Associate researcher
Master Tutor
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2010.9-2016.6, Ph.D., Geochemistry, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China, Supervisor: Shan Gao
2013.9-2015.1, visiting Ph.D. student, Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, Supervisor: Roberta Rudnick
2006.9-2010.6, B.S., Geochemistry, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China, Supervisor: Yuanbao Wu
Working experience
2020.7-now, State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Associate professor
2019.1-2019.7, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Rice University, Visiting scholar, Collaborator: Cin-Ty Lee
2016.11-2020.6, State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Assistant professor
2016.7-2016.10, State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Research assistant
Research interests
1) The formation and evolution of the continental crust
2) Magma genesis in subduction zones
3) Analytical methods for chalcophile elements in silicate rocks
(6) Sub-project of National Key Research and Development Program of China from Ministry of Science and Technology: The geochemical behavior of chalcophile elements in magmas at the Archean-Proterozoic Boundary. 730,000 RMB, 2024.1-2028.12, PI.
(5) The "General Program" from NSFC: Chalcophile element abundances in the lower continental crust: constraints from granulites in lower crustal sections and xenoliths, 580,000 RMB, 2024.1-2027.12, PI.
(4) The "General Program" from NSFC: The geochemical behavior of chalcophile elements and Cu isotopes during the differentiation of continental arc magmas, 610,000 RMB, 2021.1-2024.12, PI.
(3) The "Young Scientists Fund" from NSFC: Copper-silver-gold abundances in the upper continental crust and their secular change over Earth history: Constraints from tillites, 250,000 RMB, 2018.1-2020.12, PI.
(2) The Independent Fund from State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan): Gold and silver abundances in the upper continental crust: constraints from loess, 100,000 RMB, 2017.1-2019.12, PI.
(1) The New Youth Fund from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan): High precision analytical method for Au concentrations in silicate rocks, 60,000 RMB, 2017.1-2019.12, PI.
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Continental crust formation”in Lithos.
Reviews of American Mineralogist, Communications Earth & Environment, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Economic Geology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Lithos, Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, Precambrian Research, Science Advances, and Solid Earth Sciences.
Papers as first or corresponding author
(5) Chen, Kang*, Tang, Ming, Hu, Zhaochu, Liu, Yongsheng, 2023. Generation of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline arc magmas and its implications for continental growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 355 173-183. 论文链接 中文简介 PDF
(4) Chen, Kang*, Rudnick, Roberta L., Wang, Zaicong, Tang, Ming, Gaschnig, Richard M., Zou, Zongqi, He, Tao, Hu, Zhaochu, Liu, Yongsheng, 2020. How mafic was the Archean upper continental crust? Insights from Cu and Ag in ancient glacial diamictites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 278 16-29. 论文链接 中文简介 PDF
(3) Chen, Kang*, Tang, Ming, Lee, Cin-Ty A., Wang, Zaicong, Zou, Zongqi, Hu, Zhaochu, Liu, Yongsheng, 2020. Sulfide-bearing cumulates in deep continental arcs: The missing copper reservoir. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 531 115971. Nature子刊正面评述 论文链接 中文简介 PDF
(2) Chen, Kang*, Walker, Richard J., Rudnick, Roberta L., Gao, Shan, Gaschnig, Richard M., Puchtel, Igor S., Tang, Ming, Hu, Zhao-Chu, 2016. Platinum-group element abundances and Re–Os isotopic systematics of the upper continental crust through time: Evidence from glacial diamictites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 191 1-16. 论文链接 PDF
(1) Chen, Kang*, Gao, Shan, Wu, Yuanbao, Guo, Jingliang, Hu, Zhaochu, Liu, Yongsheng, Zong, Keqing, Liang, Zhengwei, Geng, Xianlei, 2013. 2.6–2.7 Ga crustal growth in Yangtze craton, South China. Precambrian Research 224 472-490. 论文链接 PDF
Coauthor papers:
(16) Tang, Ming, Liu, Xuanyu, Chen, Kang, 2023. High Mg# of the continental crust explained by calc-alkaline differentiation. National Science Review 10 (3) nwac258. 论文链接
(15) Xu, Zhe, Wang, Zaicong, Guo, Jing-Liang, Liu, Yanhong, Guo, Jinghui, Cheng, Huai, Chen, Kang, Wang, Xiang, Zong, Keqing, Zhu, Zhaoxian, Hu, Zhaochu, Li, Hua, 2022. Chalcophile elements of the Early Cretaceous Guojialing granodiorites and mafic enclaves, eastern China, and implications for the formation of giant Jiaodong gold deposits. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 238 105374. 论文链接
(14) Lin, Ran, Zong, Keqing, Lin, Jie, Yang, Ao, Chen, Kang, Hu, Zhaochu, Liu, Yongsheng, 2022. Determination of the Isotopic Composition of an Enriched Lutetium Spike by MC-ICP-MS. Atomic Spectroscopy 43 (5) 396-402. 论文链接
(13) Lin, Ran, Lin, Jie, Zong, Keqing, Yang, Ao, Chen, Kang, Liu, Yongsheng, Hu, Zhaochu, 2022. Determination of the Isotopic Composition of Ytterbium by MC-ICP-MS Using an Optimized Regression Model. Analytical Chemistry 94 (20) 7200-7209. 论文链接
(12) Yang, W., Zhao, H., Zhang, W., Luo, T., Li, M., Chen, K., Hu, S., Hu, Z.*, 2021. A simple method for the preparation of homogeneous and stable solid powder standards: Application to sulfide analysis by LA-ICP-MS. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 178 106124. 论文链接 PDF
(11) Lin,R.,Lin,J.*,Zong,K.,Chen,K.,Tong,S.,Feng,L.,Zhang,W.,Li,M.,Liu,Y.,Hu,Z.,and Zhou,L.,2020,Determination of the Isotopic Composition of an Enriched Hafnium Spike by MC-ICP-MS Using a Regression Model: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,44 (4): 753-762. 论文链接 PDF
(10) Zou,Z.,Wang,Z.*,Cheng,H.,He,T.,Liu,Y.,Chen,K.,Hu,Z.,and Liu,Y.,2020,Comparative Determination of Mass Fractions of Elements with Variable Chalcophile Affinities in Geological Reference Materials with and without HF-desilicification: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,44 (3): 501-521. 论文链接 PDF
(9) Tang,M*.,Lee,C.-T. A.,Chen,K.,Erdman,M.,Costin,G.,and Jiang,H.,2019,Nb/Ta systematics in arc magma differentiation and the role of arclogites in continent formation: Nature Communications,v. 10,no. 1,p. 235. 论文链接 PDF
(8) Cheng,H.,Wang,Z.*,Chen,K.,Zong,K.,Zou,Z.,He,T.,Hu,Z.,Fischer-Gödde,M.,Liu,Y.,2019. High-precision Determination of Gold Mass Fractions in Geological Reference Materials by Internal Standardisation. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,43 (4): 663-680. 论文链接 PDF
(7) Feng,Y.,Zhang,W.*,Hu,Z.,Liu,Y.,Chen,K.,Fu,J.,Xie,J.,Shi,Q.,2018. Development of sulfide reference materials for in situ platinum group elements and S–Pb isotope analyses by LA-(MC)-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,33: 2172-2183. 论文链接 PDF
(6) Han,P.-Y.,Guo,J.-L.*,Chen,K.,Huang,H.,Zong,K.-Q.,Liu,Y.-S.,Hu,Z.-C.,Gao,S.,2017. Widespread Neoarchean (~ 2.7–2.6 Ga) magmatism of the Yangtze craton,South China,as revealed by modern river detrital zircons. Gondwana Research,42 1-12. 论文链接 PDF
(5) Tang,M.*,Chen,K.,and Rudnick,R. L.,2016,Archean upper crust transition from mafic to felsic marks the onset of plate tectonics: Science,v. 351,no. 6271,p. 372-375. 论文链接 PDF
(4) Lin,J.,Liu,Y.*,Hu,Z.,Yang,L.,Chen,K.,Chen,H.,Zong,K.,Gao,S.,2016. Accurate determination of lithium isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS without strict matrix-matching by using a novel washing method. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,31 (2): 390-397. 论文链接 PDF
(3) Guo,J.-L.*,Wu,Y.-B.,Gao,S.,Jin,Z.-M.,Zong,K.-Q.,Hu,Z.-C.,Chen,K.,Chen,H.-H.,Liu,Y.-S.,2015. Episodic Paleoarchean-Paleoproterozoic (3.3–2.0 Ga) granitoid magmatism in Yangtze Craton,South China: Implications for late Archean tectonics. Precambrian Research,270 246-266. 论文链接 PDF
(2) Guo,J.-L.,Gao,S.*,Wu,Y.-B.,Li,M.,Chen,K.,Hu,Z.-C.,Liang,Z.-W.,Liu,Y.-S.,Zhou,L.,Zong,K.-Q.,Zhang,W.,Chen,H.-H.,2014. 3.45 Ga granitic gneisses from the Yangtze Craton,South China: Implications for Early Archean crustal growth. Precambrian Research,242 (0): 82-95. 论文链接 PDF
(1) Zong,K.*,Liu,Y.,Zhang,Z.,He,Z.,Hu,Z.,Guo,J.,and Chen,K.,2013,The generation and evolution of Archean continental crust in the Dunhuang block,northeastern Tarim craton,northwestern China: Precambrian Research,v. 235,no. 0,p. 251-263. 论文链接 PDF
Conference abstracts/talks
(11)Chen, K., Wang, Z., Kay, S., 2024, The behavior of chalcophile elements during the differentiation of two distinct magma series from the Central Andes. Goldschmidt Meeting, Chicago, USA, Oral presentation, 2024 Aug. 18-23.
(10) Chen, K., Tang, M., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., 2022, Iron differentiation in arc magmas and implication for continental crust growth, 2022/2021 Annual meeting of Chinese Geosciences Union, Oral presentation. Virtual, China, 2022, Dec. 5-9.
(9) Chen, K., Tang, M., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., 2022, Crustal thickness controls the differentiation style and composition of arc magmas and continental crust formation. Goldschmidt Meeting, Virtual and Honolulu, USA, Oral presentation, 2022 Jul. 10-15.
(8) Chen, K., Tang, M., 2021, Differentiation of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic arc magmas: implications for continental crust growth, 7th Young Scientist Forum of Earth Science, invited talk, Guiyang, China, 2021 Jul. 9-11.
(7) Chen, K., 2020, Sulfide-bearing cumulates in deep continental arcs: The missing copper reservoir, Annual meeting of Chinese Geosciences Union, Invited talk. Chongqing, China, 2020 Oct. 18-21.
(6) Chen, K., Tang, M., Kay, Suzanne M., Wang, Z., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., 2020, Chalcophile element systematics in continental arc magmas as observed in the Central Andes. Goldschmidt Meeting, Virtual presentation, 2020 Jun. 21-26.
(5) Chen K., Rudnick, R.L., Wang Z., Tang M., Zou Z., Hu Z., Liu Y., 2019, How Mafic was the Archean Upper Continental Crust? Goldschmidt Meeting, oral presentation. Barcelona, Spain, 2019 Aug.18-23.
(4) Chen, K., Wang Z., Tang M., Zou Z., Hu Z., Liu Y., 2018, Tracking sulfide fractionation in deep continental arcs: Implications for porphyry Cu deposits. Goldschmidt Meeting, oral presentation. Boston, USA, 2018 Aug.12-17.
(3) Chen K., Tang M., Liu Y-S., Gao S., 2016, Reevaluating element mobility during continental weathering. Goldschmidt Meeting, poster presentation. Yokohama, Japan, 2016 Jun. 26-Jul. 1.
(2) Chen K., Walker R. J., Rudnick R. L., Gao S., 2015, Platinum-group element abundances and Re-Os isotopic systematics of the upper continental crust through time: evidence from glacial diamictites. Annual meeting of Chinese Geosciences Union, poster presentation. Beijing, China, 2015 Oct. 11-14.
(1) Chen K., Gao S., Wu Y.-B., 2013, 2.6-2.7 Ga continental crust growth in Yangtze craton, South China. AGU Fall Meeting, poster presentation. San Francisco, California, USA, 2013 Dec. 9-13.
Other Invited Talks
(3) 20th Sept. 2021, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Title: Crustal thickness controls arc magma differentiation: Implications for continental crustal growth.
(2) 26th Sept. 2020, Young Scientist Forum of Ore Deposit, Title: Chalcophile element behavior in subduction zone magmatism: implications for continental crust growth and porphyry copper deposits.
(1) 10th June 2019, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Title: How mafic was the Archean upper continental crust?
University of Maryland, College Park  Geochemistry  Visiting PhD student
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)  Geochemistry  Graduate study  Doctoral Degree
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)  Geochemistry  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)  Bachelor's Degree
Rice University Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Visiting scholar
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources Associate professor
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources Assistant professor
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources Research assistant
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