Li, X., et al., 2020. PlioMIP2 simulations with NorESM-L and NorESM1-F. Climate of the past, 16, 183–197.(使用NorESM-L和NorESM1-F模式对晚上新世暖期气候进行模拟研究,模拟结果提交PlioMIP2计划)
Li, X., et al., 2018a. Mid-Pliocene global land monsoon from PlioMIP1 simulations. Palaeo., Palaeo., Palaeo., 512, 56–70.(使用PlioMIP1计划模拟数据对晚上新世暖期全球陆地季风进行模拟分析研究)
Li, X., et al., 2015. Mid-Pliocene westerlies from PlioMIP simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32, 909–923. (使用PlioMIP1模拟数据对晚上新世暖期西风环流变化进行分析研究)
Li, X., et al., 2018b. Do climate simulations support the existence of East Asian monsoon climate in the Late Eocene? Palaeo., Palaeo., Palaeo., 509, 47–57. (对始新世东亚季候进行模拟研究,晚始新世东亚气候与当今典型的东亚季风气候明显不同)
Li, X., et al., 2018c. What enhanced the aridity in Eocene Asian inland: Global cooling or early Tibetan Plateau uplift? Palaeo., Palaeo., Palaeo., 510, 6–14.(对始新世亚洲内陆干旱化进行模拟研究,模拟评估分析显示青藏高原早期隆升的气候效应至少与全球变冷气候效应相当)