Lianxun Wang

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Honors and Titles : 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师;

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 德国图宾根大学

Education Level : Doctoral Degree in Education

Degree : 博士学位

Status : Employed

School/Department : 地球科学学院

Date of Employment : 2014-10-30

Business Address : 地勘楼213B

Contact Information : 邮箱

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Current position: 英文主页 >> Student Information

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Personal Profile


【3】2010.09-2014.09 德国图宾根大学地质系,岩石学,博士学位








【1】2014.10-2017.12, 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院岩矿系,讲师,硕导


















【10】林斌(在读)【9】马丹贞(在读)【8】祝颖雪(在读)【7】杨丽莎(在读)【6】Vandi D. Kamaunji(尼日利亚籍)(在读)【5】Ismail Shah (巴基斯坦籍) (在读)【4】刘高峰(在读)【3】李乐广(在读)【2】Hussein A.A. Mohammed (苏丹籍)(在读)【1】朱煜翔(2024届)


【21】江彧(在读)【20】童伟(在读)【19】陈济海(在读)【18】王文浩(在读)【17】谈江齐(在读)【16】林斌(2024届)【15】付政豪(2023届)【15】巨凯亮(2023届)【14】杨丽莎(转博)【13】王青(2022届)【12】朱志鹏(2022届)【11】Adam I.A. Abdalla (苏丹籍)(2023届)【10】Victor I. Vincent (尼日利亚籍)(2022届)【9】徐晓波(2021届)【8】李乐广(2021届)【7】Vandi D. Kamaunji(尼日利亚籍)(2021届)【6】王珂(2020届)【5】何佐祥(2019届)【4】刘敬(2019届)【3】朱煜翔(2019届)【2】郭富涛(2018届)【1】熊启慧(2017届)









【10】2022年,硕士留学生Victor I. Vincent 获中国地质大学(武汉)优秀硕士学位论文、优秀毕业生

【9】2021年,硕士留学生Vandi D. Kamaunji获中国地质大学(武汉)优秀硕士学位论文、优秀毕业生






【3】2018年,留学生Hafizullah Ahmed获得美国经济地质协会(SEG)Hugh E. Mckinstry Fund 学生科研基金资助










【11】湖北省自然资源厅科技项目,鄂东南通城地区花岗伟晶岩成因及稀有金属成矿作用研究, 2020-2021,负责

【10】中国地质调查局协作项目,长江经济带中段红安-咸宁地区区域地质调查-湖北红安高桥地区1:2.5万专项地质测量, 2019-2020,负责



【7】国家自然科学基金重点项目,沉积碳酸盐岩地幔再循环过程中的物理化学变化及其地球化学响应,2016-2020, 参与

【6】中国地质调查局协作项目,武当地块及邻区火成碳酸岩、碱性岩及稀土矿产成因关系研究, 2016-2018,参与

【5】国家自然科学基金青年项目,北大巴山紫阳-岚皋地区古生代碱性火山-侵入杂岩中的卤素体系(F-Cl-Br-I)研究, 2016-2018, 负责




【1】德国自然科学基金,F-Cl-Br systematics in continental plutonic rocks from different geological settings, 2011-2014, 参与

英文学术论文 (*为通讯作者,指导学生完成):

【57】Zhu, Y.X., Pan, Y., Wang, L.X*, She Z., Feng, R., Chen, N., Purdy, S., Cao, K. 2024. R The valence states of Nb and Ta in magmatic-hydrothermal systems: Insights from combined SXAS and XPS analyses of titanite and ilmenite in two Chinese anorogenic suites. American Mineralogist, accepted,

【56】Kamaunji, V.D., Wang, L.X.*, Murphy D.T., Girei, M.B., Ahmed, H.A., Etsu, B.F., Sami, M. 2024. Petrognesis and tectonic implications of peralkaline-metalumious magmatism in Kila and Shira ring complexes, north-central Nigeria. International Geology Review,

【55】Tao, L., Luo, B., Zhang, H., Xu, W., Huang, H., Yang, H., Qiu, H., Bai, X., Lu, S., Guo, L., Pan, F., Wang, L., Li, Z. 2024. Multiple mantle metasomatism recorded by Triassic post-collisional ultrapotassic and tholeiitic magmatism in West Qinling, NW China. Journal of the Geological Society, London, accepted, jgs2024-020.

【54】Li, L., Wang, L.*, Romer, R.L., Ma, C., Cao, L., Tian, Y. 2024. Using tourmaline to trace Li mineralization in the Mufushan granitic batholith, South ChinaChemical Geology, 122485.

【53】Zhu, Y., Wang, L.*, Pan Y., Ma C., She Z. 2024. Remobilization and enrichment of Nb during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: Insights from titantite in Nb-rich dyke swarms of South Qinling, China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179(5), 48.

【52】Li, L.G., Fan, Z.Y., Ma, C.Q.,  Wang, L.X.* 2024. Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of the Middle Triassic pegmatite from the Mokeri area, eastern segment of the East Kunlun Orogen (China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106054.

【51】Cao, L., Wang, L.X.*Zhu, Y.X., Vincent, V.I., Kamaunji, V.D.,  Ahmed, H.A. 2024. Termination of anorogenic alkaline magmatism in Nigerian Younger Granite Province: Insights from Afu A-type granite complex. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113(4), 1029-1052.

【50】Basua, A.A.E., Ma, C., Nguo, K.S., Wang, L.X., Lentz, D.R., .... 2024. Late Ediacaran post-collisional granite in Babouri-Figuil (Northwest Cameroon): Implication for crustal-mantle contributions in an extensional setting. Journal of African Earth Sciences105212.

【49】Basua, A.A.E., Ma, C.Q., Nguo, K.S., Wang, L.X., Mukherjee, S., .... 2024. Structural and microstructural features of Neoproterozoic granites in Figuil: Constraints in ductile shear deformations of the Guider Sorawel shear zone. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 17(3), 89-109.

【48】Zhu, Y., Wang, L.*, Pan Y., Zhang C., Almeev R.R., She Z., Holtz F. 2024. Pyrochlore composition and Sm-Nd isotope sigature as indicators of magmatic-hydrothermal processes: The case of Ririwai complex, north-central Nigeria. Chemical Geology, 122021.

【47】Zheng, Y., Wang, Z., He, T., Burgess, R., Zhu, Z., Wang, L.X., Wang, X., Hu, Z., Liu, Y. 2023. Heavy halogen compositions of lamprophyres derived from metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath eastern North China Craton. American Mineralogist, 108(10), 1825-1839.

【46】Zhu, Y.X., Wang, L.X.*, Khattak, N.U., Ma, C.Q., Luo, G.M., Ulrich, T. 2023. Petrogenesis of the Late Cretaceous Sillai Patti carbonatite, NW Pakistan: Insights from C-O-Sr-Nd isotopes and titanite U-Pb dating. Lithos, 107087.

【45】Kamaunji, V.D., Wang, L.X.*, Girei, M.B., Zhu, Y.X., Li, L.G., Vincent, V.I., Amuda, A.K. 2023. Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of the alkaline ferroan granites from Ropp complex, northcentral Nigeria: Clues from zircon chemistry, U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotope. Geological Journal, 58(1), 21-50.

【44】Khattaka, N.U., Zhu, Y.X., Ma, C.Q., Wang, L.X., Wang, W. 2022. Recognition of the emplacement time of the Sillai Patti carbonatite complex, Malakand Division, Northwest Pakistan: Constraints from 206Pb/238U dating of zircon. Pakistan Journal of Geology.

【43】Zhu, Y.X., Wang, L.X.*, Ma, C.Q., Wiedenbeck, M., She, Z.B. 2022. Titanite as a tracer for Nb mineralization during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: The case of Fangcheng alkaline complex, Central China. Chemical Geology . DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121028.

【42】Wu, G., Zhu, J.M., Wang, X., Johnson, T.M.,  He, Y., Huang, F., Wang, L.X., Lai, S.C. 2022. Nickel isotopic composition of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.06.019.

【41】Vincent, V.I., Wang, L.X.*, Kamaunji, V.D., Zhu, Y.X., Cao, L. 2022. New geochronological and geochemical constraints on the Banke, Dutsen Wai, Guraka and Zuku alkaline granite complexes from the northcentral Nigerian younger granite province. International Geology Review

【40】Basua, A.A.E., Ma, C.Q., Nguo, K.S., Wang, L.X., Lentz, D.R., .... 2022. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of A-type granites in the Babouri-Figuil Magmatic Complex (North Cameroon): Constraints from whole rock geochemistry, zircon Usingle bondPb geochronology and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes. Lithos, 414,

【39】Vincent, V.I., Wang, L.X.*, Zhu, Y.X., Kamaunji, V.D., Ahmed, H.A., Ntekim, E.E., Cao, L. 2022. Onset of the anorogenic alkaline magmatism in the Nigerian Younger Granite province: Constraints from the Daura and Dutse complexes. Lithos, 410,

【38】Zhu, Y.X., Wang, L.X.*, Ma, C.Q., He, Z.X., Deng, X., Tian, Y. 2022. Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of the Late Triassic A1-type alkaline volcanics from the Xiangride area, eastern segment of the East Kunlun Orogen (China). Lithos, 412,

【37】Gunay, K., Oyan, V., Donmez, C., Çavdar, B., .... Wang, L.X., Ma, C.Q. 2021. Au-rich bimodal-mafic type volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit associated with Jurassic arc volcanism from the Central Pontide (Kastamonu, Turkey). Ore Geology Reviews, 141,

【36】Zhang, S., Chen, M., Zheng, J.P., Sun, M., Wang, L.X. 2021. Phenocryst zonation records magma mixing in generation of the Neoproterozoic adakitic daite porphyries from the Kongling area, Yangtze Craton. Precambrian Research, 366,

【35】Wang, K., Wang, L.X.*, Ma, C.Q., Zhu, Y.X., She, Z.B., Deng, X., Chen, Q. 2021. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Zhuxi Nb-rich trachytic rocks, South Qinling (China): Insights into the niobium mineralization during magmatic-hydrothermal processes. Ore Geology Reviews

【34】Ahmed, H.A., Wang, L.X.*, Ma, C.Q., Abdallsamed, M.I.M., Girei, M.B., Zhu, Y.X., Vincent, V.I., Kamaunji, D.V., Cao, L. 2021. Contrasting Neoproterozic and Mesozoic granitoids in Zaranda complex (Nigeria): insights into the distinct origins, tectonic settings and mineralization potential. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s00531-021-02021-z.

【33】Kamaunji, V.D., Wang, L.X.*, Ma, C.Q., Liu, J., Zhu, Y.X. 2021. Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of the Permian-Triassic syenogranites from the eastern segment of the East Kunlun Orogen, China. Lithos

【32】Zhu, Y.X., Wang, L.X.*, Ma, C.Q., Wiedenbeck, M., Wang, W. 2020. The Neoproterozoic alkaline rocks from Fangcheng area, East Qinling (China) and their implications for regional Nb mineralization and tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research, 350,

【31】Li X., Zhang, C., Wang, L., Behrens, H., Holtz, F. 2020. Experiments on the saturation of fluorite in magmatic systems: implications for maximum F concentration and fluorine cation bonding in silicate belt. Journal of Earth Science, 31(3), 456-467.

【30】Zhu Y.X., Wang, L.X.*, Xiong, Q.H., Ma, C.Q., Zhang, X., Ahmed, H.A. 2020. Origin and evolution of ultrapotassic intermediate magma: The Songxian syenite massif, Central China. Lithos, 366-367,

【29】Kamaunji, V.D., Wang, L.X.*, Ahmed, H.A., Zhu, Y.X., Vincent, V.I., Girei, M.B. 2020. Coexisting A1 and A2 granites of Kudaru complex: implications for genetic and tectonic diversity of A-type granite in the Younger Granite Province, north-central Nigeria. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109(2), 511-535.

【28】Salih, M.A., Abdallsamed, M.I.M., Ma, C.Q., Mustafa, H.A., Ahmed, H.A., Wang, L.X.* 2020. Genesis of alkaline-peralkaline A-type granite from El Dair complex, SW Arabian-Nubian Shield, Sudan: geochronology, geochemistry and isotopic constraints. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(42),

【27】Zhu, J., Wang, L., Ma, J., Zhou, Z., Deng, X., Hu, J. 2019. Early Cretaceous granitic dykes in the western Dabie Orogen, China: Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Geological Journal, 54(6), 3574-3592.

【26】Fan, S., Zhang, Z., Ma, C., Xie, Q., Wang, L., Li, Y., Zhang, Y. 2019. Coronas around olivine in the Miaowan olivine norite, Yangtze Craton, South China. Journal of Earth Science, 30(5), 924-937.

【25】Zhu, J., Wu, B., Wang, L., Peng, S., Zhou, H. 2019. Neoproterozoic bimodal volcanic rocks and granites in the western Dabie area, northern margin of Yangtze block, China: implications for extension during the break-up of Rodinia. International Geology Review, 61(11), 1370-1390. 

【24】Li, X., Zhang, C., Almeev, R.R., Zhang, X.C., Zhao, X.F., Wang, L.X., Koepke, J., Holtz, F. 2019. Electron probe microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe ratios in calcic and sodic-calcic amphibole and biotite using the flank method. Chemical Geology, 509, 152-162.

【23】Wang, L.X., Ma, C.Q., Zhang, C., Zhu, Y.X., Marks, A.W.M. 2018. Halogen geochemistry of the I- and A-type granites from Jiuhuashan region (South China): Insights into the elevated F in A-type granites. Chemical Geology, 478, 164-182.

【22】Ahmed, H.A., Ma, C., Wang, L., Palinkas, L.A.. Girei, M.B., Zhu, Y., Habib, M. 2018. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of peralkaline A-type granites and syenites from the Suizhou-Zaoyang region, Central China. Journal of Earth Science, 29(5), 1181-1202.

【21】Zhu, Y., Wang, L.*, Ma, C., Zhang, C. 2018. A flower-like glomerophyric diorite porphyry from Central China: Constraints on the unusual texture. Lithos, 318, 1-13.

【20】Zhu, Y., Wang, L.*, Ma, C., Zhang, C., Wang, K. 2018. Geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic study of the Wulong flower-like glomerophyric diorite porphyry (Central China): implications for tectonic evolution of Eastern Qinling. Journal of Earth Science, 29(5), 1203-1218.

【19】Wang C., Zhao X., Huang Z., Xing G., Wang L. 2018. Early Cretaceous extensional-tectonism-related petrology of the Gan-Hang belt:Lingshan A-type granite at ca. 130Ma. Geological Journal,53(6), 2487-2506.

【18】Zhou, Z.M., Ma, C.Q.*, Wang, L.X.* Chen, S.G., Xie, C.F., Li, Y., Liu, W. 2018. A source-depleted Early Jurassic granitic pluton from South China: Implication to the Mesozoic juvenile accretion of the South China crust. Lithos, 300, 278-290.

【17】Zhu, Y., Wang, L.*, Ma, C. 2017. An unique glomerophyric diorite porphyry from the southern margin of North China Craton: geochronology, geochemical and quantitative textural analysis constraints. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 91 (s1), 111-112. 

【16】Zhang, C., Wang, L.X., Marks, M.A.W., France, L., Koepke, J. 2017. Volatiles (CO2, S, F, Cl, Br) in the dike-gabbro transition zone at IODP Hole 1256D: Magmatic imprint versus hydrothermal influence at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge. Chemical Geology, 459, 43-60.

【15】Zhu, J., Wang, L., Peng, S., Peng, L., Wu, C., Qiu, X. 2017. U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Miaoya syenite and carbonatite complex, Central China. Geological Journal, 52 (6), 938-954.

【14】Liu B., Ma, C.Q., Huang, J., Wang,L.X., Zhao, S.Q., Yan, R., Sun, Y., Xiong, F.H. 2017. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Upper Triassic appinite dykes in the East Kunlun orogenic belt, northern Tibetan Plateau. Lithos, 284-285, 766-778.

【13】Wang L., Ma, C., Musa, A.S.M., Abdallsamed, I.M.M. 2017. Petrogenesis and significance of the Jebel Dumbier alkaline-carbonatite complex from north margin of Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 91(s1), 94-95.

【12】Wang, L.X., Marks, A.W.M., Wenzel, T., Markl, G. 2016. Halogen-bearing minerals from the Tamazeght complex (Morocco): Constraints on halogen distribution and evolution in alkaline to peralkaline magmatic systems. The Canadian Mineralogist, 54(6), 1347-1368.

【11】Ding, L., Ma, C., Li, J., Wang, L. 2016. Geochronological, geochemical and mineralogical constraints on the petrogenesis of appinites from the Laoniushan complex, eastern Qinling, central China. Geochemistry, 76(4), 579-595.

【10】Zhong, Y., Wang, L., Zhao, J., Liu, L., Ma, C., Zheng, J. 2016. An Ordovician appinite-granite association in Wugongshan domain, South China: Partial melting of an ancient subduction-modified mantle in an intracontinental regime. Lithos, 264, 224-238.

【9】Zhou, Z., Ma, C., Xie, C., Wang, L., Liu, Y., Liu, W. 2016. Highly fractionated granites in Late Mesozoic polycyclic tectono-magmatism-mineralization in South China. Journal of Earth Science, 27(3), 444-460.

【8】Zhang, C., Koepke, J., Wang, L.X., Wolff, P., Wilke, S., Stechern, A., Almeev, R., Holtz, F. 2016. A practical method for accurate measurement of trace level fluorine (F) in Mg- and Fe-bearing mineral and glass using electron microprobe. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 40, 351-363.

【7】Wang, L.X., Ma, C.Q., Lai, Z.X., Marks, M.A.W., Zhang, C., Zhong, Y.F. 2015. Early Jurassic mafic dykes from the Xiazhuang ore district (South China): Implications for tectonic evolution and uranium metallogenesis. Lithos, 239, 71-85.

【6】Wang, L.X., Marks, M.A.W., Keller, J., Markl, G. 2014. Halogen variations in alkaline rocks from the Upper Rhine Graben (SW Germany): insights into F, Cl and Br behavior during magmatic processes.   Chemical Geology, 380, 133-144.

【5】Wang, L.X., Marks, M.A.W., Wenzel, T., Von der Handt, A., Keller, J., Teiber, H., Markl, G. 2014. Apatites from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, Germany: new constraints on the relationship between carbonatite and associated silicate rocks. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 397-414.

【4】Wang, L.X., Ma, C.Q.*, Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Marks, M.A.W. 2014. Genesis of leucogranite by prolonged fractional crystallization: a case study of the Mufushan complex, South China. Lithos, 206-207, 147-163.

【3】Wang, L. Halogen (F, Cl and Br) systematics in alkaline to peralkaline magmatic rocks and their constituting minerals. 2014. Ph.D. thesis, published by thelibrary of Universität Tübingen, p1-125.

【2】Wang, L., Wenzel, T., von der Handt, A., Marks, M.A.W., Markl, G. 2013. Compositional variation in apatites from carbonatites and associated alkaline silicate rocks: a case study of the Kaiserstuhl complex, Germany. Mineralogical Magzine, 77(5), 2452.

【1】 Zhang, L.J., Ma, C.Q., Wang, L.X., She, Z.B., Wang, S.M. 2011. Discovery of Paleoproterozoic rapakivi granite on the northern margin of the Yangtze block and its geological significance.Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(3), 306-318.

中文学术论文 (*为通讯作者,指导学生完成):

【26】马昌前,刘彬,薛振华,邹博文,黄贵治,连泉程,高珂,孙洋,王连训2024. 从长英质侵入体揭示火山喷发过程与岩浆通道系统. 岩石学报,40(7),1997-2018.

【26】朱志鹏,王连训*,朱煜翔,李乐广,马昌前. 2024. 大别造山带汤池早白垩世富碱侵入岩成因及地质意义. 华南地质,40(1),28-55.

【25】刘高峰王连训,罗春林,熊清华,卢先锋,刘永旭. 2024. 赣南遂川晚侏罗世幕式花岗质岩浆活动:年代学、地球化学和Lu-Hf同位素约束. 岩石学报,39(8),2489-2510.

【24】王珂王连训*,朱煜翔,马昌前,黄宏业. 2024. 湖北庙垭碳酸岩杂岩体中铌赋存状态及富集机制:矿物化学制约. 地球科学,40,doi:10. 3799/ dqkx. 2022. 345.

【23】李乐广,王连训*,朱煜翔,马昌前,佘振兵,曹亮,冷双梁,闫育荞. 2023. 华南幕阜山北缘含稀有金属伟晶岩成矿时代及成矿过程. 地球科学,40,doi:10. 3799/ dqkx. 2022. 141.

【22】徐晓波,王连训*,马昌前,朱煜翔,王珂. 2021. 东昆仑造山带巴隆地区羊粪沟中酸性岩脉成因及其地质意义. 矿物岩石地球化学通报,40,doi:10. 19658/ j. issn. 1007-2802. 2021. 40. 021.

【21】王艳, 马昌前,王连训,刘园园. 2020. 赣西北小九宫-沙店白垩纪花岗岩的岩石成因及构造意义. 地球科学, 45(4), 1115-1135.

【20】王珂,王连训*,马昌前,朱煜翔,高利远. 2020. 东昆仑加鲁河中三叠世含石榴石二云母花岗岩的成因及地质意义. 地球科学, 45(2), 400-418.

【19】骆金诚,齐有强,王连训,陈佑纬,田建吉,石少华. 2019. 粤北下庄铀矿田基性岩脉Ar-Ar定年及其与铀成矿关系新认识. 岩石学报, 35(9), 2660-2678.

【18】李乐广, 王连训*田洋,马昌前,周芳春. 2019. 华南幕阜山花岗伟晶岩的矿物化学特征及指示意义. 地球科学, 44(7),2532-2550.

【17】王艳,马昌前,王连训,刘园园. 2018. 扬子东南缘新元古代花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素:对地壳生长的约束. 地球科学,43(3),635-654.

【16】张明东,马昌前,王连训,郝峰华,郑少杰,张磊. 2018. 后碰撞阶段的“俯冲型”岩浆岩:来自东昆仑瑙木浑沟晚三叠世闪长玢岩的证据. 地球科学,43(4),1183-1206.

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【2】 《幕阜山西北缘中生代岩浆岩与稀有金属成矿》, 田洋,金巍,王晶,柯贤忠,王连训,李乐广,徐扬,龙文国 著,2020, 中国地质大学出版社,书号:ISBN 978-7-5625-4783-9.

【1】《侵入岩地质调查与填图方法》, 王涛,童英,郭磊,马昌前,苏尚国,焦建刚,罗照华,王连训 著,2020, 地质出版社,书号:ISBN 978-7-116-12176-8.