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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别 : 女
出生年月 : 1971年01月28日
毕业院校 : 武汉大学
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
学位 : 理学博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 环境学院
入职时间 : 2004年07月01日
学科 : 环境工程
办公地点 : 文华楼118B
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个人简介Personal Profile
刘慧, 女,教授,博士生导师。
1989-1993年 河北农业大学农学系土壤与农业化学专业(现资环学院) 本科;
1993-1996年 华中农业大学土壤与农业化学系(现资环学院)植物营养专业硕士;
1996-2001年 华中农业大学资环学院任教;
2001-2004年 脱产考入武汉大学资源与环境学院攻读环境科学专业博士,并获博士学位;
2004-2006年 中国地质大学(武汉)环境科学与工程博士后科研流动站。
2007-2008年 美国匹兹堡大学市政与环境工程系 访问学者
国家自然科学基金面上项目“H2/O2对地下水中氯代烃降解的协同调控机制, 2023-2026,主持。
湖北省杰出青年计划项目“桐油制备生物柴油清洁生产关键技术研究”, 2009-2011年,主持。
校优秀青年教师资助计划重点项目“黄姜皂素生产废水中难降解有机物的表征与抑菌性的研究” 2005-2007年,主持。
Li C, Chen R., Ouyang WW, Xue C, Liu MH, Liu H (通讯作者) . The response of C/N/S cycling functional microbial communities to redox conditions in shallow aquifers using in-situ sediment as bio-trap matrix. Environmental Technology, 2023, 26, 1-13.
Chen R, Liu H(通讯作者), Zhang N, Huang Y, Deng XY, Jin MG, Flavins enhance the hydroxyl radical production from FeCO3 oxygenation for organic pollutant degradation, Chemical Geology, 2023, 626, 121443.
Deng XY, Huang Y, Guo ZW, Mao SJ, Li S, Tong L, Li MJ, Liu H(通讯作者), Reactive migration mechanism of Fe2+ and As3+ during groundwater discharge into river water: Insight from sand column experiments, Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 625, 130033.
Ma AL, Huang Y, Mao SJ, Li S, Zhu ZC, Li MJ, Liu H(通讯作者),“Mn(II) Curtain” in the riparian sediment at the lower reaches of the Hanjiang River, China, Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 625, 130047.
,Peng R, Shen JH, Li S, Liu H (通讯作者), Sediment-isolated Comamonas terrigena strain HJ-2: a novel nitrate-dependent ferrous-oxidizing bacterium with multifunction on pollutant transformation. Letters in Applied Microbiology 2023, 76(1), ovac022. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/lambio/ovac022.
Shen JH, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhou HZ, Chen R, Specific characteristics of the microbial community in the groundwater fluctuation zone, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29: 76066-76077.
Li C, Chen R, Liu H (通讯作者), Huang Y, Yu JT, Ouyang WW, Xue C, Response of chlorinated hydrocarbon transformation and microbial community structure in an aquifer to joint H-2 and O-2, Rsc Advances,2022, 12: 23252-23262.
Chen R, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhang P, Ma J, Jin MG, Co-response of Fe-reducing/oxidizing bacteria and Fe species to the dynamic redox cycles of natural sediment. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 815: 152953.
Ibrahim AO, Huang Y, Liu H (通讯作者), Mustapha NA, On-site generation of reactive oxidative radicals from dithionite treated oxic soil slurry. Environmental Technology 2021, Early access DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.2012267.
Liu S, Liu H (通讯作者), Huang Y, Ma J, Wang Z, Chen R, Dielectric constants of organic pollutants determine their strength for enhancing microbial iron reduction. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, 28: 67445-67455.
Huang Y, Zhao SF, Liu H (通讯作者), Chen R, Zhao L, Liu S, Co-existing siderite alleviates the Fe(II) oxidation-inducted inactivation of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 781:146489.
Huang Y, Sun YF, Liu H (通讯作者), Fabrication of chitin nanofiber-PDMS composite aerogels from Pickering emulsion templates with potential application in hydrophobic organic contaminant removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 419: 126475.
Nasiru Abba Mustapha, Hui Liu (通讯作者), Abdullateef Omeiza Ibrahim, Yao Huang, Shan Liu, Degradation of aniline in groundwater by persulfate with natural subsurface sediment as the activator, Chemical Engineering Journal 2021,417:128078.
Huang Y, Liu H (通讯作者), Liu S, Li C, Yuan SH, Glucose oxidase modified Fenton reactions for in-situ ROS generation and potential application in groundwater remediation. Chemosphere 2020, 253: 126648.
Ma J, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhang C, Ding K, Chen R, Liu S, Joint response of chemistry and functional microbial community to oxygenation of the reductive confined aquifer. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 720: 137587.
Liu S, Liu H (通讯作者), Wang Z, Cui YP, Chen R, Peng ZF, Yuan SH, Shi L, Benzene promotes microbial Fe(III) reduction and flavins secretion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2019, 264: 92-104.
Chen R, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhang P, Zhao L, Ding K, Yuan SH, Attenuation of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria during table fluctuation of groundwater containing Fe2+, Science of Total Environment 2019, 694: 133660.
Ma J, Liu H (通讯作者), Tong L, Wang Y, Relationships between microbial communities and groundwater chemistry in two pristine confined groundwater aquifers in central China. Hydrological Process 2019, 33: 1993-2005.
Sissou Z, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhong H, Transport velocities of aniline and nitrobenzene in sandy sediment. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19: 2570-2579.
Chen R, Liu H (通讯作者), Tong M, Zhao L, Zhang P, Liu D, Yuan SH, Impact of Fe(II) oxidation in presence of iron-reducing bacteria on subsequent Fe(III) bioreduction. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 639: 1007-1014.
Wang Y, Liu H (通讯作者), Peng YE, Tong L, Feng L, Ma KS, New pathways for the biodegradation of diethy phthalate by Sphingobium yanoikuyae SHJ. Process Biochemistry 2018, 71: 152-158.
Liu H (通讯作者), Ivana Lukić, Marija R. Miladinović , Vlada B. Veljković , Miodrag Zdujić, Xiaosun Zhu, Yanan Zhang, Dejan U. Skala, Continuous biodiesel production under subcritical condition of methanol - Design of pilot plant and packed bed reactor with MnCO3/Na-silicate catalyst. Energy Conversion and Management 2018, 168: 494-504.
Wan L, Liu H (通讯作者), Nasreen S, Lukic I, Skala D, High temperature transesterification of soybean oil with methanol using manganese carbonate as catalyst. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly 2018, 24(1): 9-22.
Zhang YN, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhu XC, Lukic I, Zdujic M, Shen X, Skala D, Biodiesel synthesis and kinetic analysis based on MnCO3/Na silicate as heterogeneous catalyst. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2018, 83(3): 345-365.
Liu JF, Liu H (通讯作者), Xue HJ, Liu S, Feng L, Tong L, Composite beads for forming in situ microcosm of biodegrading microbial communities in groundwater. Composites Part B 2017, 108: 420-426. T1
Ma J, Liu H (通讯作者), Tong L, Wang Y, Liu S, Zhao L, Hou LJ, Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and n-alkanes in the soil-sediment profile of Jianghan Oil Field, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, 24: 13344-13351.
Tong L, Liu H (通讯作者), Xie C, Li MJ, Quantitative analysis of antibiotics in aquifer sediments by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2016, 1452: 58-66.
Sissou Z, Liu H (通讯作者), Li YX, He X, Tong L, Transport and sorption behavior of individual phthalate esters in sandy aquifer: column experiments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23(15): 15749-15756.
Zhu XC, Liu H (通讯作者), Skala D, Manganese carbonate-zinc glycerolate, synthesis, characterization and application as catalyst for transesterification of soybean oil. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly 2016,22(4): 431-443.
Nasreen S, Liu H (通讯作者), Qureshi LA, Skala D, Cerium-manganese oxide as catalyst for transesterification of soybean oil with subcritical methanol. Fuel Processing Technology 2016 (148): 76-84.
Xu GL, Liu H (通讯作者), Li MJ, Li ZM, Peng ZH, Zuo LM, He X, Liu WW, Cai LG, In situ bioremediation of crude oil contaminated site: a case study in Jianghan oil field, China. Petroleum Science and Technology 2016, 34(1): 63-70.
Sissou Z, Liu H (通讯作者), Tong L, Wang Y, Liu JF, Transport of bisphenol-A in sandy aquifer sediment: column experiment. Chemosphere 2016, 144: 1087-1814.
Liu H (通讯作者), Li YX, He X, Sissou Z, Tong L, Yarnes C, Huang XY, Compound-specific carbon isotopic fractionation during transport of phthalate esters in sandy aquifer. Chemosphere 2016, 144: 1831-1836.
Liu H (通讯作者), Wu Z, Huang X, Yarnes C, Li MJ, Tong L., Carbon isotopic fractionation during biodegradation of phthalate esters in anoxic condition. Chemosphere 2015, 138: 1021-1027.
Nasreen S, Liu H (通讯作者), Khan R, Zhu XC, Skala D, Transesterification of soybean oil catalyzed by Sr-doped cinder. Energy Conversion and Management 2015, 95: 272-280.
Nasreen S, Liu H (通讯作者), Skala D, Waseem A, Wan L, Preparation of biodiesel from soybean oil using La/Mn oxide catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology 2015, 131: 290-296.
Wan L, Liu H (通讯作者), Dejan S, Biodiesel production from soybean oil in subcritical methanol using MnCO3/ZnO as catalyst. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2014, 152-153: 352-359.
Liu H (通讯作者), Zhang D, Li MJ, Tong L, Feng L, Competitive adsorption and transport of phthalate esters in the clay layer of Jianghan Plain, China. Chemosphere 2013, 92: 1542-1549.
Wu Q, Liu H (通讯作者), Ye LS, Biodegradation of Di-n-butyl Phthalate Esters by Bacillus sp. SASHJ Under Simulated Shallow Aquifer Condition. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2013, 76: 102-107.
Liu H (通讯作者), Su LY, Shao Y, Zou LB, Biodiesel production catalyzed by cinder supported CaO/KF particle catalyst. Fuel 2012, 97:651-657.
Liu H (通讯作者), Su LY, Liu FF, Li C, Solomon UU, Cinder supported K2CO3 as catalyst for biodiesel production. Applied Catalyst B: Environment 2011, 106: 550-558.
Dulazi AA, Liu H (通讯作者), Removal of phthalate esters from water using immobilized lipase on chitosan beads. Environmental Technology 2011, 32(13):1443-1451.
Liu H (通讯作者), Liang H, Liang Y, Zhang D, Wang C, Cai H, Shvartsev SL, Distribution of phthalate esters in alluvial sediment: A case study at Jianghan Plain, Centra China. Chemosphere 2010, 78:382-388.
Liu H (通讯作者), Liang Y, Zhang D, Wang C, Liang HC, Cai HS, Impact of MSW landfill on the environmental contimation of phthalate esters. Waste Management,2010, 30(8-9):1569-1576.
Salim CJ, Liu H (通讯作者),Kennedy JF, Comparative study of the adsorption on chitosan beads of phthalate esters and their degradation products. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010,81:640-644.
Shi Y, Liu H (通讯作者), Zhou X, Xie A, Hu CY, Mechanism on impact of internal-electrolysis pretreatment on biodegradability of yeast wastewater, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(12):2124-2130.
Zhang D, Liu H (通讯作者), Liang Y, Wang C, Liang HC, Cai HS, Distribution of phthalate esters in the groundwater of Jianghan plain, Hubei, China, Frontiers of Earth Science in China (Springer), 2009,3(1):73-79.
Liu H, Du YM, Kennedy JF., Hydration energy of the 1,4-bonds of chitosan and their breakdown by ultrasonic treatment, Carbohydrate Polymers,2007,68(3): 598-600.
Liu H, Bao JG, Du YM, Zhou X, Kennedy JF., Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the biochemphysical properties of chitosan, Carbohydrate Polymers,2006, 64(4): 553-559.
Liu H, Du Y et al. Structural characterization and antimicrobial activity of chitosan/betaine derivative complex. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2004, 55(3): 291-297.
Liu H, Du Y et al. Interaction between chitosan and alkyl β-D-glucopyranoside and its effect on their antimicrobial activity. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2004,56(2): 243-250.
Liu H, Du Y et al. Chitosan kills bacteria through cell membrane damage. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2004,95(2): 147-155.
Li YM, Wen Z, Schneidewind U, Liu H, Krause S, Effects of a large-scale dam structure on upstream and downstream lateral hyporheic exchange and residence time distributions–The Xinglong Water Conservancy Dam, China, Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 625, 130073.
Zhang P, Liu JY, Yu H, Cheng D, Liu H, Yuan SH, Kinetic models for hydroxyl radical production and contaminant removal during soil/sediment oxygenation, Water Research, 2023, 240, 120071.
Gan C, Luo ZB, Su CY, Tong L, Liu H, Mechanism of reactive co-transport of Fe2+ and antibiotics in hyporheic zone simulated by quartz sand column, Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 621, 129641.
Zhang YT, Zhang N, Yu CL, Liu H, Yuan SH, ROS production upon groundwater oxygenation: Implications of oxidative capacity during groundwater abstraction and discharging, Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 620, 129551.
Wang MY, Huang Y, Liu H, Removal of trichloroethene by glucose oxidase immobilized on magnetite nanoparticles, RSC Advances, 2023, 13, 11853.
Li YQ, Tong L, Zhang JY, Liu H, Li MJ, Wen Z, Distribution and risk assessment of antibiotics under water level fluctuation in the riparian zone of the Hanjiang River, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 256, 114833.
Shi CW, Tong M, Cai QZ, Li ZT, Li P, Cao ZX, Liu H, Zhao HP, Yuan SH, Electrokinetic -Enhanced Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene-Contaminated Low-Permeability Soils: Mechanistic Insight from Spatio-TemporalVariations of Indigenous Microbial Community and Biodehalogenation Activity, Environmental Science and Technology, 2023, 57, 12, 5046-5055.
Hu, B. B., Zhang, P., Liu, H., Yuan, S. H., Quantification of the Influence of Citrate/Fe(II) Molar Ratio on Hydroxyl Radical Production and Pollutant Degradation during Fe(II)-Catalyzed O-2 and H2O2 Oxidation Processes, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19: 12977.
Lu, Y. X., Zhang, P., Liu, H., Bu, X. C., Li, Y. M., Wen, Z., Li, M. J., Mao, S. J., Yuan, S.H., Effect of dam on iron species distribution and transformation in riparian zones, Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 610: 127869.
Tong, M, Zhao, Y. X., Sun, Q. Q., , Li, P., Liu, H., Yuan, S. H.,Fe(II) oxygenation inhibits bacterial Mn(II) oxidation by P. putida MnB1 in groundwater under O-2-perturbed conditions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 435: 128972.
Huang Y, Liu H, Liu S, Li S, Cinnamon Cassia Oil Emulsions Stabilized by Chitin Nanofibrils: Physicochemical Properties and Antibacterial Activities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68(49):14620-14631.
Zhang, YT; Tong, M*; Yuan, SH; Qian, A; Liu, H, Interplay between iron species transformation and hydroxyl radicals production in soils and sediments during anoxic-oxic cycles. Geoderma, 2020, 370:114351.
Tong, L, Qin, LT, Guan, C, Wilson, ME, Li, XJ, Cheng, DD, Ma, J, Liu, H, Gong, FJ, Antibiotic resistance gene profiling in response to antibiotic usage and environmental factors in the surface water and groundwater of Honghu Lake, China. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 2020, 27: 31995-32005.
Li, MJ, Li, R, Gao, YQ, Resch, CT, Qian, WJ, Shi, TJ, Shi, L, Liu, H, Liu, CX, Nitrate bioreduction dynamics in hyporheic zone sediments under cyclic changes of chemical compositions. Journal of Hydrology 2020, 585: 124836.
Yuan, SH, Liu, Y, Zhang, P, Tong, M, Liu, H, Electrolytic groundwater circulation well for trichloroethylene degradation in a simulated aquifer. Science China-Technological Sciences 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11431-019-1521-7.
Yang, C, Tong, L, Liu, XL, Tan, Q, Liu, H, High-resolution imaging of phosphorus mobilization and iron redox cycling in sediments from Honghu Lake, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2019, 19: 3856-3865.
Zhu, Qi, Wen, Zhang; Liu, Hui, Microbial effects on hydraulic conductivity estimation by single-well injection tests in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer. Journal of Hydrology 2019, 573: 352-364.
Ma, SC, Tong M, Yuan SH, Liu, H, Responses of the microbial community structure in Fe(II)-bearing sediments to oxygenation: the role of reactive oxygen species. Acs Earth and Space Chemistry 2019, 3(5): 738-747.
Nasreen S, Liu H, Ivana L, Skala D, Heterogeneous kinetics of vegetable oil transesterification at high temperature. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2016, Doi: 10.2298/CICEQ160107011N.
Kesic Z, Lukic I, Zdujic M, Jovalekic C, Liu H, Skala D, Mechanochemcial synthersis of CaO center dot ZnO center dot K2CO3 catalyst: characterization and activity for methanolysis of sunflower oil, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2015, 21(1): 1-12.
Tong L, Huang SB, Wang YX, Liu H, Li MJ, Occurrence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment of Jianghan Plain, central China, Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 497: 180-187.
Lukic I, Kesic Z, Maksimovic S, Zdujic M, Liu H, Krstic J, Skala D, Kinetics of sunflower and used vegetable oil methanolysis catalyzed by CaO center dot ZnO, Fuel, 2013, 113: 367-378.
Kesic Z, Lukic I, Brkic D, Rogan J, Zdujic M, Liu H, Skala D, Mechanochemical preparation and characterization of CaO center dot ZnO used as catalyst for biodiesel synthesis, Applied Catalysis a-General, 2012, 427: 58-65.
Wang C, Tian ZG, Chen LY, Temelli F, Liu H, Wang YX, Functionality of Barley Proteins Extracted and Fractionated by Alkaline and Alcohol Methods, Cereal Chemistry, 2010, 87(6): 597-606.
Liang Z, Wang YX, Zhou Y. Liu H, Stoichiometric relationship in the coagulation of melanoidins-dominated molasses wastewater. Desalination 2010, 250(1): 42-48.
Wang YX, Liu H, Bao JG, Hong Y, Yang ZH, Zhang CX, The saccharification-membrane retrieval-hydrolysis (SMRH) process: a novel approach for cleaner production of diosgenin derived from Dioscorea zingiberensis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2008, 16(10): 1133-1137.
Zhou X, Wang YX, Liu H, Shi Y, Assessment of initial inert soluble cod in yeast industry wastewater under anaerobic conditions, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2008, 17(6): 738-743.
Liang Z, Wang YX, Zhou Y, Liu H, Wu ZB, Hydrolysis and coagulation behavior of polyferric sulfate and ferric sulfate, Water Science and Technology, 2009, 59(6): 1129-1135.
Liang Z, Wang YX, Zhou Y, Liu H, Coagulation removal of melanoidins from biologically treated molasses wastewater using ferric chloride, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 152(1):88-94.
Liang Z, Wang YX, Zhou Y, Liu H, Wu ZB, Variables affecting melanoidins removal from molasses wastewater by coagulation/flocculation, Seperation and Purification Technology, 2009, 68(3):382-389.
Ying Yi, Yuting Wang, Hui Liu. Preparation of new crosslinked chitosan with crown ether and their adsorption for silver ion for antibacterial activities. Carbohydrate Polymers 2003,53(4):425-430.
Xiaohui Wang, Yumin Du,Hui Liu. Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of chitosan/Zn complex. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2004,56(1):21-26.
Ronghua Huang, Yumin Du, Lianshuang Zhen, Hui Liu, Lihong Fan. A new approach to chemically modified chitosan sulfates and study of their influents on the inhibition of Escherichia coli and Staphyloccocus growth. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2004,59(1): 41-51.
Jianhong Yang, Yumin Du, Ronghua Huang, Liping Sun, Hui Liu, Xiaohai Gao, John F. Kennedy. Chemical modification and antitumour activity of Chinese lacquer polysaccharide from lac tree Rhus vernicifera. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2005,59:101-107.
Xiaohui Wang, Yumin Du, Lihong Fan, Hui Liu, Ying Hu, Chitosan-metal complexes as antimicrobial agent: Synthesis, characterization and structure-activity study, Polymer Bulletin, 2005, 55:105-113.
薛晨,李翠,刘明慧,余锦涛,欧阳葳葳,刘慧,氢气和氧气共存下三氯乙烯高效降解菌Pseudomonas putida HO1的分离鉴定与降解特性,安全与环境工程,2023,30(5):258-265.
李爽,文章,朱棋,刘慧,杨舒婷,电化学‒水动力循环耦合井内生物反应器去除地下水中苯胺,2022,47(11): 4176-4183.
王梦阳,黄瑶,刘慧,磁铁矿-葡萄糖氧化酶联用去除水中三氯乙烯,环境科学与技术,2022, 45(06): 124-129.
彭蓉,沈俊豪,黄莹芸,刘慧,硝酸盐依赖型铁氧化菌Aquabacterium olei HJ-4的分离鉴定及其功能特性,安全与环境工程,2022, 29(5): 204-211.
余锦涛,刘慧,李翠,黄瑶,袁松虎,氯代脂肪烃污染土壤微生物群落结构与主控因子,环境科学与技术,2022, 45(06): 29-36.
马奥兰,刘慧,毛胜军,朱子超,李民敬,汉江下游河水-地下水侧向交互带中溶解态锰的分布特征,地球科学,2022, 47(2):729-741。
朱子超,刘慧,毛胜军,马奥兰,李民敬,河水-地下水侧向交互带微生物群落分布特征及其主控因子,地球科学,2023, 48(10): 3832-3843。
李玉琼,童蕾,严涵,尤悦,卢钰茜,刘慧,河水-地下水交互带沉积物中抗生素和代谢产物提取方法优化及其分布特征,环境科学,2021, 42(11):5294-5302.
曹意茹,李民敬,毛胜军,李玉琼,朱子超,童蕾,刘慧,汉江下游河水-地下水交互带中地下水水化学和氮分布特征,地球与环境,2021, 49(5): 463-471.
丁康,刘慧,马杰,张晨,黄瑶,曝气对高铁地下水化学特性的影响,环境科学与技术,2019, 42(6):89-93。
赵磊,刘慧. 江汉油田波动带土壤氮循环功能菌群分析[J].环境科学与技术,2018,41(11):49-53。
宋彦敏,刘慧,Zakari Sissou, 童蕾,彭月娥,全氟磺酸类物质在沙质沉积物中的迁移规律,环境化学,2016,35(5):850-857。
秦丽婷,童蕾,刘慧,关川,环境中磺胺类抗生素的生物降解及其抗性基因污染现状。环境化学,2016, 35(5):875-883。
左丽敏,马晓阳,李智民,余荣华,王燕,冯亮,刘慧,彭正华,土壤中石油烃与降解菌群的相互作用研究,安全与环境工程,2015, 22(4): 63-68.
吴珍,刘慧,黄咸雨,液液萃取对邻苯二甲酸酯单体稳定碳同位素比值分馏的影响初探. 岩矿测试,2012,31(6):1028-1032.
郑金明,刘慧,苏玲燕,李翠,桐油-地沟油生物柴油混合燃料性能改善研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2012,(2).
李翠,刘慧,利用生物柴油副产粗甘油制备胶粘剂[J]. 材料科学与工程学报,2012,(2).
吴琼,刘慧等,邻苯二甲酸酯对浅层含水层沉积物微生物多样性的影响[J]. 中国环境科学,2010,(5).
史郁,刘慧等,絮凝法预处理酵母废水研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2010(4).
梁颖,刘慧,王程,张丹,赵晗, 固相萃取-气相色谱法测定地下水中痕量酞酸酯的研究[J]. 分析科学学报,2009,(3).
史郁,刘慧,谢安,周旋,胡超涌,. FeCl_3絮凝预处理提高酵母废水可生化性研究[J]. 水处理技术,2009,(5).
史郁,刘慧,周旋,谢安,胡超涌,. 内电解预处理提高酵母废水可生化性机理研究[J]. 科学通报,2009,(5).
赵晗,刘慧,桐油制备生物柴油研究[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2008, (12B).
程睿韬,刘慧,周旋,信欣,杨雪芬,史郁,. 皂素废水处理过程中有机物变化的表征[J]. 环境科学与技术,2007,(12).
周旋,刘慧,王焰新,史郁,程睿韬,. 酵母废水处理出水中可溶性微生物产物的研究[J]. 水处理技术,2007,(9).
周旋,刘慧,王焰新,史郁,程睿韬,. 酵母废水处理技术进展[J]. 工业水处理,2007,(7).
周旋,刘慧,王焰新,史郁,程睿韬,. 酵母废水生物处理技术研究进展[J]. 环境科学与技术,2007,(3).
周旋,刘慧,王焰新,史郁,程睿韬,. 内电解预处理酵母工业废水研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2006,(11).
史郁,周旋,刘慧,. 酵母废水TOC与COD相关性研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2007,(1).
周旋,梁玉倩,刘秀英,刘慧,史郁,. 酵母废水中颗粒性有机物的GC-MS分析[J]. 武汉科技学院学报,2009,(1).
信欣,鲍建国,刘慧,王焰新,. 耐盐(CaCl_2)皂素废水降解菌的分离及特性[J]. 应用与环境生物学报,2007,(1).
张彩香,王焰新,鲍建国,刘慧,. 盐酸水解残渣和煤混燃污染物排放特性研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2007,(2).
周瑜,梁震,王焰新,刘慧,周旋,吕利光,. 铝系絮凝剂深度处理酵母废水实验研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2007,(1).
团队介绍Research Group