
Associate professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 武汉大学

Education Level : Doctoral Degree in Education

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status : Employed

School/Department : 国家地理信息系统工程技术研究中心

Date of Employment : 2015-01-27

Business Address : 中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区,地理信息工程学院大楼426室

Contact Information : 邮箱:tengve@163.com

Email :

Current position: 英文主页 >> Scientific Research

Personal Profile

郑茂腾,博士,中国地质大学(武汉)国家地理信息系统工程技术研究中心 副研究员,长期从事航空航天摄影测量以及计算机视觉领域的关于三维场景重建的基础算法的理论以及应用研究。

在摄影测量与遥感以及计算机视觉领域的顶级会议、国际权威期刊发表20余篇论文,其中SCI论文17篇(第一或通讯作者12篇),担任摄影测量权威期刊The Photogrammetric Record 编委,主持或参与了多项国家级科研课题,包括自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划项目等,获得1项测绘科学技术奖特等奖,获得授权的国家发明专利7项。


1. 2017-07至现在, 中国地质大学(武汉), 地理与信息工程学院, 副研究员 

2. 2014-12至2017-06, 中国地质大学(武汉), 博士后, 导师: 周顺平

3. 2009-09至2014-12, 武汉大学, 摄影测量与遥感, 博士

4. 2005-09至2009-06, 武汉大学, 摄影测量与遥感, 学士






相机位置及姿态恢复(camera pose estimation),从运动恢复结构(structure from motion)






1. Maoteng Zheng,Nengcheng Chen,Junfeng Zhu,Xiaoru Zeng,Huanbin Qiu,Yuyao Jiang,Xingyue Lu,Hao Qu, Distributed bundle adjustment with block-based sparse matrix compression for super large scale datasets, ICCV2023.

2. Zheng Maoteng, Zhang Fayong, Zhu Junfeng, Xiong Xiaodong, A fast and accurate bundle adjustment method for very large-scale data, Computers and Geosciences, 2020, to be published.(SCI. IF 2.721)

3. Maoteng Zheng, ShiguangWang, XiaodongXiong, JunfengZhu, A fast and accurate iterative method for the camera pose estimation problem, Image and Vision Computing, 2020, 94,103860. (SCI, IF 2.747 ).

4. Shiguang Wang, Maoteng Zheng*, Shunping Zhou, Xiaodong Xiong, and Junfeng Zhu, An advanced orthoimage mosaicking method for urban areas based on edge thickening, Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 10(12), 1211-1220. (SCI, IF 2.024)

5. Zheng Maoteng, Xiong Xiaodong, Zhu Junfeng, A novel orthoimage mosaic method using a weighted A* algorithm – Implementation and evaluation, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018, 138, 30-46.(SCI, IF 6.942)

6. Zheng Maoteng, Zhou Shunping, Xiong Xiaodong, Zhu Junfeng, A novel orthoimage mosaic method using the weighted A* algorithm for UAV imagery, Computers & Geosciences, 2017, 109, 238-246. (SCI. IF 2.721)

7. Zheng Maoteng, Zhou Shunping, Xiong Xiaodong, Zhu Junfeng, A New GPU Bundle Adjustment Method for Large-scale Data, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2017, 83(9), 633-641.(SCI. IF 3.15)

8. Zheng Maoteng, Xiong Xiaodong, Zhu Junfeng, Automatic seam-line determination for orthoimage mosaics using edge-tracking based on a DSM, Remote Sensing Letters,2017, 8(10), 977-986.(SCI. IF 2.024)

9. Zheng Maoteng, et al., Bundle block adjustment of large-scale remote sensing data with Block-based Sparse Matrix Compression combined with Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient, Computers & Geosciences 2016,92,70-78. (SCI, IF 2.721)

10. Zheng Maoteng, et al., DEM-aided Bundle Adjustment with Multi-source Satellite Imagery: ZY-3 and GF-1 in Large Areas, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016,13(6),880-884. (SCI, IF 3.534)

11. Zheng Maoteng, et al., 3D Model Reconstruction with Common Hand-held Cameras, Virtual Reality, 2016,20(4), 221-235. (IF 2.906)

12. Zheng Maoteng, et al., Self-Calibration Adjustment of CBERS-02B Long-Strip Imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 2015,53(7),3847-3854. (IF 5.63)

13.Yongjun Zhang, Maoteng Zheng*, Xiaodong Xiong, Jinxin Xiong, Multi-strips Bundle Block Adjustment of ZY-3 Satellite Imagery by Rigorous Sensor Model without Ground Control Point, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014 (SCI, IF 3.534).

14. Yongjun Zhang, Maoteng Zheng, Jinxin Xiong, et al., On-Orbit Geometric Calibration of ZY-3 Three-Line Array Imagery With Multistrip Data Sets, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing. Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 224-234. 2014.  (SCI, IF 5.63)

15. Yongjun Zhang, Maoteng Zheng, Xu Huang, Jinxin Xiong. Bundle Block Adjustment of Airborne Three-Line Array Imagery Based on Rotation Angles. Sensors, Vol.14, no. 5, pp. 8189-8202, 2014. (SCI, IF 3.031)

16.郑茂腾, 熊小东, 朱俊锋, 鲁一慧, 刘薇, 邱焕斌. 一种基于带权A*搜索算法的正射影像镶嵌线网络优化方法[J]. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2019, 44(11): 1650-1658.(EI)

17.郑茂腾, 张永军, 朱俊峰, et al. 一种快速有效的大数据区域网平差方法[J]. 测绘学报, 2017(02):58-67.(EI)

18.郑茂腾, 周顺平, 熊小东, et al. GPU并行区域网平差[J]. 测绘学报, 2017(09):125-133.(EI)

19. Yongjun Zhang, Xiaodong Xiong, Maoteng Zheng.  LiDAR Strip Adjustment Using Multifeatures Matched with Aerial Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp.1-10, 2014. (SCI, IF 5.63)

20. Yongjun Zhang, Liwen Lin, Maoteng Zheng, Jinxin Xiong. Combined Bundle Block Adjustment with Spaceborne Linear Array and Airborne Frame Array Imagery, The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 28, No. 142, pp. 162-177, June 2013.  (SCI, IF 1.591)

21. Xiaodong Xiong, Yongjun Zhang, Junfeng Zhu, Maoteng Zheng. Camera Pose Determination and 3D Measurement from Monocular Oblique Images with Horizontal Right Angle Constraints. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(11), pp.1976-1980, 2014. (SCI, IF 3.534)

22. Jinxin Xiong, Yongjun Zhang, Maoteng Zheng, Yuanxin Ye. An SRTM Assisted Image Matching Algorithm for Long-strip Satellite Imagery. Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1103-1117, 2013. (CSCD)

23. 张永军,郑茂腾,王新义,黄心蕙. “天绘一号”卫星三线阵影像条带式区域网平差,遥感学报, Vol. 16(增刊):84-89. 2012.(CSCD)


1. Yongjun Zhang, Maoteng Zheng, Tao Ke. 2011. Triangulation of spaceborne three-line array imagery with different sensor models, Annual Conference of ASPRS 2011.(EI)(受邀做大会分会场口头报告)

2. Yongjun Zhang, Maoteng Zheng. 2012.Bundle Block Adjustment with Self-Calibration of Long Orbit CBERS-02B Imagery. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2012.(受邀做大会分会场口头报告)

3.张永军,郑茂腾,于晋,喻文勇,陈琦,张毅. 资源三号卫星三线阵传感器在轨几何检校以及精度分析. 第一届高分辨率对地观测学术研讨会. 2012. (优秀论文,受邀做大会分会场口头报告)


1. 基于GPU并行计算的航空与地面传感器影像联合区域网平差 国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目编号:41601502,主持,执行期限:2017.01-2019.12

2. 全球影像格网式区域网平差,中国博士后科学基金,项目编号:2015M572224,主持,执行期限:2015.08-2017.07

3. 多尺度虚拟军事设施重建与动态更新技术研究,部队后勤项目

4. 城市群经济区建设管理空间信息模型与应用集成标准规范研究,国家重点研发计划下属子课题,项目编号:2017YFB0503800,参与,执行期限:2017.07-2021.06

5. 大数据区域网平差技术研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目中国地质大学(武汉)杰出人才培育基金,项目编号:CUG170664,主持,执行期限:2017.01-2019.12








