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10. Chen G., Li X.*, Liu X.*, Chen Y.*, Liang X., Leng J., Xu X., Liao W., Wu Q., Huang K., 2020, Global projections of future urban land expansion under shared socioeconomic pathways, Nature communications 11 (1), 1-12 (SCI, IF: 12.121, 地大T1, JCR Q1, 中科院1区, Nature子刊, ESI高被引&热点论文)
Translation or Not : no
Pre One : 9. Li, X., Chen, G., Liu, X. *, Liang, X., Wang, S., Chen, Y., Pei, F., Xu, X., 2017, A New Global Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Product at a 1-km Resolution for 2010 to 2100 Based on Human–Environment Interactions, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107(5):1040-1059. (SSCI, IF: 3.302, 地大T1, JCR Q2, ESI高被引&热点论文)
Next One : 11. Yao Y., Liu Y, Guan Q*., Hong Y., Wang R., Wang R., Liang X., 2020, Spatiotemporal distribution of human trafficking in China and predicting the locations of missing persons, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 85, 101567 (SSCI, IF: 4.655, 地大T1, JCR Q1)