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马欣悦(研究生),王梨名,祁昆仑,郑贵洲(导师).多尺度循环注意力网络的遥感影像场景分类方法.《地球科学》, 2021,46(10):3740-3752
Hits : Praise
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Pre One : Guizhou Zheng; Weihua Hua; Zhonghang Qiu; Zimei Gong ; Detecting Water Depth from Remotel y Sensed Imagery Based on ELM and GA-ELM, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2021, 49(4): 947-957
Next One : 潘子轩; 孟亦菲; 王红平 ; 基于卫星遥感数据南海南部海洋表面流场反演, 地球科学, 2021 , 46(1): 341-349