1. Tong LY, Hu SG, Frazier AE, Liu YS. (2017). Multi-order urban development model and sprawl patterns: An analysis in China, 2000-2010. Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 386-398.
2. Tong LY, Hu SG, Frazier AE. (2018). Mixed accuracy of nighttime lights (NTL)-based urban land identification using thresholds: Evidence from a hierarchical analysis in Wuhan Metropolis, China. Applied Geography, 98, 201-214.
3. Tong LY, Hu SG, Frazier AE. (2019). Hierarchically measuring urban expansion in fast urbanizing regions using multi-dimensional metrics: A case of Wuhan metropolis, China. Habitat International, 94: 102070.
4. Hu SG#, Tong LY#, Frazier AE, Liu YS. (2015). Urban boundary extraction and sprawl analysis using Landsat images: A case study in Wuhan, China. Habitat International, 47, 183-195. (Co-first authors)
5. Yu D, Hu SG, Tong LY, Xia C. (2020). Spatiotemporal dynamics of cultivated land and its influences on grain production potential in Hunan province, China. Land, 9(12), 510.
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