Chenming Tu, Chao Chen, Qing Liang, Tao Wu and Jinsong Du, The upper mantle density structure beneath the Southwest Indian Ocean based on gravity inversion constrained by seismic data, AGU Fall metting 2020, 1-17 December 2020, Abstract DI012-0011
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上一条: Jiawei Li, Qing Liang*,Stability analysis of constrained L1 inversion of gravity data for estimating discontinuous basement relief,Engineering and Environmental Geophysics in Smart Urban and Rural Areas, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 11-14 October 2020,Changchun,China. pp.342-348
下一条: Harash Fayez, Chao Chen, Qing Liang, Chenming Tu, 3-D density structure of the upper-mantle from gravity inversion constrained by seismic velocity model: A case study of the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding region, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4639,, 2020