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Dong, Y.*, Sanford, R. A., Boyanov, M. I., Kemner, K. M., Flynn, T. M., O’Loughlin, E. J., Locke, R. A. II, Weber, J. R., Egan, S. R., Fouke, B. W., Orenia metallireducens sp nov Strain Z6, a Novel Metal- Reducing Member of the Phylum Firmicutes from the Deep Subsurface, US, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 82, 6440-6453
Translation or Not : no
Pre One : 8. Dong, Y.*, Sanford, R. A., Boyanov, M. I., Kemner, K. M., Flynn, T. M., O’Loughlin, E. J., Locke, R. A. II, Weber, J. R., Egan, S. R., Fouke, B. W., Tepidibacillus decaturensis sp nov., a microaerophilic, moderately thermophilic iron-reducing bacterium isolated from 1.7 km depth groundwater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2016, 66, 3964-3971
Next One : Sun, W., Xiao, E., Krumins, V., Dong, Y., Xiao, T.*, Ning, Z., Chen, H., Xiao, Q., Characterization of the microbial community composition and the distribution of Fe-metabolizing bacteria in a creek contaminated by acid mine drainage, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100, 8523-8535