Qr code

Associate professor
Master Tutor

Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 1988-03-01
Alma Mater : 中国石油大学(北京)
Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Science
Status : Employed
School/Department : 资源学院
Date of Employment : 2017-01-12
Discipline : mineral resource prospecting and exploration
Business Address : 珠宝楼605
Contact Information : liuqh@cug.edu.cn
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Personal Profile

刘强虎,1988年,博士、副教授,具有地质-地球物理综合学术背景,主要从事层序地层学及其模拟、含油气盆地分析和地震地质综合解释的教学与研究工作。作为项目负责人主持国家级、省部级和中海油企业合作项目5项,作为技术负责人参与完成科研项目10余项,含国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技重大专项和重大横向课题等。在珠江口盆地、渤海湾盆地、东海盆地及琼东南盆地等中国近海盆地开展多项地震地质综合解释及“源-汇”系统分析项目,研究侧重于“构造-层序-沉积-砂体内幕-目标预测”一体化表征、解剖,致力于解读近海盆地关键构造变革面沉积-储层响应及油气资源富集规律。现任地球科学与Journal of Earth Science期刊青年编委,第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文近20篇,参编专著1部。


[1] 渤海海域中新世初期砂砾岩体沉积学、年代学及其对构造变革的响应,国家自然科学基金,2020-012022-12,结题,主持

[2] 阳江东-恩平南地层岩性圈闭成藏条件及勘探潜力,中海油深圳分公司,横向项目,2020-042020-12,结题,主持

[3] 白云西区古近系源-汇体系及优质储层分布研究,中海油深圳分公司,横向项目,2021-042022-12,结题,主持

[4] 惠陆地区恩平组成藏规律研究与有利区带优选研究,中海油深圳分公司,横向项目,2023-042023-12,在研,主持


[1] Liu, Q.H.*, Zhu, X.M., Zhou, Z.Q., Bao, Y.C., Shi, W.L. 2023. Provenance identification and source-to-sink studies from an intrabasinal subaqueous uplift in the Eocene western Bohai Bay Basin, eastern north China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 149, pp.106087.

[2] Li, Z.Y., Liu, Q.H.*, Zhu, H.T., Zhang, X.T., Li, M., Zhao, Q. 2021. Compositional relationship between the source-to-sink segments and their sedimentary response to diverse geomorphology types in the intrabasinal lower uplift of continental basins. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 123, pp.104716.

[3] Liu, Q.H.*, Zhu, X.M., Zeng, H.L., Li, S.L. 2019. Source-to-sink analysis in an Eocene rifted lacustrine basin margin of western Shaleitian Uplift area, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 107: 41-58.

[4] Liu, Q.H.*,  Zhu, H.T., Zhu, X.M., Zeng, H.L., Li, S.L., Zhu, X. 2019. Proportional relationship between the flux of catchment-fluvial segment and their sedimentary response to diverse bedrock types in subtropical lacustrine rift basins, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 107: 351-364.

[5] Liu, Q.H.*, Zhu, X.M., Zhu, H.T., Liu, K.Y., Tan, M.X., Chen, H.H., Yang, S.F. 2017. Three-dimensional forward stratigraphic modelling of the gravel-to mud-rich fan-delta in the slope system of Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 79:18-30.

[6] 刘强虎, 朱筱敏, 李顺利, 李慧勇, 石文龙. 2016. 沙垒田凸起前古近系基岩分布及源-汇过程.地球科学, 41(11):1935-1949. (领跑者5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文,2021

[7]  刘强虎, 朱红涛, 舒誉, 朱筱敏, 杨香华, 付鑫. 2015. 珠江口盆地恩平凹陷古近系恩平组物源体系及其对滩坝的控制.石油学报,36(3):286-299领跑者5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文,2019




Education Background

  • 2013.9 -- 2016.12

    中国石油大学(北京)       地质学       Doctoral Degree in Education       Doctoral Degree in Science

  • 2010.9 -- 2013.7

    中国地质大学(武汉)       矿产普查与勘探       With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates       Master's Degree in Engineering

  • 2006.9 -- 2010.7

    长江大学       资源勘查工程       Editor       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2017.1 -- Now

    中国地质大学(武汉)      资源学院      副教授      在岗

Other Contact Information

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Research Focus

  • 陆相盆地源汇系统分析
  • 层序-沉积过程定量模拟及沉积通量解析
  • 近海盆地关键构造变革面沉积耦合响应
  • 陆相断陷盆地源汇系统研究