ 1373
- [15] 杜劲松,陈超,梁青,王林松,张毅,王秋革,球冠体积分的重力异常正演方法及其与Tesseroid单元体泰勒级数展开方法的比较,测绘学报, 2012, 41(3): 339 ~ 346
- [16] 王林松,陈超,梁青,王秋革,东日本大地震重力信号同震响应、武汉大学学报?信息科学版、2012、37(11): 1348-1351
- [17] 张毅,陈超,梁青,王林松,杜劲松,刘圣博.三峡地区中上地壳密度结构.地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 2012, 37(z1): 213-222
- [18] 陈超, 梁青, 陈波, 杜劲松, 王秋革, 王林松, 胡正旺. 卫星重力与磁测资料在地学中的应用. 地大人地球物理科学研究十年进展——地球物理与空间信息学院校庆60周年论文集. 中国地质大学出版社, 2012, p. 291-307.
- [19] Bo Chen, Chao Chen, Mikhail Kaban, Jinsong Du, Qing Liang, Maik Thomas. Variations of the effective elastic thickness over China and surroundings and their relation to the lithosphere dynamics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 363: 61-72.
- [20] L S Wang, C Chen, M K. Kaban, J S Du, Q Liang and M Thomas. The use of the A10-022 absolute gravimeter to construct the relative gravimeter calibration baselines in China. Metrologia, 2014, 51: 203-211.