
基本信息Personal Information

教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师

曾获荣誉 : 1. 2018年入选中国地质大学(武汉) “十大杰出青年” ;
2. 2018年入选中国地质大学(武汉)地大学者学科骨干人才;
3. 2017年入选中国地质大学 “腾飞计划” ;
4. 2014年入选中国地质大学第五批“摇篮计划”;
5. 2012年博士论文《含油气盆地生烃增压演化研究—以东营凹陷和白云凹陷为例》获得全国优秀博士论文提名;
6. 2012年获得中国石油勘探开发研究院二等奖一项,排名第二;
7. 2008年获得美国石油地质学家学会研究生科研基金(AAPG Grants-in-Aid)资助

性别 : 男

出生年月 : 1980年07月22日

毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(武汉)

学历 : 博士研究生

学位 : 工学博士学位

在职信息 : 在职

所在单位 : 资源学院

入职时间 : 2013年01月01日

学科 : 矿产普查与勘探

办公地点 : 主楼226

联系方式 : 15827499386

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个人简介Personal Profile

郭小文,男,博士,中国地质大学(武汉)教授,博士生导师,主要从事含油气盆地超压流体演化与油气成藏方面的工作,承担了国家自然科学基金联合基金集成项目课题1项,面上项目2项,国家专项和湖北省等纵向项目4项,企业合作项目10余项。项目主要涉及渤海湾盆地、塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地、四川盆地以及莺歌海盆地的常规和非常规油气富集机理、超压流体演化与油气成藏和改造方面的研究工作。研究成果在AAPG Bulletin、GSA BulletinOrganic GeochemistryMarine and Petroleum Geology、石油学报、地球科学等国内外油气地质相关期刊上发表论文50余篇,其中第一/通讯作者 SCIEI论文34篇,出版专著1部,获得国家发明专利4项。 2013年入选湖北省楚天学者计划“楚天学子”,2017年入选中国地质大学(武汉)“腾飞计划”, 2018年入选中国地质大学(武汉)地大学者学科骨干人才,同年入选中国地质大学(武汉)“十大杰出青年”。现担任Marine and Petroleum Geology期刊编委(Associate Editor),为AAPG BulletinPrecambrian Research, Marine and Petroleum GeologyOrganic Geochemistry, Geofluids、中国科学(地球科学)、石油学报、地球科学等多个国内外期刊审稿人。




2008.09-2009.11  博士联合培养,澳大利亚CSIRO,联合培养导师:刘可禹教授

2006.09-2010.07  博士,中国地质大学(武汉),能源地质工程专业油气地质方向,导师何生教授

2004.09-2006.07  硕士,中国地质大学(武汉),能源地质工程专业油气地质方向,导师何生教授

2000.09-2004.07 本科,中国地质大学(武汉),资源勘查工程专业油气地质方向


2017.06- 现今        单位:中国地质大学(武汉),职称:教授

2013.01-2017.06   单位:中国地质大学(武汉),职称:副教授

2010.09-2012.09   单位:中国石油勘探开发研究院,博士后,合作导师:贾承造院士、刘可禹教授






库车前陆盆地流体压力演化对构造挤压和油气成藏的指示意义,国家自然科学青年基金, 2014/01-2016/12,主持。

深层油气成藏机理研究, 中国地质大学(武汉)腾飞计划项目,2017/01-2019/12,主持。

异常高压页岩残留烃量定量评价, 中国地质大学(武汉)摇篮计划项目,2014/01-2016/12,主持。

南塔里木前寒武基底测年与结构分析,中石化西北油田分公司, 2021/11-2022/10,技术首席。
















Jiaxu Chen, Xiaowen Guo*, Ze Tao, Zicheng Cao, Bin Wang, Xuyou Zhang, Hao Xu, and Jian-xin Zhao. U-Pb dating of oil charge in superimposed basins:A case study from the Tarim Basin, NW China. GSA Bulletin, 2022, doi.org/10.1130/B36324.1.

Shaojie Li, Xiaowen Guo, LunJu Zheng. Semi-closed artificial thermal maturation of type I source rock with the presence of natural formation water: hydrocarbon generation and individual n-alkane stable carbon isotope partitioning pattern. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022,138, 105535.

Ze Tao, Zhiliang He, Tiago M. Alves, Xiaowen Guo, Jian Gao Sheng He, Wen Zhao. Structural inheritance and its control on overpressure preservation in mature sedimentary basins (Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 137, 105504.

Yahao Huang, Zhiliang He*, Sheng He, Ze Tao, Xiuyan Liu, Tao Luo, Xiaowen Guo, Dianwei Zhang, Ziming Sun, Tian Dong. Fluid geochemical response recorded in the alteration of marine carbonate reservoirs: the Silurian Shiniulan Formation, southeast Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 208, 109625.

Jiaxu Chen, Xiaowen Guo*, Yuanjia Han, Sheng He, Yongshi Wang, Xuejun Wang, Wen Zhao. Combination of basin modelling and carbazoles to investigate secondary oil migration pathways in the Dongying depression of the Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021,131, 105163.

Yanqi Hua, Xiaowen Guo*, Ze Tao, Sheng He, Tian Dong, Yuanjia Han, Rui Yang. Mechanisms for overpressure generation in the bonan sag of Zhanhua depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021,128, 105032.

Wei, Chao Dong, Tian He, Zhiliang He, Sheng He, Qing Yang, Rui Guo, Xiaowen Hou, Yuguang. Major, trace-elemental and sedimentological characterization of the upper Ordovician Wufeng-lower Silurian Longmaxi formations, Sichuan Basin, south China: Insights into the effect of relative sea-level fluctuations on organic matter accumulation in shales. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021,126.

Yahao Huang, Sheng He*,Xiaowen Guo*, Zhongrui Wu, Gangyi Zhai, Zhengqing Huang, Min Zhang, Qilin Xiao.Pressure-temperature-time-composition (P-T-t-x) of paleo-fluid in Permian organic-rich shale of Lower Yangtze Platform, China: Insights from fluid inclusions in fracture cements. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021,126, 104936.

Sile Wei, Sheng He, Mingyi Hu, Wei Yang, Xiaowen Guo, Stefan Iglauer, and Gangyi Zhai. Supercritical High-Pressure Methane Adsorption on the Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale in the Huangling Anticline Area, South China: Adsorption Behavior, Storage Characteristics, and Geological Implications. Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 19973−19985.

Tian Dong, Qing He, Sheng He, Gangyi Zhai, Yanru Zhang, Sile Wei, Chao Wei , Yuguang Hou, Xiaowen Guo. Quartz types, origins and organic matter-hosted pore systems in the lower cambrian Niutitang Formation, middle yangtze platform, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021,123, 104739.

Xiaowen GuoTao LuoTian DongRui YangYuanjia HanJizheng YiSheng HeZhiguo ShuHanyong Bao. Quantitative estimation on methane storage capacity of organic-rich shales from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Earth Science, 2020, doi.org/10.1007/s12583-020-1394-7.

Jinhu Han, Xiaowen Guo*, Tian Dong, Sheng He, Yongshi Wang, Xuejun Wang, Yanqi Hua, Wen Zhao, Jiaxu Chen. Oil origin and secondary migration pathway in the Bonan sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020,122, 104702.

Aoqi Jia, Dongfeng Hu, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo, Yuguang Hou, Tao Wang, and Rui Yang. Variations of Pore Structure in Organic-Rich Shales with Different Lithofacies from the Jiangdong Block, Fuling Shale Gas Field, SW China: Insights into Gas Storage and Pore Evolution. ENERGY & FUELS, 2020, 34(10):12457-1275.

Qing He, Tian Dong, Sheng He, Gangyi Zhai, Xiaowen Guo, Yuguang Hou, Rui Yang,Yuanjia Han. Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the Upper Permian transitional facies of the Longtan Formation, northern Guizhou Province, southwest China: Insights into paleo-environmental conditions and organic matter accumulation mechanisms. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020,118, 104446.

Sile Wei, Sheng He, Zhejun Pan, Gangyi Zhai, Tian Dong, Xiaowen Guo, Rui Yang, Yuanjia Hana, Wei Yang. Characteristics and evolution of pyrobitumen-hosted pores of the overmature Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale in the south of Huangling anticline, Yichang area, China: Evidence from FE-SEM petrography. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020,116, 104303.

Wei Yang, Sheng He, Stefan Iglauer, Xiaowen Guo, Gangyi Zhai, Zhi Zhou, Tian Dong, Ze Tao, Sile Wei. Porosity characteristics of different lithofacies in marine shale: A case study of Neoproterozoic Sinian Doushantuo formation in Yichang area, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020,187, 106856.

Xiaowen Guo, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, Zhi Yang, Shengqiang Yuan, and Mingliang Liu. Generation and evolution of overpressure caused by hydrocarbon generation in the Jurassic source rocks of the central Junggar Basin, northwestern China. AAPG Bulletin, 2019, 103(7): 1553–1574.

Xiaowen Guo, Zhejian Qin, Rui Yang, Tian Dong, Sheng He, Fang Hao, Jizheng Yi, Zhiguo Shu, Hanyong Bao. Keyu Liu. Comparison of pore systems of clay-rich and silica-rich gas shales in the lower Silurian Longmaxi formation from the Jiaoshiba area in the eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 101, 265–280.

Sile Wei, Sheng He, Zhejun Pan, Xiaowen Guo, Rui Yang, Tian Dong, Wei Yang, Jian Gao. Models of shale gas storage capacity during burial and uplift: Application to Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Fuling shale gas field. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 109, 233–244.

Rui Yang, Qinhong Hu, Jizheng Yi, Baiqiao Zhang, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo, Yuguang Hou, Tian Dong. The effects of mineral composition, TOC content and pore structure on spontaneous imbibition in Lower Jurassic Dongyuemiao shale reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 109:268-278.

Tian Dong, Sheng He, Manfei Chen, Yuguang Hou, Xiaowen Guo, Chao Wei, Yuanjia Han, Rui Yang. Quartz types and origins in the paleozoic Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for porosity preservation in shale reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 106, 62-73.

Xiao Wang, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo, Baiqiao Zhang, and Xuehui Chen. The Resource Evaluation of Jurassic Shale in North Fuling Area, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Energy Fuels, 2018, 32, 1213−1222.

Jian Gao, Xiao Wang, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo, Baiqiao Zhang, Xuehui Chen. Geochemical characteristics and source correlation of natural gas in Jurassic shales in the North Fuling area, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017,158, 284–292.

Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, and Xuesong Lu. Hydrocarbon accumulation processes in the Dabei tight-gas reservoirs, Kuqa Subbasin, Tarim Basin, northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 2016, 100(10): 1501–1521. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, and Xuesong Lu. Effects of early petroleum charge and overpressure on reservoir porosity preservation in the giant Kela-2 gas field, Kuqa depression, Tarim Basin, northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 2016, 100(2): 191–212. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Keyu Liu*, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, and Xuesong Lu. Constraining tectonic compression processes by reservoir pressure evolution: Overpressure generation and evolution in the Kelasu Thrust Belt of Kuqa Foreland Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 72: 30–44. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Keyu Liu*, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, and Xuesong Lu. Fluid evolution in the Dabei Gas Field of the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications for fault-related fluid flow. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 78: 1-16. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Keyu Liu*, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, and Xuesong Lu. Effects of tectonic compression on petroleum accumulation in the Kelasu Thrust Belt of the Kuqa Sub-basin, Tarim Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 101: 22-37. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Sheng He*, Zhi Yang, Tiantian Dong. Quantitative estimation of overpressure caused by gas generation and application to the Baiyun Depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. Geofluids, 2016, 16, 129–148. (SCI, EI)

Zhi Yang*, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo*, Qiyan Li, Zhaoyou Chen, Yanchao Zhao. Formation of low permeability reservoirs and gas accumulation process in the Daniudi Gas Field, Northeast Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 72: 222–236. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Sheng He*, et al. Petroleum generation and charge history of the northern Dongying Depression, Bohai bay basin, China: Insight from integrated fluid inclusion analysis and basin modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2012, 32(1): 21-35. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, et al. Quantitative estimation of overpressure caused by oil generation in petroliferous basins. Organic Geochemistry, 2011, 42: 1343-1350. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, et al. Condensate in the Py30-1 structure, Panyu Low Uplift, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea: Evidence of hydrothermal fluid activities associated with petroleum migration and accumulation. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2011, 34(2): 217 - 232. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, et al. Modelling of the Petroleum Generation and Migration of the Third Member of Shahejie(Es3) Formation in Banqiao Depression of Bohai Bay basin, Eastern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2011, 40: 287–302. (SCI)

Xiaowen Guo, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, et al. Oil Generation as the Dominant Overpressure Mechanism in the Cenozoic Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2010, 94(12): 1859–1881. (SCI, EI)

Xiaowen Guo*, Sheng He. Aromatic hydrocarbons as indicators of the origin and maturity of light oils from Panyu Lower Uplift in Pearl River Mouth Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(5): 824-835. (SCI)

张旭友, 范彩伟, 郭小文*, 吴云鹏, 刘爱群, 高英博, 黄亚浩.       莺歌海盆地中央底辟带乐东区莺歌海组超压成因及相对贡献定量化评价. 地球科学, doi:10.3799/dqkx.2022.045.

陈家旭, , 郭小文, 曹自成, 刘永立, , 张旭友, , 赵建新. 应用方解石激光原位U-Pb同位素定年确定多旋回叠合盆地油气成藏绝对时间以塔里木盆地塔河油田为例. 石油与天然气地质, 2021, 426):1365-1375

韩国猛, 王丽, 肖敦清, 楼达, 徐牧月, 赵勇刚, 裴眼路, 郭小文, 滕建成, 韩元佳. 渤海湾盆地枣园油田古近系孔店组沸石矿物的岩浆热液成因. 石油勘探与开发, 2021, 48(5): 950-961.

罗涛, 何治亮, 郭小文, 黄亚浩, 陶泽, 陈家旭. 川东南丁山地区石牛栏组成脉流体来源与油气成藏. 地质科技通报, 2021, 40(5): 231-241.

, 郭小文*, 舒志国, 包汉勇, , 覃泽健, 肖智慧. 四川盆地焦石坝南部地区五峰组龙马溪组裂缝脉体流体来源及形成时间. 石油学报, 2021, 42(5): 611-622.

霍剑锋, 郭小文*, 易积正, 舒志国, 包汉勇, 杨锐, 罗涛,何生, 川东地区龙马溪组页岩不同岩相孔隙结构特征及主控因素.石油与天然气地质, 2020, 41(6): 1162-1174.

徐豪,郭小文*,曹自成,王斌,刘永立,陈家旭,张旭友,罗涛.运用方解石中流体包裹体最小均一温度确定塔河油田奥陶系油气成藏时间:来自激光原位方解石U-Pb 年龄的证据.地球科学. 2021, 46(10): 3535-3548.

王斌,杨毅,曹自成,何生,赵永强,郭小文*,刘永立,陈家旭,Zhao Jian-xin

塔河油田中下奥陶统储层裂缝方解石脉 U-Pb 同位素年龄及油气地质意义.地球科学, 2021, 46(9): 3203-3216.

刘宇坤,何生,何治亮,张殿伟,李天义,王晓龙,郭小文. 基于多孔介质弹性理论的碳酸盐岩地层超压预测. 地质科技情报, 2019, 38(4):53-61.

韩金虎,郭小文*,王学军,王永诗,何生.渤南洼陷不同来源原油分布规律及主要控制因素.地质科技通报, 2020, 39(6):83-92.

王斌,赵永强,何生,郭小文*,曹自成,邓尚,吴鲜,杨毅. 塔里木盆地顺北5号断裂带北段奥陶系油气成藏期次及其控制因素. 石油与天然气地质, 2020,41(5): 966-974.

郭小文*, 陈家旭, 袁圣强, , 赵建新. 含油气盆地激光原位方解石U-Pb 年龄对油气成藏年代的约束.石油学报, 2020, 41(3):284-291.

赵文,何生,郭小文,王永诗,郝雪峰,熊伟. 东营凹陷中央背斜带沙三段砂岩石英次生加大边发育特征及其指示意义. 地球科学, doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.229

郭小文, 刘可禹, ,. 库车前陆盆地大北地区砂岩储层致密化与油气充注的关系. 地球科学, 2016,41(3): 394-402.

郭小文, 刘可禹, , . 库车坳陷克拉2气田油气充注和超压对储层孔隙的影响. 石油与天然气地质, 2016,37(6): 935-943.

费雯丽; 郭小文. 库车坳陷克拉苏冲断带轻质原油地球化学特征及成因. 地质科技情报, 2016, 35(2): 185-191.

郑伦举, 关德范, 郭小文*, 马中良. 影响海相烃源岩热解生烃过程的地质条件. 地球科学中国地质大学学报, 2015, 40(5): 909–917. (EI)

, 杨海军, 郭小文*, 雷刚林, 孙雄伟. 库车前陆盆地超压特征及测井响应. 地质科技情报, 2015, 34(2): 130–136.

郭小文, , 刘可禹, 董甜甜. 烃源岩生气增压定量评价模型及影响因素. 地球科学中国地质大学学报, 2013, 38(6): 1263–1270. (EI)

刘可禹, Julien Bourdet, 张宝收, , 鲁雪松, 柳少波, , , 郭小文. 应用流体包裹体研究油气成藏——以塔中奥陶系储集层为例. 石油   勘探与开发, 2013, 40(2): 171–180. (EI)

马玉杰, 卓勤功, 杨宪彰, 方世虎, 唐雁刚, 郭小文, , . 库车坳陷克拉苏构造带油气动态成藏过程及其勘探启示. 石油实验地质, 2013, 38(6): 1263–1270.

郭小文*,何生,郑伦举, . 生油增压定量模型及影响因素. 石油学报, 2011, 32(4): 637-644. (EI)

郭小文*, , 宋国奇, . 东营凹陷生油增压成因证据. 地球科学中国地质大学学报. 2011, 36(6): 1085-1094. (EI)

郭小文*,何 生,侯宇光. 板桥凹陷沙三段油气生成、运移和聚集数值模拟. 地球科学中国地质大学学报, 2010, 35(1):115-124. (EI)

郭小文*, 何生, 施和生, . 珠江口盆地番禺低隆起PY30-1构造热流体活动证据及油气成藏. 石油勘探与开发, 2010, 37(3):297-303. (EI)

郭飞飞, 郭小文, 孙建峰, 曹强, 张洋. 北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷C洼烃源岩热史及成熟史模拟. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2010, 30(2):87-93.

郭小文*, 何生. 伊通盆地天然气成因类型与成藏. 石油与天然气地质, 2009, 30(3): 260-267.

郭小文*, 何生. 珠江口盆地番禺低隆起轻质原油芳烃地球化学特征. 石油学报, 2008, 29(1): 52-57. (EI)

郭小文*, 何生. 珠江口盆地白云凹陷烃源岩热史及成熟史模拟. 石油实验地质, 2007, 29(4): 420-425.

郭小文*, 何生, 陈红汉. 甲基双金刚烷成熟度指标讨论与运用. 地质科技情报, 2007, 26(1): 71-76.

郭小文*, 何生. 珠江口盆地番禺低隆起轻质原油地球化学特征及其对比研究. 地质科技情报, 2007, 25(5): 63-68.

郭小文, 何生. 珠江口盆地番禺低隆起-白云凹陷恩平组烃源岩特征.油气地质与采收率, 20061):31-34


滑彦岐郭小文赵文陈家旭. 一种高温高压条件下可控流体流动的成岩模拟实验装置,国家发明专利,No.CN 201910385094.1


肖智慧,郭小文,王科清,一种页岩有机质孔隙结构的定量评价方法, 国家发明专利,No.CN202110130104

何生,刘宇坤,杨锐,郭小文,朱彦先. 一种岩石地层压实系数和有效孔隙体积压缩系数计算方法,国家发明专利,No.CN201811494066.5

刘宇坤, 何生, 杨锐, 郭小文, 朱彦先. 一种基于岩石压缩系数计算碳酸盐岩地层孔隙压力的方法,国家发明专利,No.CN201811494066.5







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  • 超压流体与油气成藏机理;页岩油气富集机理;油气成藏年代学