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[9] Zhang, H.L., D. Ravat, Y. R. Marangoni, and XiangYun Hu, 2014, NAV-Edge: Edge detection of potential field sources using normalized anisotropy variance: Geophysics, 79(3), J43–J53. doi: 10.1190/geo2013-0218.1
Translation or Not : no
Pre One : [10] Zhang, H.L., Y. R. Marangoni, R. G. Zuo, and X. Y. Hu, 2014, The improved anisotropy normalized variance for detecting non-vertical magnetization anomalies: Chinese J. Geophys.(in English), 57(68): 800—808
Next One : [8] Zhang, H.L., Y. R. Marangoni, X. Y. Hu, and R. G. Zuo, 2014, NTRTP: A new reduction to the pole method at low latitudes via a nonlinear thresholding: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 111, 220—227