Business Address:物探楼402室
Discipline:Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology

张乐乐 教授


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Education Level:Doctoral Degree in Education
Alma Mater:荷兰代尔夫特理工大学

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Personal Information

    张乐乐,教授,博士生导师,国家级人才计划入选者。长期从事深度学习、高性能计算、地震勘探偏移/成像等研究,目前已发表23篇国际SCI期刊论文和22SEGEAGE等国际会议论文。其中,在勘探地球物理领域的权威期刊GeophysicsGeophysical Journal International发表论文13(含第一/通讯作者9)2Geophysics期刊论文被该期刊评选为亮点文章并被The Leading Edge杂志评选报道,其中一篇Geophysics期刊亮点文章被SEG评选为2019年度Honorable Mention for Best paper in Geophysics。目前担任Geophysics期刊副主编及国际SCI期刊Journal of Seismic Exploration期刊编委,研究工作聚焦于深度学习高性能计算地震信号处理地震勘探偏移/成像反演以及医学超声成像等基于波场理论的交叉学欢迎对地震勘探感兴趣的同学报考硕士、博士研究生,积极推荐有志于从事学术研究的同学到欧洲、北美一流大学访问交流和留学深造;另外,长期招聘海内外博士后研究人员,积极帮助支持在站博士后申请博士后基金和博新计划。


2020-至今 国际SCI期刊Geophysics副主编(Associate Editor)

2020-至今 国际SCI期刊Journal of Seismic Exploration期刊编委


2021EAGE年会“Internal multiple Removal-Status, challenges, and road ahead专题第一发起人及会议主席

2019EAGE年会“Reproducing research with the Marchenko method and inversion with the SEISCOPE toolbox专题共同发起人

2020EAGE年会“Wave field Modelling 2分会主席

2020SEG年会“Multiple Attenuation: Advances in Theory and Practice分会主席


国际SCI期刊Geophysics特刊“Advances in seismic multiple reflection processing第一发起人及主编


2023.01-2024.12  中石化科技部横向项目,200万, 项目负责人

2023.01-2025.12  国家级人才计划项目启动基金, 200万, 项目负责人

2022.10-2027.10  中国地质大学(武汉)高层次人才引进启动基金,300万, 项目负责人 


Zhang, L., Shao, J., Zheng, Y., Wang, Y., and Slob, E., 2022, A comparison of imaging domain and data domain Marchenko multiple elimination schemes. 地球物理学报, 65(4):1416-1424.

Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, A field data example of Marchenko multiple elimination. Geophysics, 85(2), S65-S70.

Zhang, L., 2020, Migration with reduced artefacts from internal multiple reflections. Geophysics, 85(4), A25-A29.

Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, A fast algorithm for multiple elimination and transmission compensation in primary reflections. Geophysical Journal International, 221, 371-377.

Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, Marchenko multiple elimination of a laboratory example. Geophysical Journal International, 221, 1138-1144.

Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2019, Free-surface and internal multiple elimination in one step without adaptive subtraction. Geophysics, 84(1), A7-A11.

Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2019, Transmission compensated primary reflection retrieval in the data domain and consequences for imaging. Geophysics, 84(4), Q27-Q36.

Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2019, Data-driven internal multiple elimination and its consequences for imaging: A comparison of strategies. Geophysics, 84(5), S365-S372.

Zhang, L., Slob, E., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Artefact-free reverse time migration. Geophysics, 83(5), A65-A68.

Zhang, L., and Staring, M., 2018, Marchenko scheme based internal multiple reflection elimination in acoustic wavefield. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159, 429-433.

Zhang, L., Wang, Y., and Chang, X., 2015, Wigner distribution based phase-only correlation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 123, 277-282.

Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Zheng, Y., and Chang, X., 2015, Deblending using a high-resolution radon transform in a common midpoint domain. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 12, 167-174.

Meles, G. A., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2020, Data-driven retrieval of primary plane-wave responses, Geophysical prospecting, 68, 1834-1846.

Slob, E., Zhang, L., and Verschuur, E., 2021, Marchenko Multiple Elimination and Full Wavefield Migration in a resonant pinch-out modelGeophysics, 86(5), WC1-WC9.

Thorbecke, J., Zhang, L., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2021, Implementation of the Marchenko Multiple Elimination algorithm. Geophysics, 86(2), F9-F23.

Slob, E., and Zhang, L., 2021, Unified elimination of 1D acoustic multiple reflections. Geophysical Prospecting, 69, 327-348.

van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., Zhang, L., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Marchenko Greens function retrieval with auxiliary transmission data in an acoustic medium with mass density contrast and constant propagation velocity. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 69(5), 1775-1786.

Peng, H., Vasconcelos, I., Sripanich, Y., and Zhang, L., 2021, An analysis of acquisition-related subsampling effects on Marchenko focusing, redatuming, and primary estimation. Geophysics, 86(5), WC75-WC88.

Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Dukalski, M., Meles, G. A., Reinicke, C., Slob, E., Staring, M., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Zhang, L., 2021, Marchenko redatuming, imaging and multiple elimination, and their mutual relations. Geophysics, 86(5), WC117-WC140.

van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Staring, M., Zhang, L., de Ridder, S., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Single- and double-sided Marchenko imaging conditions in acoustic media. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 4(1), 160-171.

Wang, Y., Xu, J., Xie, S., Zhang, L., Du, X., and Chang, X., 2015, Seismic imaging of subsurface structure using tomographic migration velocity analysis: a case study of South China Sea data. Marine Geophysics Research, 36, 127-137.

Wang, Y., Zheng, Y., Zhang, L., Chang, X., and Yao, Z., 2014, Reverse time migration of multiples: Eliminating migration artifacts in angle domain common image gathers. Geophysics, 79(6), S263-S270.

Education Background
  • 2008.9 -- 2012.7
    中国石油大学(北京) , 勘查技术与工程  , 学士学位 , 大学本科毕业
  • 2012.9 -- 2015.7
    中国科学院大学 , 固体地球物理  , 硕士学位 , 硕士研究生毕业
  • 2016.1 -- 2019.12
    荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 , 应用地球物理  , 博士学位 , Faculty of Higher Institutions
Work Experience
  • 2022.3 -- Now
    中国地质大学(武汉) , 地球物理与空间信息学院 , 特任教授 , 全职
  • 2020.1 -- 2021.10
    荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 , 土木工程学院 , 博士后研究员 , 全职
Social Affiliations
  • 2014.3 -- Now
  • 2018.1 -- Now
  • 2014.1 -- Now
    国际SCI期刊审稿人, Geophysics, IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Geophysical Prospecting, Geophysical Journal  International, Journal of Applied        Geophysics, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Journal of Seismic Exploration.
  • 周传波
  • 马金良
  • 周琦深
  • 李周波
  • 徐德义
  • 张鹏飞
  • 周琦深
  • 周云
  • 闫政旭
  • 马金良