秦学文, 冯邦国, 张云, 汪校锋.豫西段村地区岩石-土壤地球化学背景特征及找矿意义. 新疆地质, 41(1): 46-50, 2023.
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上一条: Ruyi Feng, Zhongyu Guo and Xiaofeng Wang*. A Recurrent Feedback Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Method by Using of Self-Attention-Based Pixel Awareness. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 17, pp. 18502-18516, 2024.(T2)
下一条: Wendi Wang, Wenbin Qu, and Xiaofeng Wang. Enterprise Technology Innovation and Customer Concentration under the Uncertainty of Market Environment. WHICEB 2021 Proceedings.10, 2021.