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  • 欧阳磊 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://grzy.cug.edu.cn/ouyanglei

  •   副教授   硕士生导师

欧阳磊,中国地质大学(武汉)材料与化学学院,特任副教授,生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室固定研究人员。本硕博均毕业于华中科技大学,导师为朱丽华教授。博士期间曾获国家公派留学资助赴美国普渡大学(Purdue Univeristy)进行为期一年的联合培养;博士毕业后分别在华中科技大学和德国耶拿大学(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)和莱布尼兹光子技术研究所(Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien)进行博士后研究。2021年1月起加入中国地质大学(武汉)材料与化学学院,获聘“地大学者-青年优秀人才”,特任副教授。现担任《岩矿测试》编委、《理化检验-化学测试》青年编委,研究方向为基于原位拉曼光谱/红外光谱技术的环境界面行为原位监测及机制研究,新型绿色样品前处理技术开发及其在环境分析、地质分析中的应用等。在ACS Nano, Adv. Func. Mater., Anal. Chem. Nano Res.等杂志发表SCI论文30余篇。





Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lei_Ouyang2

Gogle Scholar https://scholar.google.de/citationsuser=bjmByMIAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN


2013.09-2017.05 华中科技大学-化学与化工学院-材料物理与化学博士 导师:朱丽华教授

2015.09-2016.09 Purdue University-联合培养博士(国家公派留学)    导师:Joseph Irudayaraj

2012.09-2013.06 华中科技大学-化学与化工学院-分析化学理学硕士(免试推荐)

2008.09-2012.06 华中科技大学-化学与化工学院-应用化学理学学士


2021.01-至今       中国地质大学(武汉)材料与化学学院    副教授

2019.06-2020.12  华中科技大学化学与化工学院          博士后 导师:朱丽华教授

2018.06-2019.06  Friedrich Schiller University Jena                  博士后 导师: Jer-Shing Huang, Jürgen Popp

2017.06-2018.05  华中科技大学化学与化工学院                    博士后 导师:朱丽华、杨祥良教授


研究方向1 基于拉曼光谱的地质过程原位分析




课题4 基于拉曼-扫描电镜联用技术的砷环境界面行为与归趋研究,武汉市知识创新专项曙光计划项目,20220208010202182022/06-2024/05,主持


课题1 Research towards plasmonic enhancement of metallic gratings on coherent Raman scattering, ACPExplore project of Abbe Center of Photonics, 2018/06-2019/06. 主持。

研究方向3 基于表面增强拉曼光谱的痕量分析方法开发及其应用






以第一作者或通信作者身份发表研究论文30余篇,总引用次数1300余次,H指数17Google Scholar截止2024.08)


Xiaoya Yuan , Weihua Wang , Mantang Chen , Lijin Huang , Qin Shuai , Lei Ouyang, * Urchin-like covalent organic frameworks templated Au@Ag composites for SERS detection of emerging contaminants. Chemical Communication, 2024, 60, 8840-8843.

Wenxuan Chen, Guibin Guo, Lijin Huang, Lei Ouyang, Qin Shuai, Facet-dependent adsorption of aromatic organoarsenicals on hematite: The mechanism and environmental impact, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 464, 132976.

Lei Ouyang,* Nan Wang, Joseph Irudayaraj, Tetsuro Majima,* Virus on surfaces: Chemical mechanism, influence factors, disinfection strategies, and implications for virus repelling surface design,  Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 320, 103006.

Lei Ouyang, Fangfang Song, Caiyue Yu, Lijin Huang, Qin Shuai,* Efficient arsenic coagulation by serpentine mediated iron hydroxides. Chemical Communication, 2023, 59, 6410-6413.

Lei Ouyang, Mingtao Wang, Lihua Zhu,* Heqing Tang, Qin Shuai,* In situ speciation analysis and kinetic study of arsenic adsorption on ferrihydrite with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Nano Research2023, 16(2), 3046-3054.

Lei Ouyang, Lei Zeng, Yaqian Cui, Nan Wang, Lihua Zhu,* In situ mechanochemical activation of reduced iron powder for arsenic stabilization in high content arsenic sulfide sludge. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 305, 122218.


Lei Ouyang, Tobias Meyer, Kel-Meng See, Wei-Liang Chen, Fan-Cheng Lin, Denis Akimov, Sadaf Ehtesabi, Martin Richter, Michael Schmitt, Yu-Ming Chang, Stefanie Gräfe, Jürgen Popp, Jer-Shing Huang,* Spatially resolving the enhancement effect in surface-enhanced coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering by plasmonic Doppler gratings, ACS Nano2021, 15, 809-818.

Lei Ouyang, Ling Yao, Rongmei Tang, Xiangliang Yang, Lihua Zhu,* Biomimetic point-of-care testing of trace free bilirubin in serum by using glucose selective capture and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical2021, 340, 129941.

Lei Ouyang, † Qian Zhang, † Guina Ma, Lihua Zhu,* Youqin Wang, Zhilin Chen, Yuling Wang, Lei Zhao.* A new dual-spectroscopic strategy for the direct detection of aristolochic acids in blood and tissue, Analytical Chemistry2019, 91, 8154-8161.

Lei Ouyang, Ling Yao, Qian Zhou, Heqing Tang, and Lihua Zhu. * Functional Au array SERS chip for pesticides fast inspection in conjunction with surface extraction and coordination transferring, Analyst2019, 144, 5528-5537.

Lei Ouyang, Ling Yao, Taohong Zhou, Lihua Zhu.* Accurate SERS detection of malachite green in aquatic products on basis of graphene wrapped flexible sensor, Analytica Chimica Acta2018, 1027, 83-91.

Lei Ouyang, Yesheng Wang, Lihua Zhu,* Joseph Irudayaraj, Heqing Tang.* Filtration-assisted fabrication of large-area uniform and long-term stable graphene isolated nano-ag array membrane as surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate, Advanced Materials Interfaces2018, 5(4), 1701221.

Lei Ouyang, Yaowu Hu, Lihua Zhu*, Gary J. Cheng, Joseph Irudayaraj.* A reusable laser wrapped graphene-Ag array based SERS sensor for trace detection of genomic DNA methylation, BiosensorsBioelectronics2017, 92, 755-762.

Lei Ouyang,† Zuyan Jiang,† Nan Wang, Lihua Zhu,* Heqing Tang.* Rapid surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection of sibutramine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical capsules with a β-cyclodextrin- ag/polyvivnyl alcohol hydrogel substrate, Sensors, 2017, 17(7), 1601.

Lei Ouyang, Wen Ren, Lihua Zhu,* Joseph Irudayaraj.* Prosperity to challenges: Recent approaches in SERS substrate fabrication, Reviews in Analytical Chemistry2017, 36(1), 20160027.

Lei Ouyang, Dingyi Li, Lihua Zhu,* Wenwen Yang, Heqing Tang.* A new plasmonic Pickering emulsion based SERS sensor for in situ reaction monitoring and kinetic study, Journal of Materials Chemistry C2016, 4, 736-744.

欧阳磊李定颐朱丽华.* 环糊精修饰的Pickering乳液用于痕量有机物及离子的测定光谱学与光谱分析2016, 36(10), 222-224.

Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu*, Yufeng Ruan and Heqing Tang.* Preparation of native β-cyclodextrin modified plasmonic hydrogel substrate and its use as a surface-enhanced Raman scattering scaffold for antibiotics identification, Journal of Materials Chemistry C2015, 3, 7575-7582.

Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu,* Jizhou Jiang, Wei Xie, Heqing Tang.* Three dimensional plasmonic hydrogel architecture: facile synthesis and its macroscale effective space, RSC Advances2015, 5, 2231-2238.

Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu,* Jizhou Jiang, Heqing Tang.* A SERS method for detection of trace glutathione on the basis of Fe3O4-Ag magnetic particles and crystal violet probe, Analytica Chimica. Acta2014, 816, 41-49.

欧阳磊丁耀彬朱丽华,* 唐和清,* 廖海星.* 钴掺杂铁酸铋活化过硫酸盐降解水中四溴双酚A的研究环境科学2013, 34, 169-174.

Yu Bai, Yanke Shi, Ke Liu, Weikang Guo, Lei Ouyang, Lanlan Jin, Wei Guo, Lijin Huang,* Qin Shuai,* Shenghong Hu, Efficient Separation of Cd from Sn by Phosphazene-Based Covalent Organic Polymers, Atomic Spectroscopy, 2023, 44(6), 448–454.

Li Liu, Yu Bai, Lei Ouyang, Lijin Huang, Qin Shuai,Magnetic phosphazene porous organic polymer for efficient and selective recovery of rare earth elements from acidic wastewater,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 476, 146783,

Ling Yao, Lei Ouyang, Jiping Lv, Pei Dai, Lihua Zhu*, Rapid and sensitive SERS detection of food contaminants by using nano-Ag aggregates with controllable hydrophobicity, Microchemical Journal2021,166, 106221.

Ling Yao, Pei Dai, Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu*, A sensitive and reproducible SERS sensor based on natural lotus leaf for paraquat detection, Microchemical Journal2021, 160(13), 105728.

Yi-Ju Chen, Fan-Cheng Lin, Ankit Kumar Singh, Lei Ouyang, and Jer-Shing Huang*, Spectrometer-free optical hydrogen sensing based on Fano-like spatial distribution of transmission in a metal-insulator-metal plasmonic Doppler grating, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2021, 2100869.

Xiaoqing Lei, Lijin Huang,* Ke Liu, Lei Ouyang, Qin Shuai, Shenghong Hu.* Facile one-pot synthesis of hierarchical N-doped porous carbon for efficient ibuprofen removal. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2021, 604, 823–831.

Qian YanLijin Huang,* Weikang GuoLei OuyangQin Shuai, * Metal organic framework derived Zn/N co‑doped hydrophilic porous carbon for efficient solid phase microextraction of polar phenols. Microchimica Acta2021, 188, 400.  

Pei Dai, Ziyang Zhang, Xianfei Hou, Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu.*  Rapid SERS inspection of carcinogenic aromatic amines in textiles by using liquid interfacial assembled Au array. Talanta, 2021, 234, 122651.

Joshua A. Jackman,* Bo Kyeong Yoon, Lei Ouyang, Nan Wang, Abdul Rahim Ferhan, Jaeyun Kim,* Tetsuro Majima,*Nam-Joon Cho.* Biomimetic nanomaterial strategies for virus targeting: antiviral therapies and vaccines, Advanced Functional Materials2020, 2008352.

Fan-Cheng Lin, † Kel-Meng See, † Lei Ouyang, You-Xin Huang, Yi-Ju Chen, Jürgen Popp, Jer-Shing Huang.* Designable spectrometer-free index sensing using plasmonic Doppler gratings, Analytical Chemistry2019, 91, 9382-9387.

Jie Zhao, Jinming Wu, Zhen Yang, Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu, Zhonghong Gao, * Hailing Li. *Nitration of hIAPP promotes its toxic oligomer formation and exacerbates its toxicity towards INS-1 cells. Nitric Oxide2019, 87, 23–30. 

Dingyi Li, Lei Ouyang, Ling Yao, Lihua Zhu,* Xiaoqing Jiang, Heqing Tang.* In situ SERS monitoring the visible light photocatalytic degradation of Nile blue on Ag@AgCl single hollow cube as a micro-reactor, ChemistrySelect2018, 3, 428-435.

Jizhou Jiang, Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu,* Anmin Zheng, Jing Zou, Xianfeng Yi, Heqing Tang.* Dependence of electronic structure of g-C3N4 on the layer number of its nanosheets: A study by Raman spectroscopy coupled with first-principles calculations, Carbon, 2014, 80, 213-221.

Jizhou Jiang, Lei Ouyang, Lihua Zhu,* Jing Zou, Heqing Tang.* Novel one-pot fabrication of Lab-on-a-Bubble@Ag substrate without coupling-agent for surface enhanced Raman scattering, Scientific Reports2014, 4, 3492-3501.



Lei Ouyang, Dingyi Li, Lihua Zhu,* Heqing Tang.* Precision target guide strategy for applying SERS into environmental monitoring, Raman Spectroscopy and Application2017, 331-354. INTECH, U.K.

朱丽华,欧阳磊,唐和清一种环糊精改性的纳米银水凝胶、其制备方法及应用. ZL2015101 52121.2,已授权

朱丽华,欧阳磊一种柔性表面增强拉曼基底材料及制备方法和应用. ZL201710461908.6, 已授权

朱丽华,欧阳磊一种纳米金阵列表面增强拉曼芯片及其制备方法与应用. 201910198755x.


1. 第三届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛总决赛二等奖指导教师

2. 第三届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛华中赛区一等奖指导教师

3. 2022年中国地质大学(武汉)优秀本科毕业论文指导老师


5. 2015年国家留学基金委“国家公派留学奖学金”

6. 第十九届全国分子光谱学术会议暨2016年光谱年会“优秀论文奖”



1.  2021年第二十四届湖北省化学化工学会分析化学年会邀请报告,湖北武汉

2.   2021年第三届全国环境分析化学研讨会口头报告,贵州贵阳

3.   2021年第二十一届全国光散射学术会议口头报告,吉林长春

4. 2022第十一届全国环境化学大会“砷锑环境污染与控制”分会邀请报告,黑龙江哈尔滨

5. 2023年中国化学会第33届学术年会“环境化学”分会口头报告,山东青岛

6. 2023年第四届全国环境分析化学研讨会口头报告,四川南充

7. The 1st Sample Pretreatment Forum & Exhibition (SPFE2023) Oral speaker, Zhuhai China.

8.  2024年第一届全国地下水资源与生态环境大会口头报告,湖北武汉

  • [1] 2015.9 -- 2016.9

    Purdue University       生物医学工程      联合培养

  • [2] 2012.9 -- 2017.6

    华中科技大学       材料物理与化学       博士研究生毕业       工学博士学位

  • [3] 2008.9 -- 2012.7

    华中科技大学       应用化学       本科毕业(双)       理学学士

  • [1] 2021.1 -- 至今

    中国地质大学      材料与化学学院      副教授

  • [2] 2019.6 -- 2020.12

    华中科技大学      化学与化工学院      博士后

  • [3] 2018.6 -- 2019.6

    Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien      博士后

  • [4] 2017.6 -- 2018.6

    华中科技大学      化学与化工学院      博士后      博士后

  • [1] 拉曼光谱,样品前处理,环境分析,地质分析
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