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柯学, 丁孝忠, 韩坤英, 剧远景, 庞健峰. 2008. 基于MAPGIS建立地质图数据库的方法——以全国1:100万地质图数据库为例. 地质力学学报, 14(2): 186-192.
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Xue Ke, Junliang Ji, Kexin Zhang, Xiaohu Kou, Bowen Song, Chaowen Wang. 2013. Magnetostratigraphy and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of the Lulehe Fomation in the Northeastern Qaidam Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica, 87 (2): 576-587.
Xia Liang, Junliang Ji, Jingfang Lu, Xue Ke, Keke Ai, Yadong Xu, Bowen Song. 2014. Cenozoic Evolution of Sediments and Climate Change and Response to Tectonic Uplift of the Norteastern Tibetan Plateau. ACTA Geologica Sinica(T4), 88(3): 949-962.
Junliang Ji, Kexin Zhang, Peter D. Clift, Guangsheng Zhuang, Bowen Song, Xue Ke, Yadong Xu. 2017. High-resolusion magnetostratigraphic study of the Paleogene-Neogene strata in the Northern Qaidam Basin: Implidcation for the growth of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research, 46: 141-155.
6. Xue Ke, Baohua Li, Zongyan Zhang, Yi Wei, Fei Hu, Dongwen Fan, Li Sun, Jianlei Xie, Huazhou Yao. Post-glacial Foraminifera of the incised Yangtze paleo-valley and paleoenvironmental impliacions. Journal of Paleontology,2017, 96 (6): 1102-1122.