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主要从事大陆演化和板块构造相关的动力学研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目和国际岩石圈计划项目子课题,以第一/通讯作者在PNAS、Geology、GRL、EPSL、ESR等国际SCI期刊发表论文十余篇。受邀担任Nature Geoscience,ESR,EPSL、GRL、JGR-SE等期刊独立审稿人。曾获湖北省自然科学二等奖(R5)。
项观杰 2019-2022(以第一作者身份发表EPSL论文,获得校研究生科技论文报告会特等奖,高山院士奖学金,校级优秀毕业论文)
赏银文 (硕士在读)
胡添禹 (硕士在读)
Wang Zhensheng, and Xu Yixian*, 2024. The fate of eclogites in the lithosphere. Science China: Earth Sciences, / 王振胜,徐义贤, 2024. 岩石圈内榴辉岩的命运.中国科学: 地球科学, 54(3): 897-901.
Wang Zhensheng, Zhang Junfeng, Zong Keqing, Kusky Timothy*, Wang Yanxin*, 2023. Plate tectonics: the stabilizer of Earth's habitability. Journal of Earth Science,
Wang Zhensheng*, Capitanio Fabio, Wang Zaicong and Kusky Timothy*, 2022. Accretion of the cratonic mantle lithosphere via massive regional relamination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(39): e2201226119. (T1, Top, Nature Index)
Wang Zhensheng*, Kusky Timothy*, Wang Lu, 2022. Long-lasting viscous drainage of eclogites from the cratonic lithospheric mantle after Archean subduction stacking. Geology, 50(5): 583-587. (T1, Top, Nature Index)
Xiang Guanjie, Wang Zhensheng* and Kusky Timothy, 2021. Density and viscosity changes between depleted and primordial mantle at ∼1000 km depth influence plume upwelling behavior. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 576: 117213. (T1, Top, Nature Index)
Wang Zhensheng*, Liu Yongsheng, Zong Keqing, Lin Jie and Kusky Timothy*, 2020. Mantle degassing related to changing redox and thermal conditions during the Precambrian supercontinent cycle. Precambrian Research, 350: 105895.
Wang Zhensheng* and Kusky Timothy*, 2019. The importance of a weak mid-lithospheric layer on the evolution of the cratonic lithosphere. Earth-Science Reviews, 190: 557-569.
Wang Zhensheng*, Kusky Timothy* and Capitanio Fabio, 2018b. Water transportation ability of flat-lying slabs in the mantle transition zone and implications for craton destruction. Tectonophysics, 723: 95-106.
Wang Zhensheng*, Kusky Timothy*, Capitanio Fabio, 2018a. On the role of lower crust and mid-lithosphere discontinuity for cratonic lithosphere delamination and recycling. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(15): 7425-7433. (T1, Top, Nature Index)
Wang Zhensheng, Kusky Timothy*, Capitanio Fabio, 2017. Ancient continental lithosphere dislocated beneath ocean basins along the mid-lithosphere discontinuity: A hypothesis. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 9253–9260. (T1, Top, Nature Index)
Wang Zhensheng, Kusky Timothy*, Fu Jianmin, Yuan Yuefeng and Zhu Peimin, 2016b. Review of Lithospheric Destruction in the North China, North Atlantic, and Tanzanian Cratons. The Journal of Geology, 124(6): 699-721.
Wang Zhensheng, Kusky Timothy*, Capitanio Fabio, 2016a. Lithosphere thinning induced by slab penetration into a hydrous mantle transition zone. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 11567-11577. (T1, Top, Nature Index)
Wang Zhensheng, Kusky Timothy*, Wang Xianmin, Li Hui and Lin Jie, 2014. A Directional Erosion Algorithm Based on Feature Points of Topographic Depressions: Application to Drainage Network Extraction from DEM’s. Geodynamics Research International Bulletin, 1(003): 12-25.
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