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Associate professor
Doctoral Supervisor
Master Tutor

Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 1984-02-16
Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)
Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department : 地球物理与空间信息学院
Date of Employment : 2011-07-01
Discipline : Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology Geophysics
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Personal Profile

1.       Personal information

Name:                               Henglei Zhang

Nationality:                      People’s Republic of China

Date and place of Birth:  16 Feb 1984; Mingguang, Anhui

Present University Position: Associate Professor of Geophysics in the institute of geophysics & geomatics (IGG), China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)


2.       Education

2006.9 -2011.7, for Doctor of Geophysics, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

2002.9-2006.7, for Bachelor of Geophysics, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)


3.       Teaching experiences

Exploration Geophysics

Processing and interpretation of gravity and magnetic data

Advanced methods and technologies of gravity and magnetic explorations

Magnetic exploration

Gravity exploration

Gravity and magnetic explorations

Processing and interpretation of 3D gravity and magnetic data

4.       Honors and Awards of supervised students

      2020, advisor of a school level excellent master's degree thesis (Master: L. Huang)

      2019, advisor of a school level excellent undergraduate thesis (stu.: Q.W. Zhang)

      2019, advisor of a master student who won a national scholarship for graduate students (研究生国家奖学金) (Master: L. Huang)

      2019, advisor of a master student whose group won the Outstanding Winner for the “Gravity, magnetic & electrical methods” in the Fifth National Geophysical knowledge competition for College Students (Master: L. Huang)

      2018, advisor of a school level excellent undergraduate thesis (stu.: Y.P. Chen)

      2017, advisor of a master student who won the school level excellent graduate student (Master: L. Huang)

      2017, advisor of a master student who won the Excellent student thesis Award in the annual meeting of Chinese Geoscience union


5.       Academic information

2017 – present, Associate Professor of Geophysics in IGG, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

2015-2016, Lecturer of Geophysics in IGG, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

2013-2014, Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Geophysics at University of São Paulo (supported by the funding from the Fundação de Amparao à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo)

2012(autumn), Visiting Research Scientist in Geophysics at University of Kentucky

2011-2012, Lecturer of Geophysics in IGG, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)


6.       Research fields

Advanced methods for gravity and magnetic data processing and applications in airborne gravity, near-surface geophysics, regional geophysics and planetary geophysics. 


7.       Publications

[1]       Huang L., Zhang, H.L.(*), Chun-Feng Li, Jie Feng, 2022. Ratio-Euler deconvolution and its applications, Geophysical Prospecting. doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.13201

[2]       Huang L.(Master student), Zhang, H.L. (*), S. Sekelani, and Z.C. Wu, 2019, An improved Tilt-Euler deconvolution and its application on a Fe-polymetallic deposit, Ore Geology Reviews, 114, 103114.

[3]       Zhang, H.L., D. Ravat, and A. Lowry, 2020, Crustal composition and Moho variations of the central and eastern U.S.: Improving resolution and geologic interpretation of EarthScope USArray seismic images using gravity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB018537.

[4]       Zhang, H.L., Y. R. Marangoni and Z.C. Wu, 2019, Depth Corrected Edge Detection of Magnetic Data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 57(12),9626-9632. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2928041

[5]       Zhang, H.L., Dhananjay Ravat, Yára R. Marangoni, Guoxiong Chen, Xiangyun Hu, 2018, Improved total magnetization direction determination by correlation of the normalized source strength derivative and the RTP fields, Geophysics, 83(6): J75-J85. DOI: 10.1190/geo2017-0178.1

[6]       Liu P.F., T.Y. Liu, P.M. Zhu, Y.S. Yang, Q.L. Zhou, Zhang, H.L. (*), G.X. Chen, 2017, Depth Estimation for Magnetic/Gravity Anomaly Using Model Correction, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 174(4), 1729-1742.

[7]       Zhang, H.L.Z. HuX.Y. Hu and S. Song2017, Seismic fidelity de-noising with reflection anisotropy. Oil Geophysical Prospecting(in Chinese), 52(2):233-241

[8]       Zhang, H.L., Y. R. Marangoni, X. Y. Hu, and R. G. Zuo, 2014, NTRTP: A new reduction to the pole method at low latitudes via a nonlinear thresholding: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 111, 220—227

[9]       Zhang, H.L., D. Ravat, Y. R. Marangoni, and XiangYun Hu, 2014, NAV-Edge: Edge detection of potential field sources using normalized anisotropy variance: Geophysics, 79(3), J43–J53. doi: 10.1190/geo2013-0218.1

[10]   Zhang, H.L., Y. R. Marangoni, R. G. Zuo, and X. Y. Hu, 2014, The improved anisotropy normalized variance for detecting non-vertical magnetization anomalies: Chinese J. Geophys.(in English), 57(68): 800—808

Zhang, H.L., Y. R. Marangoni, R. G. Zuo, and X. Y. Hu, 2014, The improved anisotropy normalized variance for detecting non-vertical magnetization anomalies: Chinese J. Geophys.(in Chinese), 57(8): 2724—2731

[11]   Zhang, H.L., D. Ravat,, X.Y. Hu, 2013, An improved and stable downward continuation of potential field data: The truncated Taylor series iterative downward continuation method: Geophysics, 78(5): J75-J86. 

[12]   Zhang, H.L., Hu Xiangyun, Liu Tianyou, 2012, Fast inversion of magnetic source boundary and top depth via second order derivative, Chinese J. Geophys.(in Chinese), 55(11):3839-384720Nov2012

[13]   Zhang, H.L., Liu Tianyou, Hu Xiangyun, 2012, Denoising by correlative stacking via L2 norm, Oil Geophysical Prospecting(in Chinese), 47(1): 37- 4515Feb2012

[14]   Zhang, H.L., Liu Tianyou, Yang Yushan, 2011, Calculation of gravity and magnetic source boundary based on anisotropy normalized variance, Chinese J. Geophys.(in Chinese), 54(7):1921-1927

[15]   Zhang, H.L., LIU Tian-You, and Yang Yu-shan, 2011, Calculation of gravity and magnetic source boundary based on anisotropy normalized variance: Chinese J. Geophys.(in Chinese) , 54(4): 560-567

[16]   Zhang, H.L., Liu Tianyou, 2011, Potential Field Data Fusion In Curvelet Domain, Oil Geophysical Prospecting(in Chinese), 46(4):645-653

[17]   Zhang, H.L., Liu Tianyou, C.J. Zhu, and Z.W. Zhou, The effects of applying high-precision magnetic survey: a case study of the galinge ore district in Qinghai province, Geophysical Geochemicalexploration (in Chinese)2011,35(1):12- 16

[18]   Zhang, H.L., Li Mingyong, Liu Tianyou, Joint Denoising of Correlation and Thresholding in Contourlet Domain and Its Application to Seismic Data, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(in Chinese), 2011,36(9):1047-1050

[19]   Zhang, H.L., Liu T.Y., Li H.Q., Attenuation of surface wave in Curvelet domain, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) (in Chinese),2011,42(8):2372-2378

[20]   Zhang, H.L., Liu Tianyou, and Zhang Y.C., High order correlation based dip angle scanning noise elimination method in Curvelet domain and space domain. Oil Geophysical Prospecting (in Chinese), 2010, 45(2): 208-214

[21]   Zhang, H.L., Liu Tianyou, Curvelet transform and its application in seismic wave field separation, Coal Geology & Exploration(in Chinese),2010,38(1):76-80

[22]   Zhang, H.L., Liu T.Y., The magnetic field data processing and Interpretation methods based on wavelet analysis, GeophysicaGeochemicalexploration (in Chinese),2009,33(6):686-690

[23]   Zhang, H.L., Zhang Y.C., Song S., and Liu T.Y., Curvelet domain-based prestack seismic data denoise method. Oil Geophysical Prospecting (in Chinese), 2008, 43(5): 508-513

[24]   Zhang, H.L., T.Y. Liu and Y.C. Zhang, 2009, Denoising of seismic data via multi-scale ridgelet transform: Earthquake Science, 22(5): 493-498

[25]   Zhang, H.L.S. SongT.Y. Liu2007, The ridgelet transform with non-linear threshold for seismic noise attenuation in South China: Applied Geophysics, 4(4):271-275


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Research Focus

  • 重磁异常处理、反演方法
  • 重磁场目标探测与定位
  • 地壳上地幔结构研究
  • 重磁异常地质解释
  • 固体矿产勘查