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Yuefeng Yuan
Asscociate Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics
Wuhan, China, 430074
Voice: +86-134****8495
2021-Present Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China
2018-2020 Postdoctoral Researcher, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China
2015-2017 Visiting Student, Arizona State University, Tempe, U.S., Geophysics
2011-2018 Ph.D., China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, Geophysics
2009-2011 A.B., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Computer Science and Technology
2007-2011 B.S., China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, Geophysics
My research focus is the surface and interior of the Moon and Mars. I am interested in lunar/Martian subsurface-structure detecting based on lunar/Martian penetrating radar data; lunar surface evolution analyzing derived from remote sensing images; and seismic imaging of structures that relate to the evolution of lunar interiors.
PUBLICATION <Google Scholar>
Yuefeng Yuan, Peimin Zhu, Long Xiao, et al. (2021) Intermittent volcanic activity detected in the Von Kármán crater on the farside of the Moon[J], Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 569.
Yuefeng Yuan, Garnero, Peimin Zhu, et al. (2021) New methods for data stacking and P- and S-wave arrival time determination using the deep moonquake Apollo recordings[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, e2020JE006424.
Yuefeng Yuan, Fenghua Wang, Peimin Zhu, Long Xiao, Na Zhao. (2020) New constraints on the young lava flow profile in the northern Mare Imbrium[J], Geophysical Research Letters, 47(16).
Fenghua Wang, Wei Xiang, T. Corely, T., -C. Jim Yeh, Yuefeng Yuan. (2018) The Influences of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Shear Strength of Expansive Soil Treated with Ionic Soil Stabilizer[J], Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 55(3):195-200.
Na Zhao, Peimin Zhu, Yuefeng Yuan, et al. (2018) The shallow subsurface structures of Chang’E-3 landing site based on the wavefield characteristics of LPR Channel-2B data[J], Advances in Space Research, 62:884-889.
Yuefeng Yuan, Peimin Zhu, Na Zhao, Edward Garnero, et al. (2017) The 3-D geological model around Chang'E-3 landing site based on lunar penetrating radar Channel 1 data[J], Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 6553–6561.
Long Xiao, Peimin Zhu, Guangyou Fang, Zhiyong Xiao, Yongliao Zou, Jiannan Zhao, Na Zhao, Yuefeng Yuan, Le Qiao, Xiaoping Zhang, Hao Zhang, Jiang Wang, Jun Huang, Qian Huang, Qi He, Bin Zhou, Yicai Ji, Qunying Zhang, Shaoxiang Shen, Yuxi Li, and Yunze Gao. (2015) A young multilayered terrane of the northern Mare Imbrium revealed by Chang’E-3 mission, Science, 347(6227): 1226-1229.
Na Zhao, Peimin Zhu, Kesi Yang, Yuefeng Yuan and Shili Guo. (2014) The preliminary processing and analysis of LPR Channel-2B data from Chang’E-3, Scientia Sinica Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 57(12):2346-2353.
Yuefeng Yuan, Peimin Zhu, Na Zhao, et al. (2013) Automatic identification of circular mare craters based on mathematical morphology (In Chinese). Scientia Sinica Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 43(3): 324–332.
Yuefeng Yuan. (2021) A preliminary evolution model of the Von Karman crater on the far side of the moon: Constraints from the Chang 'e-4 lunar radar data, National Planetary Science Congress, Suzhou, China
Yuefeng Yuan. (2019) The Preliminary Subsurface Structure in Von Kármán Crater, Far Side of the Moon Based on Chang’E-4 Lunar Penetrating Radar, The 4th International Conference on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration (LDSE). Session a-1: The Moon: Special Session: Chang’E-4, Zhuhai, China
Yuefeng Yuan, Edward Garnero, Peimin Zhu, et al. (2016) Towards Improving Seismic Constraints on the deep Lunar Interior, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco. (DI41A-2608)
Yuefeng Yuan. (2015) Mare Imbrium subsurface structure probing: based on the processing of lunar penetrating radar Channel 1 data from Chang'E-3, 2nd Beijing International Forum on Lunar and Deep-space Exploration, Beijing.
Yuefeng Yuan. (2015) Preliminary processing and interpretation of lunar penetrating radar channel 1 data from Chang 'e-3 mission, Annual Meeting of Chinese Geosciences Union, Beijing.
Yuefeng Yuan, Peimin Zhu, Na Zhao, et al. (2014) The Preliminary Processing and Geological Interpretation of Lunar Penetrating Radar Channel-1 Data from Chang’E-3, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco. (#P13B-3809)
Na Zhao, Peimin Zhu, Yuefeng Yuan, et al. (2012) The lunar seismic tomography and internal heterogeneity, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco.
Yuan Yuefeng, Zhao Na, Zhang Jinbao, Zhu Peimin. Software of Lunar Circular Structure Identification and Statistics V1.0, Registration Number: 2012SR027386.
Yuan Yuefeng, Zhao Na, Zhang Jinbao, Zhu Peimin. Software of Lunar Surface Dating Based on Impact Crater Statistics V1.0, Registration number: 2012SR027391.
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