的个人主页 http://grzy.cug.edu.cn/wangwei
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上一条 : 4. Zhu, X.Y., Chen, F.K., Yang, L., Wang, W., Trung Hieu Pham., Miao, L.C., Zhang, F.Q. 2009. Zircon Hf isotopic composition and source characteristics of the Wudang Group in the Qinling orogenic belt, western Henan Province. Acta Petrologica Sinica. v. 25, p.3017-3028. (in Chinese with English abstract)
下一条 : 6. Zhou, M.F., Zhao, J.H., Jiang, C.Y., Gao, J.F., Wang, W., and Yang, S.H, 2009, OIB-like, heterogeneous mantle sources of Permian basaltic magmatism in the western Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications for a possible Permian large igneous province: Lithos, v. 113, p. 583-594.