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副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
曾获荣誉 : 2024年度“优秀硕士论文”指导老师(2024);中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院“优秀实习指导老师(2024)”;2023年度湖北省科协优秀科技论文;中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院教学评价前10%(2023-2024);中国地质大学2023-2024年度卓越导学团队(环境地球化学)成员;《生态与农村环境学报》“优秀审稿专家(2023)”.
性别 : 男
毕业院校 : Lancaster University
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
学位 : 博士
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 环境学院
入职时间 : 2018年08月01日
学科 : 环境工程 地球化学 应用化学 地质学
办公地点 : 科教四号楼502室
当前位置: 陈伟-中国地质大学... >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果- [1]宋琪,祁士华*,张蓓蓓,陈伟,夏璐,王小禹,刘梦,张小辉,张家泉. 大冶铜绿山矿区周围土壤重金属分布特征及污染状况评价. 环境化学. 2011, 30(9), 1672-1673.
- [2]MM Jing, W Chen, TT Zheng, Y Liao, J Ellis Burnet*, M Xu, C Yang, LN Shen, MZ Liang. Water geochemical variations in and around a karst dominated natural reserve area, southwestern China. Environmental Earth Sciences.2011, 64(4), 1051–1058.
- [3]Y Hu, SH Qi*, CX Wu, YP Ke and J Chen, W Chen, XY Gong. Preliminary assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments from Honghu Lake, East Central China. Frontiers of Earth Science. 2012, 6(1), 39-47.
- [4]D Yang, SH Qi*, JQ Zhang, LZ Tan, JP Zhang, Y Zhang, F Xu, XL Xing, Y Hu, W Chen, JH Yang and MH Xu. Residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in agricultural soils of Zhangzhou City, China. Pedosphere. 2012, 22(2), 178-189.
- [5]JQ Zhang, SH Qi*, XL Xing, LZ Tan, W Chen, Y Hu, D Yang, CX Wu. Concentrations and classification of HCHs and DDTs in soil from the lower reaches of the Jiulong River, China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2012, 6(2), 177–183.
- [6]瞿程凯,祁士华*,张莉,黄焕芳,张家泉,张原,杨丹,刘红霞,陈伟. 福建戴云山脉土壤有机氯农药残留及空间分布特征. 中国环境科学. 2013, 34(11), 4427-4433/ CK Qu, SH Qi*, L Zhang, HF Huang, JQ Zhang, Y Zhang, D Yang, HX Liu, W Chen. Distribution characteristics of organchlorine pesticides in soil from Daiyun Mountain Range in Fujian, China. Environmental Science (Chinese). 2013, 34(11): 4427-33.
- [7]JQ Zhang, XL Xing, SH Qi*, LZ Tan, D Yang, W Chen, JH Yang, MH Xu. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in soils of the coastal areas along Sanduao Bay and Xinghua Bay, southeast China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2013, 125, 153-158.
- [8]LZ Tan, SH Qi*, JQ Zhang, XL Xing, W Chen, Y Zhang, CX Wu. Removal of ppb-level DDTs from aqueous solution using organo-diatomite. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 2013, 48(3): 266-278.
- [9]CE Chen, W Chen, GG Ying, KC Jones and H Zhang*. In situ Measurement of Solution Concentrations and Fluxes of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim Antibiotics in Soils Using o-DGT. Talanta. 2015, 132, 902-908.
- [10]CK Qu, SH Qi, D Yang, HF Huang, JQ Zhang, W Chen, HK Yohannes, BS Tidiane, JH Yang, XL Xing*. Risk assessment and influence factors of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in agricultural soils of the hill region: a case study from Ningde, southeast China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2015, 149, 43-51.
- [11]S Albanese*, B Fontaine, W Chen, A Lima, A Piccolo, SH Qi, Menghan Wang, B De Vivo. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soils of a densely populated region and associated human health risks: the Campania Plain (Southern Italy) case study. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2015, 37, 1-20.
- [12]XL Xing, Y Zhang, D Yang, JQ Zhang, W Chen, CX Wu, HX Liu, SH Qi*. Spatio-temporal variations and influencing factors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric bulk deposition along a plain-mountain transect in western China. Atmospheric Environment. 2016, 139, 131-138.
- [13]CK Qu, S Albanese, W Chen, A Lima, AL Doherty, A Piccolo, M Arienzo, SH Qi*, B De Vivo. The status of organochlorine pesticide contamination in the soils of the Campanian Plain, southern Italy, and correlations with soil properties and cancer risk. Environmental Pollution. 2016. 216, 500-511.
- [14]杨婧,徐笠*,陆安祥,罗维,李君逸,陈伟. 环境中微(纳米)塑料的来源及毒理学研究进展. 环境化学. 2018, 37(3), 383-396.
- [15]HF Huang, Y Zhang, W Chen, WW Chen, DA Yuen, Y Ding, YJ Chen, Y Mao, SH Qi*. Sources and transformation pathways for Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and metabolites in soils from Northwest Fujian, China. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 235, 560-570.
- [16]K Lei, Y Zhu*, W Chen, HY Pan, BB Guo, X Zhang, YX Cao, AJ Sweetman, CY Lin*. The occurrence of home and personal care products in the Haihe River Catchment and estimation of human exposure. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 643, 63-72.
- [17]FM Zeng, ZC Jiang, LN Shen, W Chen, QY Yang, C Zhang*. Assessment of multiple and interacting modes of soil loss in the karst critical zone, Southwest China (SWC). Geomorphology. 2018, 322, 97-106.
- [18]YY Chen, YJ Chen, YH Zhang, RJ Li, W Chen, SC Yan, ZH Qi, ZF Chen*, ZW Cai*. Determination of HFRs and OPFRs in PM2.5 by ultrasonic-assisted extraction combined with multi-segment column purification and GC-MS/MS. Talanta. 2019. 194, 320-328.
- [19]YY Song, RJ Li, YH Zhang, JT Wei, W Chen, CKA Chong, ZW Cai*. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics reveals the mechanism of ambient fine particulate matter and its components on energy metabolic reprogramming in BEAS-2B cells. Accepted to Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 651, 3139-3150.
- [20]HF Huang, Y Ding, W Chen, Y Zhang, WW Chen, YJ Chen, Y Mao, SH Qi*. Two-way Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) between the Yellow River Source and the Sichuan Basin, Western China. Accepted by Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 651, 3230-3240.