Paper Publications
Xu, L..Spatiotemporal forecasting in earth system science: Methods, uncertainties, predictability and future directions.Earth-Science Reviews.2021,222:103828
Xu, L..A parametric multivariate drought index for drought monitoring and assessment under climate change.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.2021,310
Xu L..[1]Xu L., Chen N , Xiang Z , et al. In-situ and triple-collocation based evaluations of eight global root zone soil moisture products[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 254:112248..Remote Sensing of Environment.2020,254:112248
Xu, L..[2] Xu, L., Abbaszadeh, P., Moradkhani, H. , Chen, N. , & Zhang, X. . (2020). Continental drought monitoring using satellite soil moisture, data assimilation and an integrated drought index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 250, 112028..Remote Sensing of Environment.2020,250:112028
Xu, L..[3] Xu, L., Zhang, C., Chen N.C., Moradkhani H., Chu P.S., Zhang, X. Potential precipitation predictability decreases under future warming, Geophysical Research Letters, 2020..Geophysical Research Letters.2020
Xu, L..[4] Xu, L., Chen, N., Moradkhani, H., Zhang, X., & Hu, C. (2020). Improving Global Monthly and Daily Precipitation Estimation by Fusing Gauge Observations, Remote Sensing, and Reanalysis Data Sets. Water Resources Research, 56(3), e2019WR026444..Water Resources Research.2020,56(3):e2019WR026444
Xu, L..[5] Xu, L., Chen, N., Zhang, X. and Chen, Z., 2019. Spatiotemporal changes in China's terrestrial water storage from GRACE satellites and its possible drivers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(22), pp.11976-11993..Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.2019,124(22):11976-11993
Xu, L..[6] Xu, L., Chen, N., Zhang, X., Chen, Z., Hu, C. and Wang, C., 2019. Improving the North American multi-model ensemble (NMME) precipitation forecasts at local areas using wavelet and machine learning. Climate dynamics, 53(1-2), pp.601-615..Climate Dynamics.2019,53(1-2):601-615
Xu, L..[7] Xu, L., Chen, N., Zhang, X. and Chen, Z., 2020. A data-driven multi-model ensemble for deterministic and probabilistic precipitation forecasting at seasonal scale. Climate Dynamics, pp.1-20..Climate Dynamics.2020,54:3355–3374
Xu, L..[8] Xu, L., Chen, N., Zhang, X. and Chen, Z., 2018. An evaluation of statistical, NMME and hybrid models for drought prediction in China. Journal of Hydrology, 566, pp.235-249..Journal of Hydrology,566:235-249
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