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Haiquan Li.A Neoproterozoic appinite rock suite records the early tectonic evolution of the northern margin of the Yangtze Block during convergence with Rodinia.Precambrian Research,409:107448
Zhou Wenxiao.Oceanic subduction to continental collision in the NE Proto-Tethys revealed by Early Paleozoic eclogites with high-T granulite facies overprinting in the East Kunlun orogenic belt, northern Tibet.GSA Bulletin
Hang Zhou.Geochronology and petrogenesis of the early Silurian Zeluo mafic-ultramafic intrusion, eastern Tibet: implications for the tectonic setting and evolution of the eastern Proto-Tethys Ocean.International Geology Review.2022
Hang Zhou.Mesoarchean banded iron-formation from the northern Yangtze Craton, South China and its geological and paleoenvironmental implications: Precambrian Research, Volume 383, p. 106905..Precambrian Research.2022,383
Wenxiao Zhou.Paleoproterozoic ophiolitic mélanges and orogenesis in the northern Yangtze Craton: Evidence for the operation of modern-style plate tectonics, Precambrian Research, Volume 364,.Precambrian Research.2022,364(9)
Wenxiao Zhou.Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Tectonic Significance of Yuejin Sumu Bimodal-like Intrusive Rocks in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia.Geochemistry International.2022,59(13):1235-1257
中国地质调查局,地质调查项目,DD20190811,南岭城步-南雄地区区域地质调查-贺州-郴州大地构造格局、资源背景调查,2019-05至2021-12,950 万元,在研,参与;
中国地质调查局地质调查项目,1212010510507,内蒙古1:250 000林西县幅、锡林浩特幅域地质调查项目,2006/01-2008/12,300万元,已结题,参与