Prof. Yi Cao obatined his bachelor and master degrees in geochemistry and petrology under the supervision of Prof. Shuguang Song at Peking University; and then he majored in structural geology and tectonophysics during his PhD and postdoctoral courses, collaborating with Prof. Haemyeong Jung at Seoul National University. In 2008, Prof. Yi Cao joined China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) as an assistant professor; and continued his integrated researches on the microtectonices, rheology, metamorphic petrology and tectonophysics based on natural rocks. His main research interests are the microstructures, metamorphism, and petrophysical properties of high-pressure metamorphic rocks and mantle-derived rocks, with the aims to establish the correlations between the structures on the microscale and geophysical observations on the macroscale in general, and to reconstruct the tectonic evolution processes in specific regions. His research areas include North Qilian Mountain, North Qaidam Basin, Tibet Plateau and Qinling Mountain in China, Sivrihisar massif in Turkey, Flemsøya island in Norway, and Val Malenco region in Italian Alps.
Until now, Prof. Yi Cao has published 20 research articles, including 17 SCI papers in which 14 are first- and/or corresponding-authored, in the well-known academic periodicals such as Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (3, Nature Indexed),Tectonophysics (2), Journal of Petrology (1), Journal of Structural Geology (1), Journal of Metamorphic Geology (1), Lithos (1), Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (1), Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (1), and Scientific Reports (1).
He is currently in charge of one research project granted by Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 41902222, 42472072)
Sincerely welcome the interested and dedicated students to join Prof. Yi Cao's research team!