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Weixiong Huang was born in Fujian, China. He received all his B.S. degree in Chemistry and M.S. & Ph.D. degree in Analytical Chemistry from Xiamen University (1999-2010). He began his career as a research assistant at State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) in 2011. One year later, he became a member of environmental monitoring staff at Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Center. During 2013-2018, he worked as a post-doc research fellow at University of Texas at Arlington, USA. In 2019, he joined China University of Geosciences, where he is a faculty member at School of Environmental Studies.
He has been working on ion chromatography (IC) since 2003, focusing on developing the key IC components, including separation columns, suppressors, and detectors, etc., for both regular and capillary IC. His research interest spans IC, instrumentation, environmental analytical chemistry, and electroanalytical chemistry. At present, he has authored or coauthored 20 scientific peer-reviewed manuscripts.
厦门大学  chemistry  Faculty of Higher Institutions  Doctoral Degree in Science
The University of Texas at Arlington Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Post-doc
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