Date of Employment:2018-01-01
Business Address:信工楼316
Discipline:mineral resource prospecting and exploration




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Education Level:Doctoral Degree in Education
Alma Mater:阿尔伯塔大学
Professional Title:Professor
tshonorceng2013年获得美国石油地质协会研究生科研基金(AAPG Grants-in-Aid)资助;2017年入选中国地质大学(武汉)“百人计划”;2019年入选湖北省省级人才项目计划;2020年获《地质科技通报》优秀编委;2021年担任AAPG致密油气委员会(Tight Oil and Gas Committee)委员;2021年获第六届非常规油气地质评价学术研讨会“优秀青年报告论文”。 School/Department:资源学院

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Personal Information

中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院教授、博导。中国地质大学(武汉)首批”百人计划“入选者,湖北省省级人才计划入选者,主持国家自然科学基金2项。主要从事页岩油气地质以及常规油气成藏方面的教学与研究工作,研究成果在石油天然气地质领域国内外刊物上发表论文50余篇,包括GSA Bulletin、AAPG Bulletin (一作及唯一通讯 4篇)、Organic Geochemistry、International Journal of Coal Geology、MPG、沉积学报等国内外期刊上,其中SCI检索40余篇,参加中国石油地质年会、美国石油地质年会,加拿大石油地质年会等学术会议做报告二十余次。目前担任AAPG致密油气委员会 (Tight Oil and Gas Committee)委员、《天然气工业》《地球科学》青年编委、《地质科技通报》编委,美国石油地质协会(AAPG),加拿大石油地质协会(CSPG)会员,主持和参与国家重大科技专项、中石化、中石油、中海油等科研项目十余项。研究方向包括但不限于:(1)富有机质页岩沉积、成岩过程及机理;(2)非常规油气储层物性、脆性;(3)页岩气富集规律及动态成藏;(4)常规油气地球化学及油气成藏。 近年来发表的学术论文: (1)代表性论文( 一作及通讯) 1. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, 2018. Relative sea-level cycles and organic matter accumulation in shales of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, northeastern British Columbia, Canada: Insights into sediment flux, redox conditions, and bioproductivity. GSA Bulletin 130, no.5/6, 859-880. 2. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, S., Yang, 2017. The impact of rock composition on geomechanical properties in a shale formation: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada. AAPG Bulletin 101, 177-204. 3. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, J.M., McMillan, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, D.L., Bish, 2019. A model for porosity evolution in shale reservoirs-an example from the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. AAPG Bulletin 103, 1017-1044. 4. Wang Xunyao, Dong Tian*, He Sheng, He Qing, 2024. Estimation of original total organic carbon content and hydrogen index using major and trace element concentrations in overmature marine shales. AAPG Bulletin 108(5), 789-816 (学生一作,唯一通讯). 5. He Qing, Dong Tian*, He Sheng, 2024. Pore characteristics and evolution mechanisms of paralic shales from the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, southwest China. AAPG Bulletin 108(6), 1033-1067 (学生一作,唯一通讯). 6. Dong Tian*, N.B. Harris, 2020. The effect of thermal maturity on porosity development in the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, US: Insights into the role of silica nanospheres and microcrystalline quartz on porosity preservation. International Journal of Coal Geology 217,103346. 7. Dong, Tian*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, 2015. Porosity characteristics of the Devonian Horn River shale, Canada: Insights from lithofacies classification and shale composition. International Journal of Coal Geology 141-142, 74-90. 8. Dong, Tian*, He, S., Liu, G.Q., Hou, Y.G., Harris, N.B., 2015. Geochemistry and correlation of crude oils from reservoirs and source rocks in southern Biyang Sag, Nanxiang Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry 80, 18-34. 9. Liu Sen, Dong Tian*, Hu Dongfeng, He Qing, 2024. The impact of silica diagenesis on shale rock mechanical properties: An example from the upper ordovician-lower silurian wufeng-longmaxi formations, Southeast Sichuan Basin, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 162, 106736 (学生一作,唯一通讯). 10. Dong Tian*, Wang Chuan, Liang Xing, Wang Gaocheng, Jiang Shu*, 2022. Paleodepositional conditions and organic matter accumulation mechanisms in the Upper Ordovician-lower Silurian Wufeng-Longmaxi shales, Middle Yangtze region, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 143, 105823. 11. He Qing, Dong Tian*, Hu Dongfeng, He Sheng, Yang Rui, Guo Xiaowen, 2021. The influence of analytical particle size on the pore system measured by CO2, N2, and Ar adsorption experiments for shales. Energy&Fuels, 35, 18637-18652 (学生一作,唯一通讯). 12. Wei Chao, Dong Tian*, ...

Education Background
  • 2011.1 -- 2016.1
    阿尔伯塔大学 , Geological resources and geological engineering  , 博士学位 , Doctoral Degree in Education
  • 2008.9 -- 2010.6
    中国地质大学(武汉) , mineral resource prospecting and exploration  , Master's Degree in Engineering , 硕士研究生毕业
  • 2004.9 -- 2008.6
    山东科技大学 , Geological resources and geological engineering  , Bachelor's Degree in Engineering , 大学本科毕业
Work Experience
  • 2018.1 -- Now
    中国地质大学(武汉) , 特任教授
  • 2016.3 -- 2017.12
    阿尔伯塔大学 , 地球与大气科学系 , 博士后
Social Affiliations
No content
Research Focus
  • 油气地球化学和油气成藏

  • 页岩油气地质

Research Group
  • 闫政旭
  • 徐德义
  • 周琦深
  • 马金良
  • 李周波
  • 闫政旭
  • 马金良
  • 周传波
  • 李周波
  • 徐德义