Kirk H*, Cheng D, Choi Y, Vrieling K, Klinkhamer P. 2012. Transgressive segregation of primary and secondary metabolites in F(2) hybrids between Jacobaea aquatica and J. vulgaris. Metabolomics (T2, IF=3.511), 8:211-219
Pre One: Cheng D*, Kirk H, Mulder PPJ, Vrieling K, Klinkhamer PGL. 2011. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid variation in shoots and roots of segregating hybrids between Jacobaea vulgaris and Jacobaea aquatica. New Phytologist (T1, IF=8.51), 192:1010-1023
Next One:Cheng D*, van der Meijden E, Mulder PP, Vrieling K, Klinkhamer PGL. 2013. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid composition influences cinnabar moth oviposition preferences in Jacobaea hybrids. Journal of Chemical Ecology (T3, IF=2.419), 39:430-437