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副教授(特聘) 硕士生导师
性别 : 男
毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(武汉)
学历 : 博士研究生
学位 : 工学博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 资源学院
入职时间 : 2020年10月01日
学科 : 矿产普查与勘探 石油工程
办公地点 : 文化楼410
Email :
- [1]Heng Zhang.Hypogenic Origin of Paleocaves in the Ordovician carbonates of the Southern Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, Northwest China.Geoenergy Science and Engineering
- [2]Mahaman Salifou Issoufou Aboubacar.Prediction of petrophysical classes and reservoir beds through microfacies and pore types characterization, Tahe Ordovician naturally fractured vuggy carbonates.Interpretation
- [3]Mahaman Salifou Issoufou Aboubacar.An Integrated Approach for Improved Permeability and Reservoir Quality Prediction in Multiporosity Systems, Tahe Ordovician Naturally Fractured Vuggy Carbonates.Journal of earth science
- [4]李源.塔河油田海西早期岩溶水文地貌特征及其演化.石油与天然气地质,37 (5):674-683
- [5]李源.塔河油田海西早期古水文地貌特征及其对洞穴发育的控制.石油学报,37 (8):1011-1020
- [6]李源.塔里木盆地塔河油田岩溶峡谷区海西早期洞穴系统发育模式.古地理学报,19 (2):364-372
- [7]张恒.塔中地区西北部鹰山组成岩早期岩溶作用类型及其特征.石油与天然气地质,37 (3):291-303
- [8]张恒.塔中隆起西北部中奥陶统一间房组地层识别对比及地质意义.石油学报,38 (6):622-635
- [9]唐鹏.塔中西北部顺西地区良里塔格组层序地层格架划分.地质科技情报,36 (5):31-39
- [10]何君毅.塔中隆起顺西地区良里塔格组沉积相类型及其展布特征.地质科技情报,37 (2):24-34
- [11]张恒.塔中隆起中—下奥陶统岩溶水文地貌条件及控储机制.石油学报,39 (9):990-1005
- [12]蔡忠贤.塔里木盆地中—下奥陶统岩溶水文地貌结构类型及特征.石油学报,41 (1):43-58
- [13]井康康.塔里木盆地柯坪露头区下寒武统肖尔布拉克组沉积微相.新疆地质,39 (2):264-269
- [14]Lanpu Chen.Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the fluid origin and multistage karstification of the Middle-Lower Ordovician carbonate reservoir, NW Tarim Basin, China.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,208
- [15]Lanpu Chen.Characteristics and formation mechanisms of the unconformity-related paleokarst reservoirs in the Upper Sinian, Northwestern Tarim Basin, China.Marine and Petroleum Geology,120
- [16]Zhao Zhang.Permeability and porosity prediction using logging data in a heterogeneous dolomite reservoir: An integrated approach.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,86
- [17]Issoufou Aboubacar Mahaman Salifou.New vuggy porosity models-based interpretation methodology for reliable pore system characterization, Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield, North Tarim Basin.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,196
- [18]Heng Zhang.Diagenesis and origin of porosity formation of Upper Ordovician carbonate reservoir in northwestern Tazhong condensate field.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.2016,38 :139-158
- [19]Heng Zhang.Hydrogeomorphologic architecture of epikarst reservoirs in the Middle-Lower Ordovician, Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, China.Marine and Petroleum Geology.2018,98 :146-161