Bo Chen, Chao Chen, Mikhail Kaban, Jinsong Du, Qing Liang, Maik Thomas. Variations of the effective elastic thickness over China and surroundings and their relation to the lithosphere dynamics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 363: 61-72.
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上一条: 陈超, 梁青, 陈波, 杜劲松, 王秋革, 王林松, 胡正旺. 卫星重力与磁测资料在地学中的应用. 地大人地球物理科学研究十年进展——地球物理与空间信息学院校庆60周年论文集. 中国地质大学出版社, 2012, p. 291-307.
下一条: L S Wang, C Chen, M K. Kaban, J S Du, Q Liang and M Thomas. The use of the A10-022 absolute gravimeter to construct the relative gravimeter calibration baselines in China. Metrologia, 2014, 51: 203-211.