Yuguang Hou
Associate professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 1979-02-15
Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)
Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Status : Employed
School/Department : 资源学院
Date of Employment : 2008-07-01
Discipline : mineral resource prospecting and exploration
Business Address : 中国地质大学(武汉) 主楼 221
Contact Information : 18986006901 sporthyg@126.com
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侯宇光,博士,副教授,博士生导师。主要从事石油地质学、非常规油气地质学研究。2002年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)资源勘查工程专业, 获学士学位;2005年获得中国地质大学(北京)构造地质学硕士学位;2008年获得中国地质大学(武汉)矿产普查与勘探博士学位。2013年1月-2014年1月在加拿大阿尔伯达大学做访问学者, 2014年晋升为副教授。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目1项、横向协作项目多项;参与国家自然基金项目3项、国家油气重大专项子课题6项、地质调查项目2项。在Marine and Petroleum Geology,Geofluids,Canada Journal Earth Science,Petroleum Exploration and Development,石油学报,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),中南大学学报(自然科学版)等重要刊物上发表论文20余篇, 其中第一作者和通讯作者SCI检索10篇、EI检索4篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41772143,有机质石墨化对南方下古生界海相页岩有机质孔隙结构的影响,2018/01- 2021/12,72万元,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41672139,焦石坝五峰组-龙马溪组页岩裂缝脉体成因及流体包裹体捕获古温压信息,2017/01- 2020/12,82万元,参与;
3. “十三五”国家科技重大专项子课题,2016ZX05034002-003,页岩气区域选区评价
方法研究,2016/01- 2020/12,722.93万元,参与;
4. 国家自然基金青年项目,41302111,中扬子下古生界高演化海相页岩有机质孔隙微观结构差异性及富集规律,201401-2016/12,26万元,主持;
5. 国家地质调查项目,1212011404690,南方页岩气赋存与保存机理,2016/01- 2016
6. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院协作项目,深部煤岩超临界甲烷解吸与二氧化碳竞争吸附测试,2022/10-2023/3,25.94万,主持;
7. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司吐哈油田分公司协作项目,2022-2023年吐鲁番采油管理区高效滚动井位优选风险技术服,2022/5-2023/12,65万,主持;
8. 中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院协作项目,杭锦旗新召东石炭-二叠系成藏古压力及压力演化,2021/6-2022/12,60万,主持;
9. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院廊坊分院协作项目,上扬子地区上古生界煤岩与煤系储层孔隙结构与岩石力学性质测试,2021/6-2021/12,29.05万,主持;
10. 中国石油集团廊坊科学技术研究院有限公司协作项目,鄂尔多斯盆地湖相纹层状富有机质页岩形成机制及模式,2020/2-2020/9,24.8万,主持;
11. 中国石油化工股份有限公司勘探分公司协作项目,德胜地区油气成藏研究,2015/11-2016/10,93万,主持;
12. 中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院,联合基金,盆地深部地质作用过程与资源效应,2021/1-2024/12,300万,参与;
13. 中国石油化工股份有限公司勘探分公司协作项目,川东南海相深层与常压页岩气成藏动态演化及富集规律研究,2020/7-2021/11,145.7万,参与;
14. 中石化江汉油田分公司协作项目,ZC0607-0030,涪陵地区龙马溪组页岩气赋存机理研究,2013/10-2015/06,72万,参与;
1. 第一作者论文
(1) 侯宇光,张坤朋,何生,覃魏峰,肖艳,王成,余锐.南方下古生界海相页岩极低电阻率成因及其地质意义. 地质科技通报. 2021,40(1):80-89.
(2) Yuguang Hou*, Jian Gao, Kexiong Ren, Yukun Liu**, Sheng He, Daqing Tang, Xiaowen Guo, Rui Yang. 2021. Variations of lacustrine shale reservoirs in different deformation zones of Mohe Basin, northeastern China: Insights into the impact of thrust nappe structure on shale gas preservation. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 133:105272.
(3) Yuguang Hou*, Kexiong Ren, Zhenhong Chen, Sheng He, Yukun Liu, Jianguang Wang, Furong Wang. 2020. Properties and shale gas potential of continental shales in the Jurassic Mohe Foreland Basin, northern China. Geological Journal. 55: 7531–7547.
(4) Yuguang Hou, Kunpeng Zhang, Furong Wang, Sheng He, Tian Dong, Cheng Wang, Weifeng Qin, Yan Xiao, Biao Tang, Rui Yu, Xuebin Du. 2019. Structural evolution of organic matter and implications for graphitization in over-mature marine shales, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 109: 304–316
(5) Yuguang Hou, Furong Wang*, Sheng He , Tian Dong , Shiqiang Wu. Properties and shale oil potential of saline lacustrine shales in the Qianjiang Depression, Jianghan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017,86:1173-1190.
(6) Yuguang Hou*, Yaqi Liang, Sheng He*, Yukun Liu, Zhiwei Fan, and Yingrui Song. Distribution and Thermal Maturity of Devonian Carbonate Reservoir Solid Bitumen in Desheng Area of Guizhong Depression, South China. Geofluids, 2017.(6):1-15.
(7) Yuguang Hou, Sheng He*, Nicholas B Harris, Jizheng Yi, Yi Wang, Jiankun Zhang, Chunyang Cheng. The effects of shale composition and pore structure on gas adsorption potential in highly maturity marine shales, Lower Paleozoic, central Yangtze, China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2017. 54: 1033-1048.
(8) Yuguang Hou,Sheng He(*) ,Jianguang Wang,Nicholas B. Harris,ChunyangCheng,Yongli Li,Preliminary study on the pore characterization of lacustrine shale reservoirs using low pressure nitrogen adsorption and field emission scanning electron microscopy methods: a case study of the Upper Jurassic Emuerhe Formation, Mohe basin, northeastern China,Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2015.5.01,52(5): 294-306
(9) Hou, Yuguang(*),He, Sheng,Yi, Jizheng,Zhang, Baiqiao,Chen, Xuehui,Wang, Yi,Zhang, Jiankun,Cheng, Chunyang,Effect of pore structure on methane sorption capacity of shales,Petroleum Exploration and Development,2014.01.01,41(2):248-256
(10) Hou, Yuguang,He, Sheng(*),Ni, Jun'e,Wang, Bingjie, Tectono-sequence stratigraphic analysis on Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Banqiao sub-basin, Eastern China,Marine and Petroleum Geology,2012.9.01,36(1):100 -117
(11) 侯宇光,何生,易积正,张柏桥,陈学辉,王亿,张建坤,程春阳,页岩孔隙结构对甲烷吸附能力的影响,石油勘探与开发,2014.3.01,(02):248~256
(12) 侯宇光,何生(#),唐大卿, 滇东北新生代盆地构造反转与生物气藏的形成中南大学学报(自然科学版),2012.6.26,(06):2238~2246
(13) 侯宇光,何生,杨香华,朱光辉,段威,许晓明,澳大利亚Bonaparte盆地大陆边缘裂陷期局限海相页岩发育特征与模式,现代地质,2015.2.01,29(1):109~118
(14) 侯宇光(#),何生,杨香华,段威,朱光辉,许晓明,董田,澳大利亚波拿巴盆地大陆边缘裂陷期海陆过渡相烃源岩地球化学特征与发育模式,石油实验地质,2015.5.28,(03):374~382
2. 通讯作者论文
(1) 任克雄(#),侯宇光*,何生,陈树旺,刘宇坤,刘书华,梁雅琪,漠河盆地上侏罗统额木尔河组陆相泥页岩孔隙结构特征,地质科技情报,2016.9.15,(05):66~76
(2) Wang Furong, He Sheng, Hou Yuguang*, Dong Tian, and He Zhiliang. The Distribution and Origin of Carbonate Cements in Deep-Buried Sandstones in the Central Junggar Basin, Northwest China. Geofluids, 2017. (7):1-13.(T3)(通讯)
(3) 宋颖睿,侯宇光*,刘宇坤,何生,范志伟,梁雅琪,黔南坳陷下石炭统摆佐组暗色页岩热演化与生烃史研究,石油实验地质,2018.40(02):226~232
(4) 李欣诚,侯宇光*,陈振宏,何生,梁雅琪,刘宇坤,宋颖睿,余锐. 黔南坳陷二叠纪玄武质火山活动对含煤泥页岩储层的影响. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(4):620-627.
(5) Xianglin Chen; Wanzhong Shi; Qinghong Hu; Yuguang Hou*; Gangyi Zhai; Tian Dong; Zhi Zhou; Xuebin Du. Origin of authigenic quartz in organic-rich shales of the Niutitang Formation in the northern margin of Sichuan Basin, South China: Implications for pore network development, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 138:105548.
(6)曾宇; 侯宇光*; 胡东风; 何生; 刘若冰; 董田; 杨锐; 李欣诚; 叶云飞. 川东南盆缘常压区页岩裂缝脉体特征及古压力演化, 地球科学, 2022, 47(5): 1819-1833.
(7) Can Xie, Wei Ni, Fei Liu, Gangtian Zhu*, Yuguang Hou*. Analysis, distribution and evolution of individual carboxylic acids in crude oil during biodegradation, Organic Geochemistry, 2023, 178:104573.
3. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文
(1) 张建坤,何生,颜新林,侯宇光,陈小军,页岩纳米级孔隙结构特征及热成熟演化,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2017.2.01,41(1):11~24
(2) 王芙蓉(#),何生,郑有恒,侯宇光,吴世强,江汉盆地潜江凹陷潜江组盐间页岩油储层矿物组成与脆性特征研究,石油实验地质,2016.01.01, 38(2): 11-218.
(3) 段威(#),侯宇光,何生,涂伟伟,殷世艳,权永彬,澳大利亚波拿巴盆地Petrel次盆古生界页岩有机质热演化的差异及其地质意义,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2013.01.01,37(6): 17-23.
(4) 张建坤(#),何生,易积正,张柏桥,张士万,郑伦举,侯宇光,王亿。岩石热声发射和盆模技术研究中扬子区西部下古生界海相页岩最高古地温和热成熟史,石油学报,2014.01.01,(1): 58-67.
(5) Tian Dong (#),Sheng He,Shiyan Yin,Dexi Wang,Yuguang Hou,Jigang Guo,Geochemical characterization of source rocks and crude oils in the UpperCretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Chang ling Sag, southern Songliao Basin,Marine and Petroleum Geology,2015.6.01,64:173~188
(6) Dong, Tian(*) ,He, Sheng,Wang, Dexi,Hou, Yuguang,Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Changling Sag, southern Songliao Basin: Insights from integrated analyses of fluid inclusion, oil source correlation and basin modelling,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2014.8.15,90:77~87
(7) Tian Dong(#) ,Sheng He,Guoquan Liu,Yuguang Hou,Nicholas B. Harris,Geochemistry and correlation of crude oils from reservoirs and source rocks in southern Biyang Sag, Nanxiang Basin, China,Organic Geochemistry,2015.3.01,80:18~34
(8) Tian Dong, Sheng He, Manfei Chen, Yuguang Hou, Xiaowen Guo, Chao Wei, Yuanjia Han, Rui Yang. 2019. Quartz types and origins in the paleozoic Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations,Eastern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for porosity preservation in shale reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 109: 62–73
(9) Rui Yang, Qinhong Hu, Jizheng Yi, Baiqiao Zhang, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo, Yuguang Hou,Tian Dong. 2019. The effects of mineral composition, TOC content and pore structure on spontaneous imbibition in Lower Jurassic Dongyuemiao shale reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 109: 268–278
(10) Aoqi Jia, Dongfeng Hu, Sheng He, Xiaowen Guo, Yuguang Hou, Tao Wang, and Rui Yang*. 2020. Variations of Pore Structure in Organic-Rich Shales with Different Lithofacies from the Jiangdong Block, Fuling Shale Gas Field, SW China: Insights into Gas Storage and Pore Evolution. Energy Fuels, 34, 12457−12475. T2
(11) Rui Yang,*, Aoqi Jia, Sheng He, Qinhong Hu, Tian Dong, Yuguang Hou, Jianping Yan. 2020. Water adsorption characteristics of organic-rich Wufeng and Longmaxi Shales, Sichuan Basin (China). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 193, 107387
(12) He, Qing; Dong, Tian*; He, Sheng; Zhai, Gangyi; Guo, Xiaowen; Hou, Yuguang; Yang, Rui. 2020. Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the Upper Permian transitional facies of the Longtan Formation, northern Guizhou Province, southwest China: Insights into paleo-environmental conditions and organic matter accumulation mechanisms. MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 118, 104446
(13) 孙中良,王芙蓉,侯宇光,罗京,郑有恒,吴世强,朱钢添.盐湖页岩有机质富集主控因素及模式.地球科学. 2020,45(4:):1375-1387
(14) 孙中良; 王芙蓉; 韩元佳; 侯宇光; 何生; 罗京; 郑有恒; 吴世强. 江汉盆地潜江凹陷古近系潜江组盐间可动页岩油赋存空间多尺度表征. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(4): 586-595.
(15) Chao Wei, Tian Dong*, Zhiliang He, Sheng He, Qing He, Rui Yang, Xiaowen Guo, Yuguang Hou. 2021. Major, trace-elemental and sedimentological characterization of the upper Ordovician Wufeng-lower Silurian Longmaxi formations, Sichuan Basin, south China: Insights into the effect of relative sea-level fluctuations on organic matter accumulation in shales. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 126: 104905.
(16) Zhongliang Sun, Zhiliang He *, FurongWang, Yuanjia Han, Sheng He, Yuguang Hou, Jing Luo, Youheng Zheng, ShiqiangWu. 2022. Occurrence characteristics of saline-lacustrine shale-oil in the Qianjiang Depression, Jianghan Basin, central China. Journal of Earth Science, 33(4): 945-962.
4. 论文获奖:
2014年发表于《石油勘探与开发》的文章“侯宇光,何生,易积正,张柏桥,陈学辉,王亿,张建坤,程春阳. 页岩孔隙结构对甲烷吸附能力的影响,石油勘探与开发,2014.3.01,(02):248~256.”获得2016年中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(领跑者5000)奖。
5. 学术专著:
6. 其他:
担任国际T3期刊Minerals《Hydrocarbon Generation and Accumulation in Unconventional Shale Reservoir: Up-to-Date Advances in Theory, Experiment, Method and Application》专刊,客座编委;
AAPG、ESR、MPG、Fuel、Geological Journal、INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY、地球科学、石油学报、石油及天然气地质、地质科技通报、中南大学学报(自然科学版)、资源环境与工程等期刊的审稿人。