Associate researcher
Master Tutor
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With an interdisciplinary background in geology and geomicrobiology, I focus on the geomicrobiological processes during mineral-microbe interactions and their environmental and geological impacts. To do so, I have been trained to be skilled at mineral characterization, geochemical analysis, microbiological cultivation and molecular biological techniques. I serve as PI and co-PI on several projects in areas of biogeochemistry of C, N and Fe during mineral-microbial interactions. The recent question I am very interested in is experimental modeling of biogeochemistry evolution on the Earth’s surface environment during Precambrian Eon by using extremophiles cultures from hot springs. More specifically, to understand how co-evolution of environmental condition (e.g., redox, temperature) and microbial groups (e.g., N, Fe, S redox) would affect the development of chemical structures (transition between nitrogenous, ferruginous, euxinic and oxygenation), mineral formation (in BIFs) and essential elements (e.g., P, trace metals) in the paleo-ocean through over 3-billion-year geological time, and how geological records (e.g., isotopes, minerals) would be affected at different ages.
China University of Geosciences, Beijing  Geology  Bachelor's Degree  Bachelor's Degree
China University of Geosciences, Beijing  Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology  Doctoral Degree  Doctoral Degree in Science
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology Associated Professor
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory visiting scholar
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan State Key Laboratory of Geobiology and Environmental Geology Post-Doctoral Researcher
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