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刘岳,副教授,博士生导师,地球探测与信息技术专业,加拿大约克大学访问学者,入选“地大学者”青年拔尖人才、 自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程。主要从事数学地质与矿产勘查相关的学科交叉研究与教学工作,在地学大数据与人工智能、非线性成矿预测、地统计模拟、勘查地球化学/地球物理等方面做了深入的理论与应用研究。主持科研项目10余项、研究生教改项目1项,发表SCI论文20余篇。担任Geochemistry | Chemie der Erde副主编、Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis编委、Natural Resources Research编委及客座编辑,主编SCI专辑1期。获省级科学技术进步奖一等奖和三等奖各1项讲授《地质》、数字地质学》、资源信息工程》、《北戴河地质认识实习》等多门本科生与研究生课程。

个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yue-Liu-71


Lou, Y., Liu Y*, 2023. Mineral prospectivity mapping of tungsten polymetallic deposits using machine learning algorithms and comparison of their performance in the Gannan region, China. Earth and Space Science, 10, e2022EA002596. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EA002596.

Liu Y, Xia Q, Cheng, Q, 2023. Sequential Gaussian co-simulation of tectono-geochemical anomaly for concealed ore deposit prediction. Applied Geochemistry, 105768.

Jiang X, Wang X, Liu Y*, Carranza E J M, Xie S, Wan X, 2023. Spatial extrapolation of downscaled geochemical data using conditional GAN. Computers & Geosciences, 179, 105420.

Liu Y, John M. Carranza, Xia Q, 2022. Developments in quantitative assessment and modeling of mineral resource potential: An overview. Natural Resources Research, 31(4), 1825-1840.

Liu Y, 2022. How to determine the optimal balance for geochemical pattern recognition and anomaly mapping based on compositional balance analysis. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 22(3), geochem2022-009.

Liu Y, Xia Q, Cheng Q, 2021. Aeromagnetic and geochemical signatures in the Chinese Western Tianshan: Implications for tectonic setting and mineral exploration. Natural Resources Research, 30(5), 3165-3195

Liu Y, Cheng Q, Zhou K, 2019. New insights into element distribution patterns in geochemistry: a perspective from fractal density. Natural Resources Research, 28(1), 5-29.

Liu Y, Xia Q, Carranza E J M, 2019. Integrating sequential indicator simulation and singularity analysis to analyze uncertainty of geochemical anomaly for exploration targeting of tungsten polymetallic mineralization, Nanling belt, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 197, 143–158.

Liu Y, Carranza E J M, Zhou K, Xia Q, 2019. Compositional balance analysis: an elegant method of geochemical pattern recognition and anomaly mapping for mineral exploration. Natural Resources Research, 28(4), 1269-1283.

Liu Y, Zhou K, Zhang N, Wang J, 2018. Maximum entropy modeling for orogenic gold prospectivity mapping in the Tangbale-Hatu belt, western Junggar, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 100, 133–147.

Liu Y, Zhou K, Cheng Q, 2017. A new method for geochemical anomaly separation based on the distribution patterns of singularity indices. Computers & Geosciences, 105, 139-147.

Liu Y, Cheng Q, Zhou K, Xia Q, Wang X, 2016. Multivariate analysis for geochemical process identification using stream sediment geochemical data: A perspective from compositional data. Geochemical Journal, 50, 293 – 314.

Liu Y, Cheng Q, Xia Q, Wang X, 2014. Mineral potential mapping for tungsten polymetallic deposits in the Nanling metallogenic belt, South China. Journal of Earth Science, 25(4), 689–700.

Liu Y, Cheng Q, Xia Q, Wang X, 2013. Application of singularity analysis for mineral potential identification using geochemical data—A case study: Nanling W–Sn–Mo polymetallic metallogenic belt, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 134, 61–72.

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Associate professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)

Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status : Employed

School/Department : 资源学院

Date of Employment : 2020-10-01

Discipline : Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology

Business Address : 文华楼612

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