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Thermodynamics, kinetics and crystal structure of γ/β-MnO2 in Li/MnO2 primary batteries.Electrochimica Acta.2020(12):10205
Thermodynamics, kinetics and crystal structure of γ/β-MnO2 in Li/MnO2 primary batteries.Electrochimica Acta.2020,339:1-7
Mobility Improvement of Sol–Gel Method Processed Transparent SnSx Thin Films by Na Doping.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.2020(20):1-5
Three-Dimensional NiFe Layered Double Hydroxide Nanowire/Nanoporous Ni/Nickel Foam for Efficient Oxygen Evolution.Journal of The Electrochemical Society.2020(167):146513
[3] Xiaoyan Zhu, Zhichao Zhu, Xinrong Lei, and Chunjie Yan. Defects in structure as the sources of the surface charges of kaolinite. Applied Clay Science 124–125 (2016) 127–136..Applied Clay Science.2016(124–125):127–136
Zhu X.Y..[5] Xiaoyan Zhu, Chunjie Yan, Jieyu Chen. Application of urea-intercalated for paper coating, Applied Clay Science, 2012,55: 114-119..Applied Clay Science.2012(55):114-119.
2. 国家自然科学基金面上基金“天然赤铁矿纳米复合电解质材料的合成、功能化及其离子传输机理研究”(参与,2018.1-2021.12), 国家自然科学基金, 2018/01/01
3. 国家自然科学基金项目“改性矿物聚合物对Cr(VI)一次性解毒/固化机理研究”(参与,2011.1-2014.12), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-2014/12/31, (参与,2011.1-2014.12)
4. 国家自然科学基金项目“埃洛石纳米管负载催化剂用于RATRP制备聚合物杂化材料”(参与,2010.1-2012.12), 国家自然科学基金项目-2012/12/31
5. 国土资源部“非金属矿产资源综合利用示范”专项中的““云南省临沧市临翔区永泉高岭石矿区综合开发利用及无尾矿工程”示范工程中的子课题(主持,2010.1-2012.12), 国土资源部-2012/12/31
6. 国土资源部“煤矸石提铝后氧化硅的综合利用技术及产业化子项目:石英制备硅微粉研究”示范工程子课题(主持,2011.1-2013.12)-2013/12/31