董田 (教授)

教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师

曾获荣誉:2013年获得美国石油地质协会研究生科研基金(AAPG Grants-in-Aid)资助;2017年入选中国地质大学(武汉)“百人计划”;2019年入选湖北省省级人才项目计划;2020年获《地质科技通报》优秀编委;2021年担任AAPG致密油气委员会(Tight Oil and Gas Committee)委员;2021年获第六届非常规油气地质评价学术研讨会“优秀青年报告论文”。












   中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院教授、博导。中国地质大学(武汉)首批”百人计划“入选者,湖北省省级人才计划入选者,主持国家自然科学基金2项。主要从事页岩油气地质以及常规油气成藏方面的教学与研究工作,研究成果在石油天然气地质领域国内外刊物上发表论文50余篇,包括GSA Bulletin、AAPG Bulletin (一作及唯一通讯 4篇)、Organic Geochemistry、International Journal of Coal Geology、MPG、沉积学报等国内外期刊上,其中SCI检索40余篇,参加中国石油地质年会、美国石油地质年会,加拿大石油地质年会等学术会议做报告二十余次。目前担任AAPG致密油气委员会 (Tight Oil and Gas Committee)委员、《天然气工业》《地球科学》青年编委、《地质科技通报》编委,美国石油地质协会(AAPG),加拿大石油地质协会(CSPG)会员,主持和参与国家重大科技专项、中石化、中石油、中海油等科研项目十余项。








   (1)代表性论文 一作及通讯)

       1Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, 2018. Relative sea-level cycles and organic matter accumulation in shales of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, northeastern British  Columbia, Canada: Insights into sediment flux, redox conditions, and bioproductivity. GSA Bulletin 130, no.5/6, 859-880.

       2. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, S., Yang, 2017. The impact of rock composition on geomechanical properties in a shale formation: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada. AAPG Bulletin 101, 177-204.

       3. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, J.M., McMillan, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, D.L., Bish, 2019. A model for porosity evolution in shale reservoirs-an example from the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. AAPG Bulletin 103, 1017-1044.

       4. Wang Xunyao, Dong Tian*, He Sheng, He Qing, 2024. Estimation of original total organic carbon content and hydrogen index using major and trace element concentrations in overmature marine shales. AAPG Bulletin 108(5), 789-816 (学生一作,唯一通讯).

      5. He Qing, Dong Tian*, He Sheng, 2024. Pore characteristics and evolution mechanisms of paralic shales from the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, southwest China. AAPG Bulletin 108(6), 1033-1067 (学生一作,唯一通讯).

        6. Dong Tian*, N.B. Harris, 2020. The effect of thermal maturity on porosity development in the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, US: Insights into the role of silica nanospheres and microcrystalline quartz on porosity preservation. International Journal of Coal Geology 217,103346.

       7. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, 2015. Porosity characteristics of the Devonian Horn River shale, Canada: Insights from lithofacies classification and shale composition. International Journal of Coal Geology 141-142, 74-90.

       8. Dong, Tian*, He, S., Liu, G.Q., Hou, Y.G., Harris, N.B., 2015. Geochemistry and correlation of crude oils from reservoirs and source rocks in southern Biyang Sag, Nanxiang Basin,  China. Organic Geochemistry 80, 18-34.

       9. Liu Sen, Dong Tian*, Hu Dongfeng, He Qing, 2024. The impact of silica diagenesis on shale rock mechanical properties: An example from the upper ordovician-lower silurian wufeng-longmaxi formations, Southeast Sichuan Basin, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 162, 106736 (学生一作,唯一通讯).

      10. Dong Tian*, Wang Chuan, Liang Xing, Wang Gaocheng, Jiang Shu*, 2022. Paleodepositional conditions and organic matter accumulation mechanisms in the Upper Ordovician-lower Silurian Wufeng-Longmaxi shales, Middle Yangtze region, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 143, 105823.

      11. He Qing, Dong Tian*, Hu Dongfeng, He Sheng, Yang Rui, Guo Xiaowen, 2021. The influence of analytical particle size on the pore system measured by CO2, N2, and Ar adsorption experiments for shales. Energy&Fuels, 35, 18637-18652 (学生一作,唯一通讯).

      12. Wei Chao, Dong Tian*, He Zhiliang*, He Sheng et al., 2021. Major, trace-elemental and sedimentological characterization of the upper Ordovician Wufeng-lower Silurian Longmaxi formations, Sichuan Basin, south China: Insights into the effect of relative sea-level fluctuations on organic matter accumulation in shales. Marine and Petroleum Geology 126, 104905 (学生一作,第一通讯)

     13. Dong Tian*, He Qing, He Sheng et al., 2021. Quartz types, origins and organic matter-hosted pore systems in the lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, middle Yangtze Platform, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 123, 104739.

     14. He Qing, Dong Tian*, He Sheng et al., 2020. Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the Upper Permian transitional facies of the Longtan Formation, northern Guizhou Province, southwest China: Insights into paleo-environmental conditions and organic matter accumulation mechanisms. Marine and Petroleum Geology 118104446 (学生一作,唯一通讯).

     15. He Qing, Dong Tian*, He Sheng, Zhai Gangyi, 2019. Methane adsorption capacity of marine-continental transitional facies shales: The case study of the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, northern Guizhou Province, Southwest China. Journal of Petroleum Scicence and Engineering 183,106406 (学生一作,唯一通讯).

     16. Dong Tian, He Sheng, Chen Manfei et al., 2019. Quartz types and origins in the paleozoic Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for porosity preservation in shale reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology 106, 62-73.

      17. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, Ayranci, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, 2017. The impact of composition on pore throat size and permeability in high maturity shales: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Marine and Petroleum Geology 81, 220-236.

      18. Dong Tian*, N.B., Harris, L.J., Knapp, J.M., McMillan, D.L., Bish, 2018. The effect of thermal maturity on geomechanical properties in shale reservoirs: an example from the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 137-153.

     19. Dong, Tian, He, S.*, Yin, S.Y., Wang, D.X., Hou, Y.G., Guo, J.G., 2015. Geochemical characterization of source rocks and crude oils in the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Changling Sag, southern Songliao Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 64, 173-188.

     20. Dong, Tian*, He, S., Wang, D. X., 2014, Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Qingshankou Formation, Changling Sag, southern Songliao Basin: Insights from integrated fluid inclusion analysis, oil to source rock correlation and basin modeling. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 90, p.77-87.  

     (2) 合作发表论文

     1. Wang Tao, Hu Dongfeng, Jia Aoqi, Dong Tian, Hou Yuguang, et al., 2022. Characteristics and influencing factors of supercritical methane adsorption in deep gas shale: A case study of Marine Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations from the Dongxi aera, stoutheastern Sichuan Basin (China). Energy & Fuels36, 1531-1546.

    2. Zhou Haolin, N.B. Harris, Dong Tian, Korhan Ayranci, Feng Jilu, Rivard B., P., Hackley, J. Hatcherian, 2022. New insights into organic matter accumulation from high-resolution geochemical analysis of a black shale: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, online.

    3. Aung Sai, He Sheng, Han Ei, Sampei Yoshikazu, Dong Tian, Aung May, 2021. Organic geochemistry of crude oils from Oligocene reservoirs in the Salin sub-basin, Myanmar: Insights into source, maturity, and depositional environment. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 220, 104905.

    4. Yang Wei, He Sheng, Su Ao, Iglauer Stefan, Zhai Gangyi, Zhou Zhi, Dong Tian, Tao Ze, Wei Sile, 2021. Paleo-Temperature and pressure characteristics of fluid inclusions in composite veins of the Doushantuo shale (Yichang area, south China): Implications for the preservation and enrichment of shale gas. Energy&Fuels, online.

    5. Han Jinhu, Guo Xiaowen, Dong Tian, He Sheng et al., 2020. Oil origin and secondary migration pathway in the Bonan sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 122, 104702.

    6. Yang Wei, He Sheng*, Zhai Gangyi, Tao Ze, Dong Tian, Han Yuanjia, Chen Ke, Wei Sile, 2020. Pore characteristics of the lower Sinian Doushantou Shale in the Mid-Yangtze Yichang area of China: Insights into a distinct shale gas reservoir in the Neoproterozoic formation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 73,103085.

    7. Yang Rui, Jia Aoqi, He Sheng, Hu Qinghong, Dong Tian, Hou Yuguang, Yan Jianping, 2020. Water adsorption characteristics of organic-rich Wufeng and Longmaxi Shales, Sichuan Basin (China), Journal of Petroleum Science and Enginnering 193,107387.

    8.  Yang Wei, He Sheng, Iglauer Stefan, Guo Xiaowen, Zhai Gangyi, Zhou Zhi, Dong Tian, Tao Ze, Wei Sile, 2020. Porosity characteristics of different lithofacies in marine shale: A case study of Neoproterozoic Sinian Doushantuo formation in Yichang area, China, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 187,106856.

    9. Yang Rui, Jia Aoqi, He Sheng, Hu Qinghong, Sun Mengdi, Dong Tian, Hou Yuguang, Zhou Sandong, 2020. Experimental investigation of water vapor adsorption isotherm on gas-producing Longmaxi shale: Mathematical modelling and implication for water distribution in shale reservoirs, Chemical Engineering Journal, in press.

    10. Wei Sile, He Sheng, Pan Zhejun, Zhai Gangyi, Dong Tian, Guo Xiaowen, Yang Rui, Han Yuanjia, Yang Wei, 2020. Characteristics and evolution of pyrobitumen-hosted pores of the overmature Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale in the south of Huangling anticine, Yichang area, China: Evidence from FE-SEM petrography, Marine and Petroleum Geology 116,104303.

   11. Wei Sile, He Sheng, Pan Zhejun, Guo Xiaowen, Yang Rui, Dong Tian, Yang Wei, 2019. Models of shale gas storage capacity during burial and uplift: Application to Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Fuling shale gas field. Marine and Petroleum Geology 109, 233-244.

    12. Hou Yuguang, Zhang Kunpeng, Wang Furong, He Sheng, Dong Tian, Wang Cheng, et al., 2019. Structural evolution of organic matter and implications for graphitization in over-mature marine shales, south China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 109, 304-316.

    13. Yang W., He S., Zhai, G., Dong, T., Gong, D., Yuan X., Wei, S., 2019. Shale-gas accumulation and pore structure characteristics in the lower Cambrian Niutitang shales, Cen-gong Block, South China. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences.

    14.  Harris, N.B., Moghadam, Al, Dong Tian, 2019. The effects of organic carbon content and thermal maturity on acoustic parameters in a black shale: Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas, Geophysics 84, D231-D248.

    15.  Guo Xiaowen, Qin Zhejian, Yang Rui, Dong Tian et al., 2019. Comparison of pore systems of clay-rich and silica-rich gas shales in the lower Silurian Longmaxi formation from the Jiaoshiba area in the eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 101, 265-280.

    16.  Ayranci, K., Harris, N.B., Dong, T., 2018. High resolution sequence stratigraphic reconstruction of mud-dominated systems below storm wave base; a case study from the Middle to Upper Devonian Horn River Group, British Columbia, Canada. Sedimentary Geology 373,   239-253.

    17. Rivard, B., Harris, N.B., Feng, J., Dong, T., 2018. Inferring TOC and major element geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of shale core from hyperspectral imagery. AAPG Bulletin 102, 2101-2121.

    18. Sheng, Y., Harris, N.B., Dong, T., Wu, W., Chen, Z., 2018. Natural fractures and mechanical properties in a Horn River Shale core from well logs and hardness measurements. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 671-682.

    19. Ayranci, K., Harris, N.B., Dong, T., 2018. Sedimentological and ichnological characterization of the Middle to Upper Devonian Horn River Group, British Columbia, Canada: Insights into mudstone depositional conditions and processes below storm wave base. Journal of Sedimentary Research 88, 1-23.

    20. Wang, F., Hou, Y., He, S., Dong, T., He, Z., 2017. The distribution and origin of carbonate cements in deep-buried sandstones in the central Junggar Basin, northwest China. Geofluids, v. 7, p.1-13.

    21.  Hou, Y., Wang, F., He, S., Dong, T., Wu, S., 2017. Properties and shale oil potential of saline lacustrine shales in the Qianjiang Depression, Jianghan Basin,  China. Marine and Petroleum geology 86, 1173-1190.

   22. 陈曼菲,何生,易积正,张柏桥,舒志国,何陈诚,杨锐,董田2019. 涪陵页岩气田平桥区块页岩气储层有机质孔发育特征石油学报 40423-433.

   23. 刘力,何生,翟刚毅,陈科,刘早学,王亿,韩元佳,董田2019. 黄陵背斜南翼牛蹄塘组二段页岩岩心裂缝脉体成岩环境演化与页岩气保存地球科学 443583-3597.

   24. 吴忠锐,何生,何希鹏,翟刚毅,夏响华,杨锐,董田,彭女佳,2019. 湘中涟源凹陷上二叠统龙潭组和大隆组海陆过渡相泥页岩孔隙结构特征与对比地球科学 443757-3772.

   25. 段威,侯宇光,何生,王冰洁,董田2011. 澳大利亚波拿巴盆地侏罗系烃源岩热史及成熟史模拟. 地质科技情报 3065-71.


   1. 参与编写英文专著AAPG Memoir 102《Electron Microscopy of Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs》一章,如下:Dong, T.*, N. B. Harris, 2013, Pore size distribution and morphology in the Horn River Shale, Middle and Upper Devonian, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, in W. K. Camp, E. Diaz, and B. Wawak, eds., Electron microscopy of shale hydrocarbon reservoirs. AAPG Memoir 102, p. 67-79.


     1. 董田,刘森,胡东风,何生,杨锐,2023,一种基于多因素综合分析的页岩储层脆性评价方法,专利号:ZL202110819772.8(国家发明专利)。

     2. 董田,何庆,郭小文,杨锐,2022,一种测定页岩甲烷吸附能力的实验装置及方法,专利号:ZL202111138002.3(国家发明专利)。

     3. 董田,王珣尧,何庆,2023,一种海相富腐泥型有机质页岩的原始氢指数恢复方法,专利号:202211015604.4(国家发明专利)。

     4. 杨锐,加奥启,何生,董田,侯宇光 ,2020,用于不同温度和压力条件下页岩水蒸气吸附的实验装置,专利号:ZL201921806014.7(实用新型专利)。


    1.  董田等,2021,《富有机质页岩硅质成岩作用及其对储层物性的影响》,第九届中国石油地质年会,分会场报告,海口市;

     2.  董田等,2021,《黔北地区上二叠统龙潭组海陆过渡相页岩甲烷吸附能力及影响因素研究》,中国南方页岩气开发成果交流会,口头报告,武汉市;

     3. 董田等,2021,《富有机质页岩硅质成岩作用及其对储层物性、脆性的影响》,第六届非常规油气理论与技术学术研讨会,分会场报告,武汉市;

     4. Dong Tian et al., 2021, Quartz types, origins in the Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Upper Yangtze Platform, China: Insights into the role of quartz cementation on porosity development in shales. Geoconvention, Calgary, Canada.

      5. 董田等,2018,《硅质胶结作用及其对脆性的指示意义-加拿大西部盆地Duvernay地层为例》,第五届地球系统科学大会,分会场报告,上海;

      6. Dong Tian;Nicholas Harris;Julia McMillan;Levi Knapp;Christopher Debuhr;Federico Krause,2018,Origins of quartz in organic-rich shales of Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, central Alberta,Canada: implications for geomechanical behavior:AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Salt Lake, 2018.

     7.  Dong Tian;Julia McMillan;Nicholas Harris;Levi Knapp;David Bish,2018,Thermal maturity and geochemical composition control on geomechanical properties in Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin:Geoconvention, Calgary, Canada, 2018.

      8.  Dong Tian;Nicholas Harris;Julia McMillan,2017,Investigating the effect of thermal maturity on geomechanical properties in shale reservoirs: an example in Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin:AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Houston, 2017.

      9. Dong Tian;Nicholas Harris;Julia McMillan,Cory Twemlow;Brent Nassichuk,2017,A model for porosity evolution in shale reservoirs- an example from the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin:Geoconvention, Calgary, 2017.

    10. Dong Tian;Nicholas Harris;Korhan Ayranci;Sheng Yang,2016,Characterizing the geomechanical properties in Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada:AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Calgary, 2016.

     11. Dong Tian;Nicholas Harris,2016,The role of starting rock composition on diagenetic processes in mudstones: an example from the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin:SEPM-AAPG Mudstone Diagenesis Hedberg Research Conference, Santa Fe, 2016.

     12. Dong Tian;Korhan Ayranci;Nicholas Harris;Cory Twemlow;Brent Nassichuk,2015,Integrated analysis on geochemical and petrophysical variation in the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada:AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Denver, 2015.

     13. Dong Tian;Michael Kennedy;Nicholas Harris,2013,Geochemical characterization of stratigraphic sequences in the Horn River shale, middle and upper Devonian, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada:AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, 2013.

     14. Dong TianNicholas Harris,2012,Effects of organic and inorganic composition and thermal maturity on porosity development in Woodford and Horn River Shales:AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Long Beach, 2012.


     1. 《陆相页岩纹层及纹层组合对有机-无机成岩作用的影响机制》,国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2023-2026,主持,

     2. 《富有机质页岩硅质胶结机理及对页岩储层脆性的作用》,国家自然科学基金,青年项目,2019-2021,主持;

     3. 《川东南复杂构造区深层页岩气超压形成与保持机理研究》,中石化勘探分公司委托课题,2023-2024,主持;

     4. 《低演化泥页岩储集空间表征与演化研究》,中石化胜利油田分公司研究院,外协课题,2022-2023,主持;

     5. 《海相深层页岩优质储层发育和演化机制研究》,中石化深部地质与资源重点实验室,开放基金,2022-2024,主持;

     6. 《川东南海相深层与常压页岩气成藏动态演化及富集规律研究》,中石化勘探分公司页岩气项目部,联合基金协作课题,2020-2022,主持;

     7. 《渤海海域中南部古近系细粒沉积特征与分布模拟》,中海油天津分公司研究院,外协课题,2020-2022,技术首席;

     8. 《页岩气区域选区评价方法研究》,国家重大科技专项子课题,2016-2019,主要参与人;

     9. 《四川盆地东部下组合油气动态成藏与保存条件评价》,中石化科技部,2019-2021,主要参与人;

     10. 《有机质石墨化对南方下古生界海相页岩有机质孔隙结构的影响》,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2021,参与人。















[1]   2011.1-2016.1

阿尔伯塔大学  |  地质资源与地质工程  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业

[2]   2008.9-2010.6

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  矿产普查与勘探  |  工学硕士学位  |  硕士研究生毕业

[3]   2004.9-2008.6

山东科技大学  |  地质资源与地质工程  |  工学学士学位  |  大学本科毕业


[1]   2018.1-至今

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  教授

[2]   2016.3-2017.12

阿尔伯塔大学  |  地球与大气科学系  |  博士后


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