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上一条 : 7. Chen, F.K., Zhu, X.Y., Wang, W., Wang, F., Hieu, P., and Siebel, W., 2009, Single-grain detrital muscovite Rb-Sr isotopic composition as an indicator of provenance for the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in northern Dabie, China: Geochemical Journal, v. 43, p. 257-273.
下一条 : 9. Wang, W*., Wang, F., Chen, F., Zhu, X., Xiao, P., and Siebel, W., 2010, Detrital Zircon Ages and Hf‐Nd Isotopic Composition of Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Yangtze Block: Constraints on the Deposition Age and Provenance: The Journal of Geology, v. 118, p. 79-94.