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Huang Liuqin

Associate researcher
Master Tutor

Gender : Female
Alma Mater : China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Science
Status : Employed
School/Department : State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology
Date of Employment : 2015-07-01
Discipline : Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology Bioscience Environmental Engineering
Contact Information : huanglq@cug.edu;huanglq1987@163.com
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Personal Profile

With an interdisciplinary background in geology and geomicrobiology, I focus on the geomicrobiological processes during mineral-microbe interactions and their environmental and geological impacts. To do so, I have been trained to be skilled at mineral characterization, geochemical analysis, microbiological cultivation and molecular biological techniques. I serve as PI and co-PI on several projects in areas of biogeochemistry of C, N and Fe during mineral-microbial interactions. The recent question I am very interested in is experimental modeling of biogeochemistry evolution on the Earth’s surface environment during Precambrian Eon by using extremophiles cultures from hot springs. More specifically, to understand how co-evolution of environmental condition (e.g., redox, temperature) and microbial groups (e.g., N, Fe, S redox) would affect the development of chemical structures (transition between nitrogenous, ferruginous, euxinic and oxygenation), mineral formation (in BIFs) and essential elements (e.g., P, trace metals) in the paleo-ocean through over 3-billion-year geological time, and how geological records (e.g., isotopes, minerals) would be affected at different ages.

Education Background

  • 2006.9 -- 2010.7

    China University of Geosciences, Beijing       Geology       Bachelor's Degree       Bachelor's Degree

  • 2010.9 -- 2015.7

    China University of Geosciences, Beijing       Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology       Doctoral Degree       Doctoral Degree in Science

Work Experience

  • 2018.8 -- Now

    China University of Geosciences, Wuhan      State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology      Associated Professor

  • 2017.6 -- 2019.5

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory      Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory      visiting scholar

  • 2015.7 -- 2018.8

    China University of Geosciences, Wuhan      State Key Laboratory of Geobiology and Environmental Geology      Post-Doctoral Researcher

Social Affiliations

  • 2021.12 -- 2025.12


Other Contact Information

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Research Group



Research Focus

  • Geomicrobiology