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副教授(特聘) 硕士生导师
性别 : 女
毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(武汉)
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
学位 : 博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 资源学院
办公地点 : 东区构造与油气重点实验室209
联系方式 : 15527365572
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个人简介Personal Profile
张帆,女,1989年12月生,副教授,目前主要从事铀储层沉积学、砂岩型铀矿床成矿作用、煤-铀成因联系等方面的研究,在有机质成矿作用及有机与无机相互作用方面取得了一系列原创性研究成果。主持国家自然科学基金1项、湖北省青年基金1项、中国博士后基金1项、横向项目1项、国家重点实验室开放基金3项和教育部重点实验室开放基金2项。先后参加了国家重点研发计划项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)、中核集团地矿事业部、国土资源部中央地质勘查基金管理中心、中陕核工业集团等关于砂岩型铀矿成矿条件与成矿作用研究方面的科研项目。以第一作者或者通讯作者在AAPG Bulletin、Ore Geology Reviews、Journal of Earth Science, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity、Journal of Geochemical Exploration等重要刊物上陆续发表了10余篇学术论文,担任Minerals、Geosciences等期刊审稿人。
(1) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Liu, Y., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., 2022. Relations between pyrite morphologies and uranium mineralization in the Shuanglong region, northern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 141:104637.
(2) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., 2021a. Roles of dispersed organic matters in sandstone-type uranium mineralization: A review of geological and geochemical processes. Ore Geology Reviews, 139: 104485.
(3) Zhang, F., Wang, S. M., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., 2021b. Trapping of uranium by organic matter within sandstones during mineralization process: A case study from the Shuanglong uranium deposit, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 138: 104296.
(4) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Liu, Y., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., 2021c. Traces of hydrocarbon-bearing fluid and microbial activities and their implications for uranium mineralization in southern Ordos Basin, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 139: 104525.
(5) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wang, S. M., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., 2020a. Origin of dispersed organic matter within sandstones and it implication for uranium mineralization: A case study from Dongsheng uranium ore filed in China. Journal of Earth Science. https: // kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1788.P.20201116.0931.002. html.
(6) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., Zang, B., 2020b. Changes in physicochemical properties of organic matter by uranium irradiation: A case study from the Ordos Basin in China. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 211: 106105.
(7) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., Li, J. H., Wan, D., 2019a. Enhancement of organic matter maturation because of radiogenic heat from uranium: A case study from the Ordos Basin in China. AAPG Bulletin, 103: 157-176.
(8) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., Wang, L. H., 2019b. Relations of uranium enrichment and carbonaceous debris within the Daying uranium deposit, northern Ordos basin. Journal of Earth Science, 30: 142-157.
(9) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., Wang, L. H., Zhang, Z. C., 2019c. In-situ analyses of organic matter maturation heterogeneity of uranium-bearing carbonaceous debris within sandstones: A case study from the Ordos Basin in China. Ore Geology Review, 107: 117-129.
(10) Zhang, F., Jiao, Y. Q., Wu, L. Q., Rong, H., Wang, J. Y., Zhang, C. C., 2024. Geochemical characteristics of uranium-rich dispersed organic matter and their geological significance for uranium mineralization: A case study from the Ordos Basin. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 264, 107528.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2024/01-2026/12,30万元,在研,主持
2. 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,2023/09-2025/09,8万元,在研,主持
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2022/04-2024/01,8万元,结题,主持
4. 国家重点研发计划项目,2018/07-2021/06,418万元,已结题,骨干成员
5. 国家重点实验室基金,2024/8-2026.7,8万元,在研,主持
6. 国家重点实验室基金,2024/9-2026.6,3.5万元,在研,主持
8. 企业委托项目,2019/05-2019/11,15万元,已结题,主持
9. 教育部重点实验室基金,2019/09-2021/08,2万元,在研,主持
10. 国家重点基础研究发展计划,2017/01-2019/12,86万元,已结题,骨干成员